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JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

[JEE Mains MCQs]

Q1: A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of circular cross-section with the help of a vernier scale records the following four readings 5.50 mm, 5.55 mm, 5.45 mm, 5.65 mm. The average of these four readings is 5.5375 mm and the standard deviation of the data is 0.07395 mm. The average diameter of the pencil should therefore be recorded as :
(a) (5.54 ± 0.07) mm
(b) (5.5375 ± 0.0740) mm
(c) (5.5375 ± 0.0739) mm
(d) (5.538 ± 0.074) mm
Given, dav = 5.5375 mm
Δ d = 0.07395 mm
Significant rule says that reading should has same significant figure as that of reading given.
∵ Measured data are up to two digits after decimal.
∴ 5.5375 rounded to → 5.54

Q2: A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The circular scale is 4 units ahead of the pitch scale marking, prior to use. Upon one complete rotation of the circular scale, a displacement of 0.5mm is noticed on the pitch scale. The nature of zero error involved and the least count of the screw gauge, are respectively :
(a) Positive, 0.1 mm
(b) Positive, 0.1 μm
(c) Positive, 10 μm
(d) Negative, 2 μm
Least count of screw gauge
= 0.5/50
= 1 × 10-5 m
= 10 μm Zero error in positive.

Q3: The quantities JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced defined where C-capacitance, R-Resistance, l-length, E-Electric field, B-magnetic field and ε0 , μ0 , - free space permittivity and permeability respectively. Then:
(a) Only y and z have the same dimension
(b) x, y and z have the same dimension
(c) Only x and y have the same dimension
(d) Only x and z have the same dimension
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
So, x, y, z all have the same dimensions.

Q4: A physical quantity z depends on four observables a, b, c and d, as JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced The percentages of error in the measurement of a, b, c and d are 2%, 1.5%, 4% and 2.5% respectively. The percentage of error in z is :
(a)13.5 %
(b) 14.5%
(d) 12.25%
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
% error in z
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
= (4 + 1 + 2 + 7.5) %
= 14.5 %

Q5: A quantity x is given by JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced in terms of moment of inertia I, force F, velocity v, work W and Length L. The dimensional formula for x is same as that of :
(a) Coefficient of viscosity
(b) Force constant
(c) Energy density
(d) Planck's constant
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
= [ML-1T-2]
= [Energy density]

Q6: Dimensional formula for thermal conductivity is (here K denotes the temperature):
(a) MLT–3K–1 
(b) MLT–2K–2 
(c) MLT–2K
(d) MLT–3K
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Q7: Amount of solar energy received on the earth’s surface per unit area per unit time is defined a solar constant. Dimension of solar constant is :
(a) MLT–2 
(b) ML0T–3 
(c) M2L0T–1 
(d) ML2T–2 
Solar constant = E/AT
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
= [ ML0T–3]

Q8: Using screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured. It should correctly be recorded as
(a) 2.123 cm
(b) 2.124 cm
(c) 2.125 cm
(d) 2.121 cm
Using a screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured as:
Measurement = (Main scale reading) + (Circular scale reading × Least count)
where the least count is calculated as the pitch of the screw gauge divided by the number of divisions on the circular scale:
Least count = (Pitch of screw gauge) / (Number of circular scale divisions)
Least count = 0.1/50 = 0.002 cm
Now if we multiply division of circular scale with least count then we get 0th digit of fraction part even.
Here only option B has 0th digit of fraction part even.

Q9: If momentum (P), area (A) and time (T) are taken to be the fundamental quantities then the dimensional formula for energy is
(a) [P2AT-2]
(b) JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
(c) JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
(d) [PA–1T–2]
Let [E] = K[P]x[A]y [T]z
[ML2T–2] = [MLT–1]x[L2]y[T]z
[ML2T–2] = [Mx][Lx+2y][T–x+z]
Comparing both side we get,
x = 1
x + 2y = 2
 1 + 2y= 2 or y = 1/2
z – x = –2 ⇒ z–1 = –2 or z = –1
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Q10: If speed V, area A and force F are chosen as fundamental units, then the dimension of Young’s modulus will be
(a) FA–1V0 
(b) FA2V–1 
(c) FA2V–2 
(d) FA2V–3 
Y = k [F]x [A]y [V]z
[M1L1–2] = [MLT–2]x [L2]y [LT–1]z
[M1L1–2] = [M]x [L]x+2y+z[T]–2x–z
Comparing power of M, L and T
x = 1 ……(1)
x + 2y + z = –1 ……(2)
–2x – z = –2 ……(3)
After solving
x = 1
y = –1
z = 0
 Y = FA–1V0 

Q11: The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm. Its vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other, the 7th division of vernier scale coincides with a division of main scale and the zero of vernier scale is lying right side of the zero of main scale. When this vernier is used to measure length of a cylinder the zero of the vernier scale between 3.1 cm and 3.2 cm and 4th VSD coincides with a main scale division. The length of the cylinder is : (VSD is vernier scale division)
(a) 3.21 cm
(b) 2.99 cm
(c) 3.07 cm
(d) 3.2 cm
Least count = 1 mm or 0.01 cm
Zero error = 0 + 0.01 × 7 = 0.07 cm
Reading = 3.1 + (0.01 × 4) – 0.07
= 3.1 + 0.04 – 0.07
= 3.1 – 0.03
= 3.07 cm

