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UPSC Mains Previous Year Questions 2020: GS4 Ethics | UPSC Mains: Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude PDF Download

Q1: Discuss the role of ethics and values in enhancing the following three major components of Comprehensive National Power (CNP) viz. human capital, soft power (culture and policies), and social harmony. (Ethics-1)
Ans: Comprehensive National Power (CNP) represents a country's overall capability to achieve its strategic goals through international actions, encompassing the mobilization and effective utilization of strategic resources for national objectives.

Role of ethics and values in enhancing human capital:

Ethics involves the choices individuals make, influencing the quality of their lives. It fosters awareness that choices carry consequences for oneself and others, contributing to credibility, improved decision-making, and long-term gains.

Role of ethics and values in enhancing social harmony: Ethics and values, integral to an individual's character, extend to society. They establish behavioral norms that promote social order. A society where everyone acts solely in self-interest risks descending into chaos, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and prioritizing collective interests.

Role of ethics and values in enhancing soft power: While international relations often prioritize national interest, reliance on hard power alone (military and economic) may not be sustainable. Soft power, shaped by a country's culture and values, plays a crucial role. Ethics and ancient values, such as India's idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, contribute to national pride and project a positive global image.

Every country aspires to hold a respected position globally. CNP involves pursuing this goal with the right actions. Each citizen, as a nation-builder, contributes to a country's wider acceptance through ethical conduct.

Q2: Hatred is destructive of a person’s wisdom and conscience that can poison a nation’s spirit. Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer. (Ethics-1)
Ans: Hatred is an intense negative emotion, capable of driving individuals to extreme behaviors like violence, murder, and war. This corrosive emotion not only impacts an individual's wisdom but also has detrimental effects on a nation's spirit. In today's world, the rise of religious violence, communal polarization, and intolerance poses a continuous obstacle to a country's progress and growth.

One characteristic of hatred is the tendency to devalue the victim progressively until they lose all moral and human consideration in the eyes of the hater. The destructive consequences of hatred on an individual's wisdom and conscience include:

  • Hatred generates energy for destructive power, fueled by intense hostility, fear, anger, or a sense of injury.
  • It diminishes an individual's capacity for making sound judgments and acquiring valuable experience and knowledge.
  • It reduces an individual's capacity for wisdom.

Additionally, hatred may lead to various societal issues:

  • Deprivation of Amenities: Intolerance victims often face a lack of facilities and opportunities, hindering their contribution to societal development and self-improvement.
  • Curbing of Individual Freedom: Illogical intolerance restricts individual freedom and rights, stifling constructive criticism and debates and impeding overall societal growth.
  • Destruction of Social Harmony: Communal intimidation and hatred erode the fabric of society, weakening social strength by disrupting assimilation, accommodation, stable pluralism, equality, and integration.
  • Economic Impact: Communal disturbances adversely affect the local economy and disrupt the global economic outlook due to activities like strikes, riots, and destruction of public property.
  • Political Instability: Massive clashes fueled by hatred result in political blame games, interference, and instability, diverting attention from the nation's welfare and leading representatives to focus on inconsequential issues.

Hatred, being an irrational and subjective emotion, poses a serious threat when pervasive in society. The example of Hitler's hatred for Jews and its corrupting impact on German citizens illustrates how widespread hatred can devastate a nation's spirit, wisdom, and overall prosperity.

Q3: What teachings of Buddha are most relevant today and why? Discuss. (Ethics-1)
Ans: Societies worldwide grapple with critical issues such as moral and cultural decay, religious conflicts, corruption, food and water insecurity, lack of economic opportunities, environmental degradation, etc. It is during these challenging times that values like compassion, solidarity, and peace gain heightened relevance.

Relevance of Buddha's Teachings Today:
The teachings of Buddha emphasize the path to extinguishing suffering by liberating oneself from attachments like greed, desire, ignorance, delusion, hatred, and destructive urges.

Buddha advocated the Eightfold Path, a middle way to liberation, focusing on Wisdom (right understanding and intention), Ethical Conduct (right speech, action, and livelihood), and Meditation (right effort, mindfulness, and concentration).

Implementing right action and livelihood can free society from corruption, ensuring food and water security while enhancing economic opportunities and employment, fostering prosperity for all.

Loving-kindness, a key aspect, induces positive attitudinal changes by systematically developing the quality of 'loving-acceptance.'

Right understanding and intention pave the way for knowledge, liberating people from ignorance and delusion.

Buddhist teachings instill compassion, calmness, and composure, fostering joy among humans, contributing to maintaining a sustainable balance between humanity and nature.

Q4: Distinguish between laws and rules. Discuss the role of ethics in formulating them. (Ethics-1)
Ans: Any society operates under specific sets of laws and rules, and while these terms are commonly used interchangeably, there exists a significant difference between them.
Laws: These are legislatively backed regulations enforced by the government, and citizens are obligated to adhere to them. Violations may lead to punishment. An example is the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, which, when enacted by the Parliament, becomes a law.
Rules: These are sets of instructions governing do’s and don’ts, and they are more flexible. Any organization or individuals can create rules, which are broader in scope compared to laws. School instructions serve as an example of rules.

Role of Ethics in Formulating Laws and Rules:
For effective governance, laws are crafted by parliamentarians. These laws should align with ethical standards embraced by society. Ethics and laws work in tandem to ensure citizens behave in a certain manner, coordinating efforts to protect public health, safety, and welfare.

Ethics serves as a guiding principle for sound moral conduct and practices. It influences the formulation of rules and regulations. For instance, various institutions and businesses commence their day with ethical practices like paying reverence to the Almighty. Some corporate entities, driven by ethical principles, go beyond the legal requirements of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to work for the betterment of disadvantaged sections of society.

Ethics plays a crucial role in shaping the code of conduct within a society, an essential aspect of its functioning, as exemplified by the Indian Constitution.

Q5: What are the main factors responsible for gender inequality in India? Discuss the contribution of Savitribai Phule in this regard. (Ethics-1)
Ans: Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender, stemming from differences in socially constructed gender roles. Unfortunately, women have historically found themselves on the receiving end of such inequalities.

Gender inequality in contemporary India is a complex outcome influenced by multiple factors broadly classified as Cultural, Historical, Social, and Economic:

  • Cultural: India has a longstanding tradition of favoring male children over females, justified by ancient scriptures like Manusmriti. This cultural bias has contributed to practices like femicide.
  • Historical: Frequent invasions of India throughout history pushed women down in the social hierarchy. The medieval "veil" culture confined women within their homes.
  • Social: The interplay of cultural and historical factors has deeply ingrained a mindset in Indian society where females are considered secondary, stigmatized as mentally and physically weak. Restrictions on women's education and taboo around discussing them in public are examples.
  • Economic: Inadequate economic growth and widespread poverty have hindered women from breaking social barriers, leaving them dependent on their male counterparts. Financial independence is crucial for empowering women.

Savitri Bai Phule, a 19th-century social reformer, played a significant role in women's empowerment:

  • In 1848, Savitri Bai and her husband Jyotirao Phule founded India's first girls' school at Bhide Wada, Maharashtra.
  • She initiated two educational trusts and established awareness about women's rights through the Mahila Seva Mandal in 1852.
  • As a poet and author, she encouraged oppressed communities to seek education for liberation through works like Kavya Phule (1854).
  • The Phule couple actively worked against infanticide, provided a home for exploited widows, and conducted the first Satyashodhak marriage in 1873.
  • After Jyaotirao's death in 1890, Savitribai defied social norms by lighting his funeral pyre.

Savitribai Phule stood at the forefront of women's social reforms, challenging the caste system and patriarchy with diverse and numerous achievements.

Q6: What do each of the following quotations mean to you?
“Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If not, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.” – Swami Vivekanand (Ethics-1)
Ans: The essence of this quote revolves around the humanitarian perspective, emphasizing the importance of aiding others without creating obstacles. It suggests that when someone is in need, one should extend a helping hand, provided the means to offer support are available. If unable to assist at that moment, it's better to refrain from interference rather than providing misguided advice fueled by anger, jealousy, or revenge, which could exacerbate the situation.

This principle holds true not only in everyday personal life but also in the professional responsibilities of individuals, such as civil servants. For instance, a clerk in a pension office can choose to assist an elderly widow in securing her rightful monthly pension or reject her application due to incomplete documents, accompanied by rude behavior, forcing her to navigate through bureaucratic hurdles.

