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Features Of Immune Response | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC PDF Download

 Immune System Function

  • The immune system's main role is to defend against infections.
  • Lower animals rely on innate immune mechanisms like phagocytosis for protection.
  • Higher animals have an adaptive immune response which is more specific and effective.
  • Features of Adaptive Immune Response

    • Memory: Immune system remembers past infections for better defense.
    • Specificity: Immunity developed against one organism does not protect against others.
    • Recognition of Self and Non-Self: Immune system distinguishes between body's own cells and foreign invaders.
  • Memory in Immune Response

    • First exposure to an antigen triggers memory cells for future protection.
    • Example: Vaccination introduces harmless antigens to prime the immune system for future encounters.
    • Secondary response results in rapid and abundant antibody production for quicker defense.
  • Specificity in Immune Response

    • Immunity developed against one pathogen does not protect against unrelated pathogens.
    • Body can differentiate between different organisms for tailored immune responses.
  • Recognition of Self and Non-Self

    • Immune system must distinguish between body's own cells and foreign invaders.
    • Failing to do so may lead to autoimmune reactions where the body attacks its own cells.
    • Mechanisms exist to recognize 'self' components to prevent attacks on the body's own tissues.

General Defence Mechanisms of the Body

  • Skin

    The skin serves as a crucial barrier against pathogens. Hair, fur, and feathers protect the skin from damage. The skin's intact nature and its acidic pH (3 to 4) create a formidable barrier for pathogens. Normal flora-derived bactericidal substances also aid in skin protection. Trauma and constant wetting of the skin increase the risk of infections.

  • Conjunctiva

    The conjunctiva is vulnerable to air-borne infections. The constant secretion of lachrymal fluid, containing lysozyme, helps in defending this area against pathogens.

  • Respiratory Tract

    The respiratory tract encounters inhaled microorganisms. The nasal cavity's structure and mucus play a vital role in protecting against infections. Mucus contains substances that hinder bacterial growth.

  • Trachea and Bronchi

    Ciliated epithelium and mucous cells line these organs, constantly washing away pathogens. Coughing helps to remove mucus and trapped microorganisms.

  • Bronchioles and Lungs

    Pathogens that bypass the upper respiratory defense mechanisms are destroyed by histiocytes and lymphoid tissues in the lungs.

  • Digestive Tract

    The mouth's epithelium, saliva, and stomach acidity act as defenses. Intestines rely on peristalsis and normal bacterial flora to prevent infections.

  • Urino-Genital Tract

    Urine plays a cleansing role in both males and females, preventing the establishment of infections. The lympho-reticular system is a specialized defense mechanism spread throughout the body, protecting against infections.

Special Defence Mechanisms of the Body

  • Lympho-Reticular System

    This system comprises specialized cells distributed throughout the body, protecting against infections. It includes phagocytic cells like neutrophils and macrophages, which can ingest foreign particles. Eosinophils play a role in allergic reactions and parasitic diseases.

Understanding Histiocytes and the Lympho-Reticular System:

  • Histiocytes are fixed cells of the lympho-reticular system found in various body organs such as the omentum, alveolar walls of the lungs, Kupffer cells of the liver, and others.
  • These cells play a role in removing foreign particles from the bloodstream, demonstrated by the ingestion and removal of carbon particles after injection.
  • Phagocytosis, the process of destroying and removing microorganisms from the body, can occur even without specific antibodies, although the presence of antibodies enhances this process.

Development of Active Immunity:

  • Active immunity is acquired by injecting killed or living microorganisms or their products to stimulate the production of specific antibodies, providing protection against natural disease for a period after immunization.
  • Vaccination in domestic animals controls various infectious diseases by inducing active immunity against specific pathogens.

Passive Immunity in Newborn Animals:

  • Newborn animals lack developed immunity and can acquire passive immunity from their mothers through colostrum, egg yolk, or injections of antiserum from immune individuals.
  • Passive immunity transfer can also occur through antiserum injection prepared from individuals already immune to specific microorganisms.

Immune Response and Immune Reactions

  • Immune responses may involve tissue cells and sometimes lead to hypersensitive reactions, autoimmune reactions against host tissues, or organ malfunctions.
  • Throughout an individual's life, immune responses constantly develop in response to various stimuli, with outcomes that can be advantageous or detrimental to the host.

