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UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly PDF Download


Cape buffalo


UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

A study conducted by researchers in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) has offered insights into the reasons behind human-Cape buffalo conflict that occurs across sub-Saharan Africa.

About Cape buffalo:

  • African or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a strong and aggressive animal.
  • It belongs to one of four types of African buffalofound south of the Sahara Desert. The other types are:
    • Forest buffalo
    • West African Savanna Buffalo
    • Central African Savanna Buffalo
  • Appearance:
    • African buffalo are stocky with long bodies and short, thick legs, making them relatively short when standing.
    • Their most notable feature is their horns, which have bases that are fused together, creating a solid bone shield on top of their heads known as a “boss”.
  • Distribution: Cape buffalo can be found in the savannas of eastern and southern Africa.
  • Habitat:
    • They live in swamps, floodplains, and mopane grasslands.
    • They also inhabit the forests of Africa's major mountains.
    • African buffalo prefer areas with dense cover, such as reeds and thickets, but can also be found in open woodlands, montane grasslands, and moist lowland rainforests.
  • African buffalo can be active both during the day and at night. They are social animals that live in herds made up of related females and their young, organized in a nearly linear dominance hierarchy.
  • Diet:
    • African buffalo are strictly herbivores.
    • They eat a variety of grasses, sedges, leaves, and other plants.
    • These large animals are also excellent swimmers and often cross rivers to find better grazing areas.
  • Conservation status:
    • IUCN: Near Threatened

GS1/History and Culture

Hornbill Festival


UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Hornbill Festival, Nagaland’s iconic cultural and tourism fair that is annually held from December 1 to 10.

About Hornbill Festival:

  • Hornbill Festival is celebrated annually from December 1 to December 10 in Nagaland.
  • The festival was first held in the year 2000.
  • Its purpose is to encourage interaction among tribes and to preserve Nagaland's cultural heritage, combining both traditional and modern elements to show unity.
  • This event is known as the festivals of festivals and takes place every year.
  • The festival is organized by the State Tourism and Art & Culture Departments of the Government of Nagaland.
  • It is held at the Naga Heritage Village in Kisama, located around 12 km from Kohima.
  • The festival has grown to be a celebration that highlights the diverse and vibrant cultural and traditional heritage of Nagaland's tribes.
  • The festival is named after the Hornbill bird, which is significant in the social and cultural life of the Naga people.
  • The theme for the 2024 festival is "Cultural Connect", celebrating Nagaland's rich heritage and cultural diversity.
  • The festival features a mix of activities, including Naga wrestling, traditional archery, food and herbal medicine stalls, fashion shows, beauty contests, and musical concerts.
  • This year, the Archives Branch is hosting a special exhibition titled "Naga-Land & People in Archival Mirror", in partnership with the National Archives of India, which provides an in-depth look at the area's history and cultural practices.


Lake-Effect Snow

Source:New York Times

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, Lake-effect snow blowing in from the Great Lakes has blanketed parts of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York regions.

About Lake-Effect Snow:

  • Lake effect snow is a weather event that happens when cold air moves over warmer lake water, leading to snow falling in specific areas downwind from the lake.
  • This phenomenon is frequently seen in the Great Lakes region, especially during late fall and winter.
  • Formationof lake effect snow occurs when:
    • Cold air, often coming from Canada, travels across the open waters of the Great Lakes.
    • As this cold air passes over the relatively warm and unfrozen waters, it picks up warmth and moisture from the lake.
    • This added heat and moisture causes the air to rise, leading to the formation of clouds.
    • The clouds develop into tight bands that can produce 2 to 3 inches of snow per hour or even more.
  • The occurrence and location of lake effect snow mainly depend on:
    • Wind speed and direction.
    • The topography of the surrounding area.


International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience


UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, the International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience was launched to address the growing challenges and ensure the continued resilience of submarine critical infrastructure.

