A matrix having only one row is called a row matrix. Thus A = [aij]mxn is a row matrix if m = 1. So, a row matrix can be represented as A = [aij]1×n. It is called so because it has only one row, and the order of a row matrix will hence be 1 × n. For example, A = [1 2 4 5] is a row matrix of order 1 x 4. Another example of the row matrix is P = [ -4 -21 -17 ] which is of the order 1×3.
A matrix having only one column is called a column matrix. Thus, A = [aij]mxn is a column matrix if n = 1. So, the value of a column matrix will be 1. Hence, the order is m × 1.
An example of a column matrix is:
is a column matrix of order 4 x 1.
Just like the row matrices had only one row, column matrices have only one column. Thus, the value of a column matrix will be 1. Hence, the order is m × 1. The general form of a column matrix is given by A = [aij]m×1. Other examples of a column matrix include:
In the above example, P and Q are 3 ×1 and 5 × 1 order matrices, respectively.
If all the elements are zero in a matrix, then it is called a zero matrix and generally denoted by 0. Thus, A = [aij]mxn is a zero-matrix if aij = 0 for all i and j; E.g.
is 3 x 3 null matrix.
If there is only one element in a matrix, it is called a singleton matrix. Thus, A = [aij]mxn is a singleton matrix if m = n = 1. E.g. [2], [3], [a], [] are singleton matrices.
A matrix of order m x n is a horizontal matrix if n > m; E.g.
A matrix of order m x n is a vertical matrix if m > n; E.g.
If the number of rows and the number of columns in a matrix are equal, then it is called a square matrix.
Thus, A = [aij]mxn is a square matrix if m = n; E.g.
is a square matrix of order 3 × 3.
The sum of the diagonal elements in a square matrix A is called the trace of matrix A, and which is denoted by tr(A);
Another example of a square matrix is:
The order of P and Q is 2 ×2 and 3 × 3, respectively.
If all the elements, except the principal diagonal, in a square matrix, are zero, it is called a diagonal matrix. Thus, a square matrix A = [aij] is a diagonal matrix if aij = 0,when i ≠ j.
is a diagonal matrix of order 3 x 3, which can also be denoted by diagonal [2 3 4]. The special thing is that all the non-diagonal elements of this matrix are zero. That means only the diagonal has non-zero elements. There are two important things to note here, which are as follows:
(i) A diagonal matrix is always a square matrix
(ii) The diagonal elements are characterized by this general form: aij where i = j. This means that a matrix can have only one diagonal.
A few more examples of a diagonal matrix are:
P = [9]
In the above examples, P, Q, and R are diagonal matrices with orders 1 × 1, 2 × 2 and 3 × 3, respectively. When all the diagonal elements of a diagonal matrix are the same, it goes by a different name, the scalar matrix, which is explained below.
If all the elements in the diagonal of a diagonal matrix are equal, it is called a scalar matrix. Thus, a square matrix
where k is a constant.
is a scalar Matrix.
More examples of scalar matrices are:
Now, what if all the diagonal elements are equal to 1? That will still be a scalar matrix and obviously a diagonal matrix. It has got a special name which is known as the identity matrix.
If all the elements of a principal diagonal in a diagonal matrix are 1, it is called a unit matrix. A unit matrix of order n is denoted by In. Thus, a square matrix A = [aij]m×n is an identity matrix if
It should be noted that the converse of the above statements is not true for any of the cases.
Equal matrices are those matrices which are equal in terms of their elements. The conditions for matrix equality are discussed below.
Two matrices A and B are said to be equal if they are of the same order and their corresponding elements are equal, i.e. two matrices A = [aij]m×n and B = [bij]r×s are equal if:
(a) m = r, i.e., the number of rows in A = the number of rows in B.
(b) n = s, i.e. the number of columns in A = the number of columns in B
(c) aij = bij, for i = 1, 2, ….., m and j = 1, 2, ….., n, i.e. the corresponding elements are equal;
For example, Matrices
. are not equal because their orders are not the same.
But, If
are equal matrices then,
a1 = 1, a2 = 6, a3 = 3, b1 = 5, b2 = 2, b3 = 1.
A square matrix is said to be a triangular matrix if the elements above or below the principal diagonal are zero, and there are of two types:
A square matrix [aij] is called an upper triangular matrix, if aij = 0, when i > j.
is an upper uriangular matrix of order 3 x 3.
A square matrix is called a lower triangular matrix, if aij = 0 when i < j.
is a lower triangular matrix of order 3 x 3.
Matrix A is said to be a singular matrix if it’s determinant |A| = 0; otherwise, a non-singular matrix, i.e. if for det |A| = 0, it is singular matrix and for det |A| ≠ 0, it is non-singular.
Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrices
Symmetric matrix: A square matrix A = [aij] is called a symmetric matrix if aij = aji, for all i,j values;
is symmetric, because a12 = 2 = a21, a31 = 3 = a13 etc.
Note: A is symmetric if A’ = A (where ‘A’ is the transpose of the matrix)
Skew-Symmetric Matrix: A square matrix A = [aij] is a skew-symmetric matrix if aij = aji, for all values of i,j.
[putting j = i] aii = 0
Thus, in a skew-symmetric matrix, all diagonal elements are zero; E.g.
are skew-symmetric matrices.
Note: A square matrix A is a skew-symmetric matrix A’ = -A.
Some Important Conclusions on Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices
A square matrix A = [aij] is said to be a Hermitian matrix if
are Hermitian matrices
Important Notes:
are skew-Hermitian matrices.
i.e., aii must be purely imaginary or zero.
(b) Nilpotent Matrix:
A nilpotent matrix is said to be nilpotent of index p,
, i.e. if p is the least positive integer for which Ap = O, then A is said to be nilpotent of index p.
(c) Periodic Matrix:
A square matrix which satisfies the relation Ak + 1 = A, for some positive integer K, then A is periodic with period K, i.e. if K is the least positive integer for which Ak + 1 = A, and A is said to be periodic with period K. If K =1, then A is called idempotent.
E.g. the matrix
has period 1.
(d) Involutory Matrix:
If A2 = I, the matrix is said to be an involutory matrix. An involutory matrix with its own inverse.
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