Antigens and Antibodies:

  • Antigens are substances capable of stimulating an immune response and can be proteins, polysaccharides, or complex molecules with unique chemical groupings.
  • Antibodies, produced in response to antigens, are globulin molecules that specifically bind to antigens to neutralize or eliminate them from the body.

Immunology Concepts 


  • Haptens are small chemical groups of low molecular weight that do not trigger antibody production when injected alone but become antigenic when attached to a larger protein molecule (carrier molecule).
  • The configuration of a hapten is crucial for recognition, more so than its chemical properties. Recognition is based on the three-dimensional shape of its outer electron cloud.
  • For example, penicillin is a hapten that, when combined with a protein, forms a complex antigen capable of stimulating the production of specific antibodies for penicillin.

Bacterial Antigens

  • Somatic Antigens

    • Somatic antigens in Gram-negative bacteria like Salmonella, Escherichia, Brucella, and Vibrio are made up of lipopolysaccharide-protein complexes, which are potent antigens stimulating antibody production.
    • Some purified polysaccharide fractions act as haptens, providing specificities for serological typing of bacterial groups like Salmonella and Escherichia.
  • Capsular Antigens

    • Capsules found on bacterial surfaces, such as those produced by Pasteurella, Yersinia, and Klebsiella, often consist of polysaccharides or polypeptides.
    • Well-developed capsules can shield somatic antigens from their specific antibodies until the capsules are removed.
  • Flagellar Antigens

    • Flagella in bacteria like Salmonella, Escherichia, and Proteus are composed of flagellin protein and serve as strong antigens.
    • Antigenic variations in flagella arise from different arrangements of amino acids in the protein molecule.
  • Fimbrial or Piliate Antigens

    • Fimbriae or pili, short structures on bacterial surfaces, are antigenic and distinct from flagella.
    • Modified fimbriae like sex pili play a role in bacterial conjugation rather than disease prevention.
  • Spore Antigen

    • Significant bacterial spores, such as those in Clostridium species, are relevant in animal diseases.
  • Soluble Antigen

    • Bacterial species producing protein antigens called toxins, like Clostridium and Staphylococcus, induce the production of antitoxins to control infections.
    • Toxins can be converted into toxoids by mixing with formaldehyde, maintaining antigenicity while losing toxicity.
  • Viral Antigens

    • Animal viruses consist of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat. Antibodies against viral antigens can aid in controlling infections.
    • Antibodies specific to the outer protein layer of viruses can be valuable in host defense against infections.

Immune Deficiency Disorders

  • Animals with lowered resistance to infections may have hypoimmune states, showing signs like infections in the first six weeks of life.

Primary Immune Deficiency Disorders

  • Combined Immuno Deficiency (CID) in Arab Horses

    Results from a genetic failure to produce and differentiate lymphoid precursor cells into B and T lymphocytes.

  • Agamma globulinemia in Horses

    Caused by the inability to produce B lymphocytes due to inherited conditions.

  • Selective Deficiencies of Globulins

    Examples include IgM deficiency in Arab horses, combined IgM and IgA deficiencies in horses, and transient hypogammaglobulinemia in horses.

  • Lethal Trait A46

    Primary immune deficiency affecting T lymphocytes, leading to impaired cellular immunity.

  • Selective IgG2 Deficiency of Cattle

    Results in increased susceptibility to infections like gangrenous mastitis and is characterized by a primary deficiency in IgG2 synthesis.

  • Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

    An inherited defect affecting various animal species, including cattle, leading to weakened defense against infections due to impaired phagocytic capacity.

Secondary Immune Deficiencies

  • Failure of Passive Transfer (FPT)

    Occurs when antibodies from colostrum fail to transfer to offspring, impacting their immune defense.

  • Atrophy of Lymphoid Tissue

    Caused by factors like viral infections (e.g., equine herpes virus), bacterial infections (e.g., Mycoplasma spp.), and physiological stress such as birth and environmental stress.

  • Toxins and Environmental Factors

    Exposure to toxins like bracken, tetrachloroethylene, and environmental pollutants can suppress immune responses and affect leucopoiesis.

Genetic engineering of bacterial antigens:

  • Genetic engineering. is being applied to the preparation of protein vaccines against bacterial diseases. 
  • Enterotoxigenic E.Coli, the cause of diarrhoeal diseases in young livestock contain pili on their surface which are made up of proteins.
  • Distinctive immunogenic strains have been isolated for swine and calves and the genes for the proteins for the pili' have been cloned and expressed in other bacteria.