In its purest form, this approach suggests that society can thrive and become more tolerant when people act with humanity and acceptance, whether in personal or professional settings.

Q7: Rajesh Kumar is a senior public servant with a reputation of honesty and forthrightness, currently posted in the Finance Ministry as Head of the Budget Division. His department is presently busy organizing the budgetary support to the states, four of which are due to go to the polls within the financial year.

This year’s annual budget had allotted Rs. 8300 crores for the National Housing Scheme (NHS), a centrally sponsored social housing scheme for the weaker sections of society. `775 crores have been drawn for the NHS till June.

The Ministry of Commerce had long been pursuing a case for setting up a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in a southern state to boost exports. After two years of detailed discussions between the center and state, the Union Cabinet approved the project in August. The process was initiated to acquire the necessary land.

Eighteen months ago, a leading Public Sector Unit (PSU) had projected the need for setting up a large natural gas processing plant in a northern state for the regional gas grid. The required land is already in possession of the PSU. The gas grid is an essential component of the national energy security strategy. After three rounds of global bidding, the project was allotted to an MNC, M/s XYZ Hydrocarbons. The first tranche of payment to the MNC is scheduled to be made in December.

Finance Ministry was asked for a timely allocation of an additional Rs. 6000 crores for these two developmental projects. It was decided to recommend re-appropriation of this entire amount from the NHS allocation. The file was forwarded to the Budget Department for their comments and further processing. On studying the case file, Rajesh Kumar realized that this re-appropriation may cause inordinate delay in the execution of NHS, a project much publicized in the rallies of senior politicians. Correspondingly, non-availability of finances would cause financial loss in the SEZ and national embarrassment due to delayed payment in an international project.

Rajesh Kumar discussed the matter with his seniors. He was conveyed that this politically sensitive situation needs to be processed immediately. Rajesh Kumar realized that diversion of funds from the NHS could raise difficult questions for the government in the Parliament.

Discuss the following with reference to this case:
(a)   Ethical issues involved in re-appropriation of funds from a welfare project to the developmental projects.
(b)   Given the need for proper utilization of public funds, discuss the options available to Rajesh Kumar. Is resigning a worthy option?(Ethics-2)

Ans: Ethical Issues in Fund Re-appropriation

Economic Development vs Social Justice: Establishing a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and a natural gas processing plant is vital for economic growth, fostering overall societal development. However, financial constraints may lead to losses in the SEZ and international project delays, impacting national reputation. Re-allocating funds may hinder the National Housing Scheme (NHS), affecting vulnerable sections of society.

Empathy vs Professional Duty: As a senior public servant, Rajesh Kumar must balance empathy for societal welfare with his role as the head of the Budget Division. Objective analysis is crucial, irrespective of political influences.

Possible Actions

  • Diversion of Entire Amount
    • Merits: Boosts exports, enhances clean energy accessibility, and supports economic development.
    • Demerits: Delays NHS, leaves the poor vulnerable, and sets a risky precedent.
  • Reject the Proposal
    • Merits: Upholds social justice, addresses populist demands.
    • Demerits: Causes financial losses, national embarrassment, and affects energy availability and employment generation.
  • Partial Re-appropriation of Funds
    • Merits: Balances economic development and social justice goals.
    • Demerits: Requires time for modalities, urgent political sensitivity.

Conclusion: The Final Course of Action
Considering the long-term impact, Rajesh Kumar should advocate reallocating funds for SEZ as an exception. Gas project funding can come from market bonds, and SEZ/gas firms can contribute to housing projects under Corporate Social Responsibility. Resignation isn't advisable, as it reflects an escapist mindset and sets a negative precedent for civil servants.

Q8: The Chairman of Bharat Missiles Ltd (BML) was watching a program on TV wherein the Prime Minister was addressing the nation on the necessity of developing a self-reliant India. He subconsciously nodded in agreement and smiled to himself as he mentally reviewed BML’s journey in the past two decades. BML had admirably progressed from producing first generation anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to designing and producing state of the art ATGM weapon systems that would be the envy of any army. He sighed in reconciliation with his assumptions that the government would probably not alter the status quo of a ban on exports of military weaponry.

