Dear aspirants, this test basically designed to check our decision making capabilities i.e. how quick and effective we are in making decision in time bounded environment. We are given a set of problems all of the problems need to be solved in different time constraints. This test involves few steps and according to mine experience, I would like to tell you what to be done in which step.
Step 1: Brief introduction of the concerned area by GTO
Friend here you need to be very attentive because if you missed any place or misinterpreted anything on map, it will hamper your performance. so be attentive, listen to every minute detail meticulously and keep them in mind.
Step 2: In next step GTO is going to read out the problem in the concerned area to you. He has the write up with him. In this test you need to co-relate the problem to the map, and while listening pay attention to hidden resources, given resources, time constraints ,and total no. of problems and what all problems are. So at the end of this step you must be able to answer these questions to yourself.
Step 3: Now GTO will give you 5 min. to read out the write up of the problem. Friend if you were good in listening and were attentive in step 2 then in this step you will get advantage. Those five minutes you can utilize in your planning. now be quick and do the followings.
Step 4:- in this step GTO will ask you write your individual solution on a paper. Let me clear my friends everything is evaluated in ssb, nothing is just for time pass, so do not believe on rumors that this copy will not be evaluated. For writing always follow a particular way so that you don’t miss anything. Like this
“We group of _ friends, on our way to the —encountered with some problems. According to priority problems are:-
Write what you have (resources) quickly, and always mention hidden resources as it shows you are practical and can think other options too.
Now write I will divide my group in _ sub groups of 3,2,2,3 (according to you)
Now attending each problem priority wise write down solution attending these points for each
Who, what, when, where, how, time- distance and action
Always mention distance according to scale given to you, you can go to the model or map and measure it with you hand so that you can get a rough idea of distance and time needed to travel that distance using the particular mode of transport.
After you finish this reassemble your group mates and move where you were going prior to the problems.
Step 5:- group discussion to reach a common solution. Again it is a discussion so all the things which are tested in GDs ,will be there. But this time one more thing will be tested and this is your decision making ability and how you persuade others to your decision. Presence of mind and listening are most important things. If you have made a good plan then discuss reasons behind your particular choice of priority or particular path, particular transport anything you say there have a reason for that and it is sufficient for a good discussion. other things are same as in group discussion. If you have strong reasons your group mates will agree automatically. And keep in mind what group is deciding for common plan so that if your group nominates you to give final plan. You don’t hesitate and can give it confidently. And this is a fact that group will nominate you automatically if you were good and active throughout the discussion.
Example for group planning exercise
You are a group of 10 students returning to your hostel at doper after a picnic at Rampur your vehicle developed problem and you left it at garage near petrol pump and your group decided to enjoy ferry as your jeep will be repaired by 6pm. You stopped at tea stall and having tea, one of your friends found a rifle and accidently he fired a bullet which injured him in his shoulder. While you were thinking about what to do, a boy came to you to seek your help as his father fell down near wheat fields from his cart and broken his leg. As he finished a man came on cycle to you and informed that miscreant who are hidden in shanty village, and they are going to remove fish plates of train track and also will blast a train going from dholpur to Rampur which leaves at 4:45 and they plan to blow it at 5:30 over the bridge. And villagers are afraid of goons so they are not informing police. just as he finished a woman came to you and asked for help as her cow was stranded in marshy land and it is the only source if her livelihood as it 4pm now, and you need to reach hostel before 7 pm you are also provided that a bus leaves from shampur to dholpur leaves at 5 pm. boats are also available at ferry. No telephone or mobile is working. What you will do in such a situation?
Way to find GPE Solutions
Note that carefully I am suggesting ways to think solution not how to write solution.
Step 1 priority setting
Step 2 Solution to each problem and assigning it to subgroups
Problem 1:- person injured with bullet
Problem 2: leg broken person
Problem 3: train problem
Problem no. 4: cow in marshy land
After all problems are solved
All of us will gather at tea stall till 5:20 and catch the bus and reach garage and collect our jeep and return to the hostel before 7:00 pm.
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