First set of questions, asked to almost all students
Q1: May I know your full name?
Ans: My full name is Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar. (Note: Full name means given name + middle name if any + surname. Mostly students will speak the name given in the passport, which may not have the surname. So, you must speak your full name in answer to this question)
Q2: May I see your ID?
Ans: Here is my passport. (Note: open the first page of the passport and show it to the examiner. You don’t need to say ‘Yes’)
Q3: How may I address you?
Ans: You may address me as Kiran. (Note 1: Here you may even speak your nickname. It just means that while asking the next questions, the examiner will call you by that name. Note 2: Many students start speaking their address here. Here, the word ‘address’ has been used as a verb, which means ‘call’. In other words, the question is - How may I call you?)
Q4: Where do you come from?
Ans: I come from Phagwara. It is a small town between Jalandhar and Ludhiana.
Q1: Does the weather affect people’s lives in your country?
Ans: Yes, the weather has a big impact on people’s daily activities. Most people ride a scooter, so when it rains, they either want to drive a car or stay inside. Typhoons are especially problematic, and sometimes school or work will be cancelled when a big typhoon hits.
Q2: Do people change in the summer?
Ans: No, I don’t think people change much in the summer. But, they do usually like to stay indoors more often with the air-conditioning running.
Q3: Does bad weather ever affect transport in your country?
Ans: Yes, when it rains, many people will choose to drive their cars instead of riding their scooters, which causes heavier traffic. On top of that, typhoons sometimes end up causing trains and planes to be cancelled.
Q4: Do you prefer hot weather or cold?
Ans: I much prefer cold weather, although I don’t care much for the snow. Anyway, the cold weather helps me stay focused, while the hot weather makes me feel drowsy.
Q5: Which time of the year did you enjoy the most when you were a child?
Ans: When I was growing up my favorite season was probably summer. That’s because I loved summer vacation and all the free time I had to spend with my friends. These days, I would probably say that summer is my least favourite season. It’s so hot and humid, and I don’t have summer vacation anymore now that I’m working.
Q6: Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?
Ans: No, I only pay attention to the weather forecast when I’m planning a trip and want to know what I should pack in my suitcase. I think the forecast is usually wrong, anyway.
Q7: Has the weather changed much in your country in recent years?
Ans: The weather has been getting hotter in the summers, and the summers have been getting longer. I think it might be due to global climate change.
Q8: What’s the best season of the whole year?
Ans: The best season of the year is fall because the weather is mild and cool. The air seems fresher when it rains, and I also like the fall clothing styles.
Q9: What do people normally do in that season?
Ans: Most of the students are already back in school, but there are also a few holidays around the fall, such as the moon festival. People usually have barbecues with their family, and there is some time off from work.
Q10: What’s the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?
Ans: In the summer, it’s a very dry heat with high temperatures. In the fall, it cools down a lot and gets windy. The winter is cold, and sometimes it snows. When spring comes, it rains more often.
Q11: How is the weather here different from the weather in your home country?
Ans: The weather is usually pretty mild in my country, and here it’s much more hot and humid. Another thing is, here, it doesn’t ever snow like it does back home, but there are sometimes typhoons.
Q12: What sort of weather do you like the most?
Ans: My favourite sort of weather is cool, with a light breeze and a few clouds in the sky. I don’t like when it’s too bright and sunny.
Q13: Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?
Ans: The weather in my hometown is fine most of the year, but in the summer it becomes unbearably hot, to the point of even being dangerous to be outside for too long.
Q14: Would you like to move to a place with different weather?
Ans: Yes, I would very much like to move to a place with cooler weather. I dislike the heat and humidity where I live now.
Q15: What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?
Ans: I think the best season for getting work done is the fall because it’s not too cold or too hot. The weather won’t affect you much at all.
Cue Card
Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:
And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why
Ans: I’d like to talk about “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, which is a book I finished reading recently. This book is part of a popular fantasy series for children, but in fact, I decided to start reading it to study English. I’m already familiar with the story from the films, which makes it easier for me to focus on the language while I read. I’m not usually interested in fantasy books, but the characters and the story are interesting and fun to read about. As for how I got this book, I got this book from the local library after I finished reading the last book in the series a few weeks ago. The book is fairly long, so it took me a little less than a month to finish reading it. A few weeks is longer than it usually takes me to read books in my own language, but I think it’s a little more difficult for me to read books in English. In the future, I plan to read every book in the “Harry Potter” series, because I’d like to know what happens next. I’ve noticed that my English vocabulary has already improved somewhat, so I feel motivated to keep on reading. “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” is a great book to practice English, and has an entertaining story too. I’ll start reading the next book in the series as soon as I can.
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Speaking Practice Test- 3
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Q1: Do people read more nowadays?
Ans: I think that’s tough to say, but all in all I would guess that people today read less than people in the past did. Take someone like my mom for example. In the past, she was a very avid reader and would finish at least a few books every week. These days, she still reads occasionally, but with all of the great TV shows available to stream instantly, she actually spends a lot more time watching TV. So, I think people today read less because of the wide availability of other sources of entertainment, like TV.
Q2: Do you read before going to bed?
Ans: If I do read, it’s usually when I’m trying to pass the time, like on the train or in the car. I rarely read at home, because I actually spend quite a bit of time on my computer or watching TV. If I do read before bed, I get sleepy. I usually end up falling asleep with the book on my face, which is not a pleasant surprise when I wake up and later have to reread the page again because I was too tired the first time. That’s why I don’t read much before going to bed.
Q3: In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?
Ans: I think the rising popularity of e-books has already begun to affect paper books in some ways. One way is in book sales, which has dropped steadily over the past few years, and will likely continue to do so in the future. Another way that e-books affect paper books is that some authors are choosing to publish their books online, which means fewer books are published on paper these days. So, overall, e-books affect paper books by making them less important, and fewer in number.
Q4: What's the difference between films and books?
Ans: There are really two big differences between films and books. The first difference is that with books, especially those with no pictures, the reader must imagine the settings and appearances of the characters by using the author’s descriptions, and their imaginations. In films, which are visual, the person watching can just see what the actor or place looks like and doesn’t need to use any imagination. Another big difference between these two is that films are usually much shorter in length than books, so they contain fewer details. If a book with 500 pages is made into a film, filmmakers will probably have to sacrifice some subplots and minor things in the story. Those are some of the ways films and books differ.
Q5: Let’s move on to the topic of traditional literature in your country. What is one example of traditional literature in your country?
Ans: Well, there are many kinds of traditional literature that were originally written in several different languages. One famous example I can think of is an epic poem that was written over two thousand years ago called the Ramayana. The poem was written in Sanskrit, and it describes the life of a god named Rama.
Q6: Do you like reading the traditional literature of your country?
Ans: Yes, I love it. Reading traditional literature brings me closer to the country that I live in and it is very enjoyable. Because, when you read literature from a particular country, you get to know more about its culture and it is truly my dream to explore my country and understand it more deeply.
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