To his surprise, the very next day he got a telephone call from the Director General, Ministry of Defence, asking him to discuss the modalities of increasing BML production of ATGMs as there is a possibility of exporting the same to a friendly foreign country. The Director General wanted the Chairman to discuss the details with his staff at Delhi next week.

Two days later, at a press conference, the Defence Minister stated that he aims to double the current weapons export levels within five years. This would give an impetus of financing the development and manufacture of indigenous weapons in the country. He also stated that all indigenous arms manufacturing nations have a very good record in international arms trade.
(a) As Chairman of BML, what are your views on the following points?
(b) As an arms exporter of a responsible nation like India, what are the ethical issues involved in arms trade?

List five ethical factors that would influence the decision to sell arms to foreign governments. (Ethics-2)
Ans:  Ethical Issues in Arms Trade:
The primary purpose of weapons is to cause harm to humans, making earnings from the arms trade akin to blood money. Killing, inherently wrong, contradicts the central tenets of the Indian way of life, rooted in the teachings of Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated non-violence. By participating in arms trade, India may inadvertently endorse violence in different regions, contrary to its historical principles.

Article 51 of the Directive Principle of State Policy emphasizes the government's responsibility to promote international peace and security. However, engaging in arms trade could lead to implicit support for foreign governments with questionable actions, such as selling weapons to autocratic regimes known for suppressing dissent.

Ethical Factors in Arms Sales:

  • Responsible Nations: Arms should be sold to democratic and rational actors in international relations, ensuring accountability based on democratic ethics.
  • Upholding Human Rights: Sales to nations with a history of human rights violations should undergo strict scrutiny or be avoided altogether.
  • Use of Weapons: Arms should be used strictly for self-defense, following the principles outlined in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, avoiding invasion or suppression of dissent.
  • Military Values: Consideration should be given to the military values of recipient nations, especially regarding the treatment of civilians and adherence to international laws in the battlefield.
  • International Law: Exporting critical technologies should align with norms established by international groups like the Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

Q9: Rampura, a remote district inhabited by a tribal population, is marked by extreme backwardness and abject poverty. Agriculture is the mainstay of the local population, though it is primarily subsistence due to the very small landholdings. There is insignificant industrial or mining activity. Even the targeted welfare programs have inadequately benefited the tribal population. In this restrictive scenario, the youth has begun to migrate to other states to supplement the family income. Plight of minor girls is that their parents are persuaded by labour contractors to send them to work in the Bt Cotton farms of a nearby state. The soft fingers of the minor girls are well suited for plucking the cotton. The inadequate living and working conditions in these farms have caused serious health issues for the minor girls. NGOs in the districts of domicile and the cotton farms appear to be compromised and have not effectively espoused the twin issues of child labour and development of the area.  (Ethics-2)

You are appointed as the District Collector of Rampura. Identify the ethical issues involved. Which specific steps will you initiate to ameliorate the conditions of minor girls of your district and to improve the overall economic scenario in the district? (Ethics-2)
Challenges in Tribal Areas and Proposed Solutions: The tribal region, secluded from the external world, is marked by dire conditions, reflecting profound poverty and deprivation. Ineffective targeted welfare programs underscore the extent of unawareness and helplessness.

Ethical Issues:

  • Livelihood vs Well-being: Scarce livelihood options compel locals to send their minor children to Bt-Cotton farms.
  • Distress Migration: Youth migrate in search of better opportunities, leaving families in challenging conditions.
  • Child Labour: Tribal communities force minor girls to work in Bt-Cotton farms due to inadequate earnings from small landholdings.
  • Well-being of Minors: Forced labor negatively impacts the health and education of minor girls.
  • Corruption: Compromised NGOs prove ineffective in addressing tribal issues.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Child Labour Prohibition: Initiate action against labor contractors violating Article 24 of the Constitution and the Child Labour Amendment (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2016.
  • Educational Rights: Encourage minor girls to attend school, ensuring access to benefits from the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme and Midday Meal. Promote Eklavya residential schools for better education.
  • Local Product Marketing: Facilitate marketing of local products through TRIFED, listing on platforms like TribesIndia and Hunar-Haat for improved livelihood opportunities.
  • Return of Migrants: Implement a calibrated approach for better employment opportunities and adequate earnings, exploring avenues for industry establishment in consultation with stakeholders.
  • Entrepreneurship Development: Harness Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana for market-linked tribal entrepreneurship, forming clusters of SHGs into Tribal Producer Companies.
  • Contract Farming and Land Pooling: Encourage tribals to pool land for contract farming to enhance their income.
  • NGO Oversight: Implement a robust surveillance mechanism under the EAT Module to ensure transparency and efficiency among NGOs.
  • Revamped Guidelines: Revise guidelines for NGOs operating in the region for improved functionality.
  • Community Involvement: Ensure tribal involvement and confidence in the implementation of these steps to guarantee universal benefits.