About International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience:

  • It was launched together by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC).
  • This initiative focuses on making submarine cables more resilient, which are crucial for the global digital economy.
  • The initiative includes 40 members from various countries, such as ministers, heads of regulatory bodies, and senior telecommunications experts, showcasing a wide range of global insights.
  • The Advisory Body will hold meetings twice a year to discuss international policies, infrastructure, and best practices to enhance the resilience of submarine cables.
  • Functions of the Advisory Body include:
    • Promoting best practices among governments and industries to strengthen cable resilience.
    • Reducing the risks of damage to cables and ensuring quick repairs and deployment of these vital systems.
    • Leveraging the combined knowledge of members to support those who rely on submarine cables, as well as those who install, maintain, and protect this critical infrastructure.
    • Offering strategic advice on challenges like increasing traffic, aging infrastructure, and environmental risks affecting submarine cables.
  • The International Cable Protection Committee was established in 1958 and serves as a global platform for governments and businesses involved in the submarine cable sector.
  • Its main goal is to enhance the security of undersea cables by providing a space for sharing technical, legal, and environmental information.


Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands

Source: DTE

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a global leader in agricultural research has launched its 2030 Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands (GSRD).

About Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands:

  • This initiative is led by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
  • It aims to create a plan to improve food security, protect biodiversity, and develop strong livelihoods for the 2.7 billion people living in dry areas, especially in Asia and Africa.
  • The initiative was introduced at the 16th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (COP16) in Riyadh.
  • Its development involved discussions with national research groups, governments, businesses, and community organizations to ensure it meets the unique needs of various dryland regions.

What is CGIAR?

  • CGIAR was founded in 1971.
  • It is a cooperative effort of various donors supporting 15 international centers. These centers work together with many government and civil society organizations, as well as private companies worldwide.


  • Food for People: Increase the production and availability of healthy food sustainably for the poor.
  • Environment for People: Protect and use natural resources and biodiversity in a sustainable way to help improve the lives of the poor, especially in the context of climate change.
  • Policies for People: Encourage changes in policies and institutions that will promote agricultural growth and fairness, benefiting the poor, particularly rural women and other marginalized groups.

GS2/Polity and Governance

Anna Chakra

Source: PIB

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, the Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution launched ‘Anna Chakra’ and SCAN (Subsidy Claim Application for NFSA) portal.

About Anna Chakra:

  • The tool is designed for optimizing the supply chain of the Public Distribution System (PDS).
  • It is led by the Department of Food Public Distribution, aiming to improve the efficiency of the PDS logistics network throughout the country.
  • This initiative is developed in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) at IIT-Delhi.
  • The project uses advanced algorithms to find the best routes for transporting food grains between various points in the supply chain.
  • Managing such a large operation involves a complicated supply chain that includes many participants, from farmers to Fair Price Shops.
  • The inter-state route optimization tool has been created to improve the movement of PDS goods between states and is linked with the Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) of the Railways through the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP).
  • A key achievement in this project is the connection of the optimization tool with the PM Gati Shakti platform, which now includes the geo-locations of Fair Price Shops and warehouses across different states.

About the SCAN (Subsidy Claim Application for NFSA) Portal:

  • The SCAN portal allows states to submit subsidy claims through a single window, making the process easier and faster.
  • It enables quick examination and approval of claims by the Department of Food Public Distribution, leading to a faster settlement process.
  • The portal automates the entire workflow for managing the release and settlement of food subsidies using rule-based processing.


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UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024
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States and the challenge before the Finance Commission

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

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Recently, Tamil Nadu hosted the Sixteenth State Finance Commission, highlighting the need for fair resource allocation to performing states and addressing fiscal imbalances between the Union and states.

What are the primary challenges faced by State Finance Commissions?

  • Vertical Fiscal Imbalance: There is a large gap in the ability to raise money between the Union government and state governments. The Union has more power to generate revenue, while the states are responsible for most of the spending. This imbalance results in states not having enough funds to meet their development needs.
  • Inequitable Resource Distribution:Although there are efforts to distribute resources fairly through vertical and horizontal devolution, the actual results often do not meet expectations.
    • For example, the Fifteenth Finance Commission managed to devolve only 33.16% of the Union's total tax revenue, even though it promised a share of 41%.
  • Inadequate Devolution: The Union government's increasing use of cesses and surcharges has limited the financial resources available to states. This trend reduces the fiscal independence that states need to effectively carry out local programs.
  • Demographic and Urbanization Challenges: Advanced states like Tamil Nadu deal with specific issues related to an ageing population and fast urban growth. These challenges put a strain on their financial resources, requiring more investment in infrastructure and services.