Q12: For the four sets of three measured physical quantities as given below. Which of the following options is correct ?
(i) A1 = 24.36, B1 = 0.0724, C1 = 256.2
(ii) A2 = 24.44, B2 = 16.082, C2 = 240.2
(iii) A3 = 25.2, B3 = 19.2812, C3 = 236.183
(iv) A4 = 25, B4 = 236.191, C4 = 19.5 
(a) A1 + B1 + C1 = A2 + B2 + C2 = A3 + B3 + C3 = A4 + B4 + C4
(b) A4 + B4 + C4 < A1 + B1 + C1 < A3 + B3 + C3 < A2 + B2 + C2
(c) A4 + B4 + C4 < A1 + B1 + C1 = A2 + B2 + C2 = A3 + B3 + C3
(d) A4 + B4 + C4 > A3 + B3 + C3 = A2 + B2 + C2 > A1 + B1 + C1
A1 + B1 + C1 = 24.36 + 0.0724 + 256.2
= 280.6324 = 280.6 (After rounding off)
A2 + B2 + C2 = 24.44 + 16.082 + 240.2
= 280.722 = 280.7 (After rounding off)
A3 + B3 + C3 = 25.2 + 19.2812 + 236.183
= 280.6642 = 280.7 (After rounding off)
A4 + B4 + C4 = 25 + 236.191 + 19.5
= 280.691 = 281 (After rounding off)

Q13: A quantity f is given by JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced where c is speed of light, G universal gravitational constant and h is the Planck's constant. Dimension of f is that of :
(a) Energy
(b) Momentum
(c) Area
(d) Volume
[h] = M1L2T–1
[C] = L1T–1
[G] = M–1L3T–2 
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Q14: If the screw on a screw-gauge is given six rotations, it moves by 3 mm on the main scale. If there are 50 divisions on the circular scale the least count of the screw gauge is :
(a) 0.001 mm
(b) 0.01 cm
(c) 0.02 mm
(d) 0.001 cm
Pitch = 3/6 mm = 0.5 mm
Least count = 0.5/50 mm
1/100 = 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm 

Q15: The dimension of stopping potential V0 in photoelectric effect in units of Planck's constant 'h', speed of light 'c' and Gravitational constant 'G' and ampere A is :
(a) h1/3 G2/3 c1/3 A–1
(b) h0 c5 G-1 A-1
(c) h2/3 c5/3 G1/3 A–1
(d) h2 G3/2 c1/3 A–1
[V0] = [M1L2T–3A–1]
[c] = [L1T–1]
[h] = [M1L2T–1]
[G] = [M–1L3T–2]
[I] = [A]
 [M1L2T–3A–1] = [MP–R L2P+Q+3R T–P–Q–2R AS]
Comparing dimension of M, L, T, A, we get
P – R = 1 ; 2P + Q + 3R = 2
– P – Q – 2R = – 3 ; S = – 1
 P = 0, Q = 5, R = –1, S = –1
 V0  h0 c5 G-1 A-1 

Q16: The dimension of JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced where B is magnetic field and μ0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, is :
(a) ML2T–2
(b) MLT–2
(c) ML-1T–2
(d) ML2T–1
As JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced = Energy per unit volume
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

[JEE Mains Numericals]

Q17: The density of a solid metal sphere is determined by measuring its mass and its diameter. The maximum error in the density of the sphere is (x/100) %. If the relative errors in measuring the mass and the diameter are 6.0% and 1.5% respectively, the value of x is_______.
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
For maximum error 
JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
= 6 + 3 × 1.5
= 10.5 %
(1050/100) %
 x = 1050 

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FAQs on JEE Mains Previous Year Questions (2025)): Units & Measurements - Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What is the significance of units and measurements in the JEE Mains exam?
Ans. Units and measurements play a crucial role in the JEE Mains exam as it forms the foundation of various topics in physics. Questions related to dimensions, dimensional analysis, and unit conversions are frequently asked in the exam. It is important to have a strong understanding of units and measurements to solve numerical problems accurately.
2. How can I improve my understanding of units and measurements for the JEE Mains exam?
Ans. To improve your understanding of units and measurements, it is recommended to practice solving numerical problems from previous year question papers and reference books. Familiarize yourself with the various units and their conversions. Additionally, understanding the concept of significant figures and error analysis will also be beneficial.
3. What are some common conversion factors that are frequently used in units and measurements?
Ans. Some common conversion factors that are frequently used in units and measurements include: - 1 meter = 100 centimeters - 1 kilogram = 1000 grams - 1 liter = 1000 milliliters - 1 minute = 60 seconds - 1 hour = 60 minutes It is important to memorize these conversion factors as they are often required to solve numerical problems in the JEE Mains exam.
4. How can I effectively use dimensional analysis in units and measurements problems?
Ans. Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to check the correctness of equations, derive new formulas, and solve numerical problems. To effectively use dimensional analysis, follow these steps: 1. Identify the physical quantities involved in the problem. 2. Write down the dimensions of each quantity using a consistent system of units. 3. Set up an equation using the dimensions of the quantities involved. 4. Simplify the equation using algebraic manipulations and cancel out dimensions. 5. Check if the dimensions on both sides of the equation are equal. If they are, the equation is likely to be correct. By using dimensional analysis, you can verify if your calculations are on the right track and avoid making errors.
5. Can you provide a real-life example where units and measurements are important?
Ans. One real-life example where units and measurements are important is in the field of construction. When constructing a building, accurate measurements are crucial to ensure that the structure is safe and meets the required specifications. Measurements are used to determine the dimensions of the building, the quantities of materials needed, and the load-bearing capacity of the foundation. Any errors in measurements can lead to structural instability or wastage of resources. Therefore, understanding units and measurements is essential for architects, engineers, and construction workers to ensure the successful completion of a project.
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