Hindu society divided into two coordinated systems of social organisation.
To organise and management of individual and society, these two schemes together called varnashrama vyavastha or varnashrama dharama.
Human life divided into four stage or Ashramas, Bhramacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha and sanyasa. Every stage has it’s own duties and functions . Each Ashrama is a stage of life. The individual performs duties and function of a ashram for a period to qualify for next ashrama . In his journey, he takes rest in each ashrama to prepare for future journey. Each individual should pass through four stages or phrases of life.
Scholars have attempted to connect the four stages to the four puruṣārthas, but neither ancient nor medieval texts of India state that any of the first three ashramas must devote itself predominantly to one specific goal of life.
Factors of Change
Balance in life between materialism and spirituality for peaceful, prosperous society and world.
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Varnashram, Varna & Caste
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Opler morris defines caste as -“caste is hereditary and endogamous. It regulates social intercourse, graded in rank and has an assembly which regulates internal affairs”. Ghurye refers to restrictions on feeding and social intercourse, civil and religious disabilities. It is the accepted that religious principles supporting caste system distinguishes it from other social stratification systems in the world. In India, caste system has two models is Varna model and Jati model.
Senate stated that caste and varna are not identical. Many anthropologists agree that caste is not a sub division of varna. As the origin of caste has nothing with origin of varna, though in the process of development of caste they came to be associated with varnas and the hierarchy and mobility of a caste came to be stated in varna terms.
Differences Varna and Caste
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