How can compliance with constitutional mandates be improved?

  • Strengthening Legal Frameworks: It's important to make sure that State Finance Commissions (SFCs) work within a strong legal system that requires them to be open and responsible. This can improve their compliance with the constitution. There should be clear rules about how resources are distributed and how power is shared among different levels of government.
  • Public Disclosure: Requiring SFCs to share financial information and project details in formats that everyone can understand will promote greater openness. This allows citizens to engage more in governmental processes, helping to ensure that SFCs follow their constitutional duties more closely.
  • Participatory Budgeting: Supporting participatory budgeting can help connect state spending decisions with what local communities actually need. This ensures that resources are distributed in a way that aligns with the constitutional goals of fair development across different areas.

What reforms are necessary to enhance the effectiveness of SFCs?

  • Reassessing Devolution Principles: It's important to reevaluate the rules that guide how resources are shared between different levels of government. This helps create a fairer system that acknowledges the needs of less-developed states while also recognizing the achievements of stronger states like Tamil Nadu
  • Increasing State Resources: Raising the portion of gross central taxes given to states from 41% to at least 50% can enhance the financial independence of states. This change would enable them to support projects that are relevant to their local communities more effectively. 
  • Encouraging Economic Growth: It's beneficial to create a resource distribution system that rewards states that perform well economically. This approach can foster growth while ensuring that states with less development also receive the necessary support to advance. 
  • Tackling Urbanization Challenges: Implementing specific reforms to address issues related to rapid urban growth is essential. This includes setting aside funds specifically for infrastructure projects in progressive states that are experiencing significant urbanization. 


  • State Finance Commissions need to tackle fiscal imbalances within the economy.
  • They should improve the principles of devolution to ensure fair distribution of resources.
  • It is important to focus on growth incentives to help strengthen the capabilities of individual states.
  • This approach is crucial for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • By doing this, we can promote equitable and inclusive development across all regions.

GS1/History , Art and Culture

National Library Mission

Source: PIB

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Union Minister for Culture and Tourism has provided information regarding the National Mission on Libraries (NML) Scheme in Rajya Sabha.

About National Mission on Libraries (NML)

  • Launched in 2012 by the Ministry of Culture to implement National Knowledge Commission (NKC, 2005) recommendations on library and information sciences development.
  • To modernize public libraries, create a digital database, enhance library staff competence, and promote equitable library access, especially in backward areas.
Structural Mandate
  • Nodal Agency: Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), Kolkata to oversee and coordinate efforts. (It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture.)

Key Components:

1. National Virtual Library of India (NVLI): Digital resources, census of libraries, and reading habit studies.
2. Model Libraries: 6 Ministry libraries, 35 state central libraries, 35 district libraries, and 629 district libraries with network connectivity.
3. Library Survey: A survey of 5,000 libraries for infrastructure, resources, and usage data.
4. Capacity Building: Training programs for improving skills and knowledge of library staff.

GS1/History , Art and Culture

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National Mission on Cultural Mapping  

Source: PIBUPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Union Minister for Culture and Tourism has provided details of the National Mission on Cultural Mapping in the Rajya Sabha.

About National Mission on Cultural Mapping (NMCM):

  • Launched by: Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
  • Implemented by: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA).
Aims and Objectives
  • Document India’s cultural heritage, including art forms, artists, crafts, and performing arts.
  • Mapping of 6.5 lakh villages across India; Initial stages will focus on Bihar.
  • IT-enabled platform to store and manage cultural data. Web portal and mobile app (Mera Gaon Meri Dharohar).
  • Raise awareness about cultural heritage’s role in economic development and national unity.
  • Create National Register of Artists and Art Practices.

The document UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 6th December 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly is a part of the UPSC Course Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly.
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