Q10:  You are a municipal commissioner of a large city, having the reputation of a very honest and upright officer. A huge multipurpose mall is under construction in your city in which a large number of daily wage earners are employed. One night, during monsoons, a big chunk of the roof collapsed causing instant death of four labourers including two minors. Many more were seriously injured requiring immediate medical attention. The mishap resulted in a big hue and cry, forcing the government to institute an inquiry.

Your preliminary enquiry has revealed a series of anomalies. The material used for the construction was of poor quality. Despite the approved building plans permitting only one basement, an additional basement has been constructed. This was overlooked during the periodic inspections by the building inspector of the municipal corporation. In your enquiry, you noticed that the construction of the mall was given the green signal despite encroaching on areas earmarked for a green belt and a slip road in the Zonal Master Plan of the city. The permission to construct the mall was accorded by the previous Municipal Commissioner who is not only your senior and well known to you professionally, but also a good friend. (Ethics-2)

Prima facie, the case appears to be of a widespread nexus between officials of the Municipal Corporation and the builders. Your colleagues are putting pressure on you to go slow in the enquiry. The builder, who is rich and influential, happens to be a close relative of a powerful minister in the state cabinet. The builder is persuading you to hush up the matter, promising you a fortune to do so. He also hinted that if this matter is not resolved at the earliest in his favor; there is somebody in his office who is waiting to file a case against you under the POSH Act.

Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case. What are the options available to you in this situation? Explain your selected course of action. (Ethics-2)


Ethical Decision-Making in Public Service:
The decision-making process of a civil servant is primarily guided by ethical principles, focused on public interest rather than succumbing to allurements or fears from superiors or political figures. As a municipal commissioner in this case, the paramount objective is to ensure that the broader societal interests take precedence over the vested interests of a select few. Making any unethical decisions, whether favoring a builder or pleasing seniors and political veterans, not only violates the code of conduct but also contradicts fundamental values of impartiality, objectivity, and fairness.

Ethical Issues:

  • Personal vs. Professional Ethics: Balancing personal morals instilled since childhood with workplace ethics presents a challenge. The tension lies between taking personal interest in a case and conducting a fast-paced inquiry, or following professional ethics by adhering to established rules, involving teammates, and reporting to higher authorities if necessary.
  • Personal Interest vs. Public Interest: The dilemma involves personal gains in terms of promotion or financial benefits by favoring higher authorities, contrasting with the public interest in a transparent and swift inquiry that ensures justice for victims and their families.
  • Honesty & Courage vs. Flattery: The contrast between honesty, courage, and straightforward decision-making versus the temptation to engage in flattery to seek favor for unethical reasons.

Options Available:

  • Executive Favor: Succumbing to pressure by compromising moral values to gain favor in terms of posting and promotion by ignoring the nexus between officials and builders, resulting in an inquiry favoring the builder.
  • Maintaining Moral Principles: Adhering to principles of impartiality, integrity, and probity, conducting a fair and transparent inquiry. If guilt is found, reporting the conduct of the builder and senior officers to judicial and quasi-judicial authorities for further action.

Selected Course of Action: My commitment to honesty and courage leads me to choose the second option. Upholding moral principles, I am willing to face any consequences. In the face of excessive political and administrative pressure, breaching the hierarchy principle to report to higher central authorities becomes necessary. Additionally, bringing the issue to the public through the media ensures continued pressure for a transparent inquiry into the actions of public officials.