Vaccines and Hyper-Immune Serum

  • Vaccines and Hyper-immune Sera:

    • The connection between surviving a microbial infection and developing immunity has been recognized since the early studies on diseases caused by microbes.
    • Jenner's 1798 work demonstrated that cowpox inoculation protected against smallpox, leading to the term "vaccination."
    • Pasteur further expanded the concept, using low-virulence strains to protect chickens from more harmful strains, coining the term "vaccination."
    • Initially related to smallpox, "vaccine" and "vaccination" now broadly refer to various immunizing agents.
  • Hyper-immune Serum:

    • Serum from hyper-immunized animals, rich in antibodies, provides curative treatment or temporary protection against bacteria or toxins for 10-21 days.
  • Methods for Controlling Infectious Diseases:

    • Controlling diseases through vaccination or hyper-immune serum requires tailored approaches based on the characteristics of infective agents, their life cycles, and disease pathogenesis.
    • Modifications consider factors like the nature of the infective agents, their life histories, and the age and species of affected animals.
    • Immunization methods vary in efficacy, with some diseases having satisfactory procedures, others limited in value, and a few being wholly efficient and reliable for infection control.
  • Immunization and Disease Control:

    • Infections can lead to various host-parasite relationships, resulting in severe reactions, undetectable responses, or varying pathological responses.
    • Disease nature depends on factors like age, immunological response capability, affected tissues, and the pathogenic properties of the organisms.
    • Procedures for artificial immunization must be adapted to match the conditions and characteristics of different diseases.

Artificial Immunization Methods

  • Artificial immunization involves two main methods to induce immunity: active and passive.
  • Active Immunity:

    This method uses vaccines containing antigens from bacteria to stimulate the body to produce its own antibodies for future protection.
  • Passive Immunity:

    Involves injecting hyperimmune serum with specific antibodies into an individual to provide immediate but short-lived protection.
  • Active immunization through vaccines takes time for the body to produce antibodies, typically 7-10 days after vaccination.
  • After receiving a vaccine, the individual remains susceptible to infection during the initial phase but becomes less susceptible as antibody levels increase.
  • A booster dose of the vaccine is often required to maximize and prolong immunity.
  • Passive immunity through hyperimmune serum provides immediate protection due to the direct injection of antibodies.
  • However, passive immunity is short-lived, lasting only about 2-3 weeks.

Transfer of Passive Immunity

  • Another way to confer passive immunity is by vaccinating the mother, who then passes on immunity to offspring through colostrum (in mammals) or egg yolk (in birds).
  • For example, vaccinating ewes before lambing can protect newborn lambs against diseases like lamb dysentery through the transfer of antibodies in colostrum.

Age Consideration in Artificial Immunization

  • The age of the animal is crucial in deciding the appropriate method of artificial immunization.
  • Young animals rely on passive immunity since their immune systems are not fully developed to produce adequate antibodies.
  • Young animals can receive passive immunity from their mothers through colostrum or via direct injection of hyperimmune serum.
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FAQs on Features Of Immune Response - Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

1. ما هي وظيفة الجهاز المناعي؟
جواب. وظيفة الجهاز المناعي هي حماية الجسم من الأمراض والعوامل الضارة والحفاظ على صحة الجسم.
2. ما هي الآليات العامة للدفاع في الجسم؟
جواب. الآليات العامة للدفاع تشمل الجلد والأغشية المخاطية والأحماض في المعدة والأنزيمات الهاضمة التي تساعد في منع دخول العوامل الضارة إلى الجسم.
3. ما هي الاضطرابات في الجهاز المناعي؟
جواب. الاضطرابات في الجهاز المناعي تشمل الأمراض التي تؤثر على قدرة الجسم على محاربة العدوى، مثل نقص المناعة والتحسسات الزائدة.
4. كيف يعمل التحصين الاصطناعي؟
جواب. يتم التحصين الاصطناعي عن طريق إدخال جزيئات معينة تسبب الإنتاج النشط للأجسام المضادة في الجسم دون أن يتعرض الشخص للمرض بشكل فعلي.
5. ما هي أهمية التاريخ اللمفاوي والهستيوسيتات في نظام المناعة؟
جواب. التاريخ اللمفاوي والهستيوسيتات هما جزء من نظام المناعة ويعملان على تنظيم وتعزيز استجابة الجهاز المناعي للعوامل الضارة والجسيمات الغريبة.
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Features Of Immune Response | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC
