Two instances where the importance of Rights were highlighted are discussed as follows:
Asian Games Construction (1982)
Case of Machal Lalung:
The key rights included in the Constitution are:
Article 16 (4): Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State.
Article 21: Protection of life and personal liberty—No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.
Preventive Detention
To ensure a fair trial in courts, the Constitution has provided three rights:
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Example: John is arrested without a warrant and held in custody without being charged. His family petitions the court for a writ of habeas corpus. The court orders the police to bring John before it. After reviewing the case, the court finds no legal basis for his detention and orders his release.
Example: A government official refuses to issue a business license to Maria, despite her meeting all the requirements. Maria files a petition for a writ of mandamus. The court orders the official to perform his legal duty and issue the license.
Example: A district court is hearing a case that should be under the jurisdiction of the High Court. The High Court issues a writ of prohibition, ordering the district court to stop proceedings because it is exceeding its jurisdiction.
Example: Peter is appointed as the director of a public institution without having the necessary qualifications. A concerned citizen files for a writ of quo warranto. The court examines the appointment and finds it unlawful, ordering Peter to vacate the office.
Example: A lower court passes a judgment in a complex legal matter. The losing party believes there were significant errors in the judgment and petitions the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues a writ of certiorari, ordering the lower court to transfer the case records for review.
The chapter on Directive Principles covers three main things:
Examples of implementation include zamindari abolition bills, nationalization of banks, factory laws, minimum wage laws, and promotion of cottage and small industries. Additional efforts include reservation provisions for scheduled castes and tribes, the right to education, panchayati raj institutions, the employment guarantee programme, and the mid-day meal scheme.
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties of citizens
- In 1976, the 42nd amendment to the Constitution introduced a list of Fundamental Duties for citizens.
- Ten Fundamental Duties were enumerated by this amendment.
- The Constitution does not specify how these duties are to be enforced.
- Citizens are required to abide by the Constitution, defend the country, promote harmony among all citizens, and protect the environment.
- The enjoyment of fundamental rights is not conditional upon the fulfillment of these duties.
- The inclusion of Fundamental Duties has not changed the status of fundamental rights.
Right to Property
The inclusion and protection of rights in the Constitution aim to build a just and equitable society. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles work together to ensure individual freedoms and societal well-being. Legal mechanisms empower citizens to defend their rights, reinforcing the importance of balancing individual rights with societal needs for the healthy functioning of democracy.
476 videos|360 docs
1. What are the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution? | ![]() |
2. What is the significance of the right to equality in the Indian Constitution? | ![]() |
3. How does the Indian Constitution protect the right to freedom of religion? | ![]() |
4. What are cultural and educational rights in the Indian Constitution? | ![]() |
5. What are the types of writs available for enforcing fundamental rights in India? | ![]() |