Q11: Parmal is a small but underdeveloped district. It has rocky terrain that is not suitable for agriculture, though some subsistence agriculture is being done on small plots of land. The area receives adequate rainfall and has an irrigation canal flowing through it. Amria, its administrative center, is a medium-sized town. It houses a large district hospital, an Industrial Training Institute and some privately owned skill training centers. It has all the facilities of a district headquarters. A trunk railway line passes approximately 50 kilometers from Amria. Its poor connectivity is a major reason for the absence of any major industry therein. The state government offers a 10 years tax holiday as an incentive to new industries.

In 2010 Anil, an industrialist, decided to take benefits to set up Amria Plastic Works (APW) in Noora village, about 20 km from Amria. While the factory was being built, Anil hired the required key labor and got them trained at the skill training centers at Amria. This act of his made the key personnel very loyal to APW.

APW started production in 2011 with the labor drawn fully from Noora village. The villagers were very happy to get employment near their homes and were motivated by the key personnel to meet the production targets with high quality. APW started making large profits, a sizable portion of which was used to improve the quality of life in Noora. By 2016, Noora could boast of a greener village and a renovated village temple. Anil liaised with the local MLA to increase the frequency of the bus services to Amria. The government also opened a primary health care center and primary school at Noora in buildings constructed by APW. APW used its CSR funds to set up women’s self-help groups, subsidize primary education to the village children and procure an ambulance for use by its employees and the needy.

In 2019, there was a minor fire in APW. It was quickly extinguished as fire safety protocols were in place in the factory. Investigations revealed that the factory had been using electricity in excess of its authorized capacity. This was soon rectified. The next year, due to a nationwide lockdown, the requirement of production fell for four months. Anil decided that all employees would be paid regularly. He employed them to plant trees and improve the village habitat. APW had developed a reputation of high-quality production and a motivated workforce.

Critically analyze the story of APW and state the ethical issues involved. Do you consider APW as a role model for development of backward areas? Give reasons. (Ethics-2)

Critical Analysis of the APW Story: Business activities, particularly the establishment of small-scale manufacturing industries, are inherently driven by the pursuit of profit maximization and entail capital risks. Choosing the right location is crucial for future success, and the story reveals the challenging conditions of Parmal district, the Amria administrative center, and the small Noora village. Despite such circumstances, the initiative to set up an industry in such remote areas, ensuring the livelihood of villagers with minimal government support, is commendable. Regarding the excess use of electricity beyond the granted capacity, initiating an inquiry and issuing a warning to the administrative staff can address the concern. Liaising with the local MLA to enhance bus services to Amria is also a positive step aligned with bureaucratic and corporate culture.

Ethical Issues Involved:

  • Selflessness vs. Business Ethics: The contrast between selflessness, prioritizing the needs of others, and business ethics, which focuses on profit maximization. Anil, despite being a businessman, displayed a selfless character in decision-making.
  • Accountability vs. Transparency: Lack of transparency in resource utilization undermines accountability in the system. Anil's industry should maintain transparency to fulfill accountability towards stakeholders.
  • Spirit of Service and Sacrifice vs. Professionalism: The conflict between the spirit of service and sacrifice, essential for public officials, and professionalism, a key quality for businessmen. Anil, despite being a businessman, exhibited a spirit of service and sacrifice over a strictly professional approach.

My Perspective on APW's Initiative:

Yes, I consider APW and its owner Anil as role models for the development of backward areas. Anil's decision to set up an industry in the underprivileged Noora village, prioritizing the livelihood of the villagers over profit, showcases a philanthropic agenda rather than a purely business motive. Even during lockdown when profits hit zero, Anil continued to pay employees regularly, ensuring their food, nutrition, and livelihood security. Additionally, employing villagers for tree planting to enhance the village habitat reflects a highly philanthropic and altruistic activity. Actions like using excess electricity and liaising with the local MLA to improve bus services, in the context of the overall positive impact on society, cannot be deemed unethical. It is the responsibility of the government's executive authority to address any minor faults while ensuring the system's smooth functioning.

Q12.Migrant workers have always remained at the socio-economic margins of our society, silently serving as the instrumental labor force of urban economics. The pandemic has brought them into national focus.

On announcement of a countrywide lockdown, a very large number of migrant workers decided to move back from their places of employment to their native villages. The non-availability of transport created its own problems. Added to this was the fear of starvation and inconvenience to their families. This caused the migrant workers to demand wages and transport facilities for returning to their villages. Their mental agony was accentuated by multiple factors such as a sudden loss of livelihood, possibility of lack of food and inability to assist in harvesting their rabi crop due to not being able to reach home in time. Reports of inadequate response of some districts in providing the essential boarding and lodging arrangements along the way multiplied their fears.

You have learnt many lessons from this situation when you were tasked to oversee the functioning of the District Disaster Relief Force in your district. In your opinion what ethical issues arose in the current migrant crisis? What do you understand about an ethical caregiving state? What assistance can the civil society render to mitigate the sufferings of migrants in similar situations? (Ethics-2)
Ethical Issues in the Current Migrant Crisis
While overseeing the District Disaster Relief Force during the migrant crisis, I observed several ethical challenges in fulfilling the responsibility of managing disasters.

  • Conscience vs. Administrative Constraints: Limited resources posed challenges in caring for elderly migrants, especially those with health issues. Balancing the conscience to provide proper care, emotional support, and crisis management for elderly family members tested decision-making within the administrative constraints.
  • Selfish vs. Selfless: The migrant crisis revealed contrasting behaviors in society. Some individuals, in a selfless approach, assisted migrants on their journeys home, while others, preoccupied with their own concerns, showed little interest in helping beyond their families.

Meaning of an Ethical Caregiving State: The ethics of caregiving involve assisting the needy without expecting any reciprocation. An 'ethical caregiving state' refers to a government or nation implementing policies that provide free social, economic, and medical facilities to those in need. Achieving this requires the construction of essential infrastructure and the involvement of both professionals and volunteers in caregiving roles.

Assistance from Civil Society to Mitigate Migrants' Suffering: Civil society can establish temporary health and rehabilitation centers, engage doctors, nurses, and caregiving professionals to support migrants. Providing direct financial assistance, essential supplies like food, water, and necessary medicines, as well as arranging transportation facilities to their destination, are ways in which civil society and individuals can play a crucial role in alleviating the suffering of migrants. During the COVID-19 pandemic in India, civil societies and individuals successfully took on responsibilities to aid migrants.

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FAQs on UPSC Mains Previous Year Questions 2020: GS4 Ethics - UPSC Mains: Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

1. What is the significance of ethics in the UPSC Mains exam?
Ans. Ethics is a crucial component of the UPSC Mains exam as it assesses the moral and ethical dimensions of a candidate's personality. It evaluates their ability to make ethical decisions and demonstrate integrity and probity in their actions. Ethics is important in governance, public administration, and leadership, and therefore, the UPSC includes this paper to ensure that candidates possess the necessary values and principles required in civil service.
2. How can I prepare for the UPSC Mains Ethics paper effectively?
Ans. To prepare for the UPSC Mains Ethics paper, candidates should focus on understanding and analyzing ethical theories, principles, and concepts. They should study the ethical dimensions of governance, public administration, and integrity in decision-making. Additionally, practicing case studies and answering previous year question papers will help candidates develop their critical thinking and application of ethical principles.
3. Are there any specific topics that I should prioritize while studying for the UPSC Mains Ethics paper?
Ans. While studying for the UPSC Mains Ethics paper, candidates should prioritize topics such as ethical theories and principles, integrity, honesty, and accountability in public administration, conflict of interest, ethical decision-making, and ethical issues in governance. These topics are frequently asked in the exam and require a comprehensive understanding to answer effectively.
4. Can you provide any tips for writing answers in the UPSC Mains Ethics paper?
Ans. When writing answers in the UPSC Mains Ethics paper, it is essential to structure your response logically and concisely. Start by defining the ethical issue or concept being addressed, then provide relevant examples or case studies to support your arguments. Use a balanced approach, considering both the pros and cons of the issue at hand. It is crucial to demonstrate a clear understanding of ethical principles and apply them effectively in your answers.
5. How can I develop ethical awareness and improve my ethical decision-making skills for the UPSC Mains exam?
Ans. Developing ethical awareness and decision-making skills requires a conscious effort. Start by reading ethical literature, case studies, and real-life examples to understand the complexities of ethical dilemmas. Engage in discussions and debates on ethical issues to enhance your critical thinking abilities. Additionally, introspection and self-reflection can help you identify your values and principles. Regular practice of ethical decision-making through mock scenarios and case studies will also improve your skills in this area.

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