Deficiency Diseases |
Names |
Disease |
Comments |
Vitamin A |
Xerophtalmia |
Lachrimal glands stop producing tears leading to blindness. |
(retinol) |
Dermatosis |
Thiamine |
Beri Beri |
Extreme weakness, swelling, pain in legs, loss of appetite, |
(Vitamin B1) |
enlarged heart, headache & shortness of breath |
Riboflavin |
Ariboflavinosis |
Blurred vision, burning of the eye & tongue, cracking of skin |
(Vitamin B2) |
at angle of mouth |
Niacin |
Pellagra |
Tip & lateral margins of tongue, mouth & gums become red, |
(Nicotinamide) |
swollen & develop ulcers |
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) |
Pantothenic Acid |
Biotin |
Cobalamin |
Perinicious or |
Reduction of Haemoglobin due to disturbance in formation of |
(Vitamin B12) |
Megaloblastic |
RBC. |
Anemia |
Folic Acid |
Vitamin C |
Scurvy |
Pain in joints, loss of weight, gums become spongy & bleed. |
(Ascorbic acid) |
Teeth loose & fragile. |
Vitamin D |
Rickets |
Occurs in Children. Softness & deformities of bones. |
(cholecalciferol) |
Osteomalacia |
Bones susceptible to fracture. |
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) |
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) |
Potassium |
Hypokalemia |
Rise in heart beat rate. Kidney damage. |
Sodium |
Hyponatremia |
Low blood pressure. |
Proteins |
Kwashiorkar |
Potbelly due to retention of water by the cells (Oedema). |
Diseases Caused By Microorganisms |
Virus |
Bacteria |
Protozoas |
Fungi |
Worms |
Small Pox |
Sore throat |
Malaria |
Ringworm |
Taeniasis |
Chicken Pox |
Diptheria |
Amoebic dysentry |
Athlete’s Foot |
Schistosomiasis |
Common Cold |
Pneumonia |
Trypanosomiasis |
Madura Toot |
Bilharziasis |
Influenza/Flu |
Tuberculosis |
Oriental Sore |
Dhobie Itch |
Ancylostormiasis |
Measles |
Plague |
Kala Azar |
Hook Worm |
Mumps |
Tetanus |
Giardiasis or |
Ascariasis |
Encephalitis |
Typhoid |
Diarrhoea |
Enterobiasis |
Poliomyelitus |
Cholera |
Vaginitis |
Pinworm disease |
Rabies |
Bacillary Dysentry |
Filariasis |
Dengue |
Whooping Cough |
Elephantiasis |
Herpes |
Gonorrhea |
Leprosy |
Botulism |
Trpanosomiasis is also known as sleeping sickness (tse-tse fly). |
Taeniasis is transmitted through eating pork. |
Genetic Diseases |
1. |
Albinism |
Absence of pigment melanin in the skin. Cause by a recessive gene |
that blocks the conversion of amino acid tyrosine to melanin. |
2. |
Cri-du-chat syndrome |
Caused by deformity of chromosome 5. Infants cry like mewing of |
cat, small head. |
3. |
Cystic Fibrosis |
Results because of recessive autosomal gene. Cause abnormal |
pancreatic functions & generally leads to early death |
4. |
Down Syndrome |
Also called Mongolism. Chromosome 21 occurs in triplicate (trisomy) |
rather than duplicate. Affected individuals carry 47 chromosomes are |
greatly retard mentally & physically. |
5. |
Edwards Syndrome |
Trisomy of chromosome 18. Infants die before 6 months. |
6. |
Fabry’s Disease |
Caused by recessive X-linked gene that affects metabolism of |
glycosphingolipids. These lipids deposit in hear, kidneys & eyes. |
7. |
Galactosemia |
Recessive autosomal gene causes defect in the enzyme utilizing the |
sugar galactose. Causes high level of galactose leading to cataracts & |
brain damage. |
8. |
Haemophilia |
Sex linked recessive gene. Bleeding can be stopped by injecting a |
protein (factor VIII) |
9. |
Huntington’s Disease |
Caused by dominant autosomal gene which leads to progressive |
deterioration of the nervous system. Develops at an age of 30 to 40 |
years causing loss of control of limbs. |
10. |
Klinefelter Syndrome |
Improper development of testes due to addition X chromosome |
(XXY). Permanent sterility. |
11. |
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome |
Sex linked recessive trait resulting into the development of |
involuntary movements, mental retardation & kidney damage. |
12. |
Marfan Syndrome |
Autosomal dominant resulting in abnormalities of body parts |
especially eyes & fingers. |
13. |
Muscular Dystrophy |
Sex linked recessive disease developing during 1-6 years. Patient |
becomes confined to wheel chair by 12 year of age. People die before |
20. |
14. |
Patau Syndrome |
Trisomy of chromosome 13. Die within 3 months of birth. |
15. |
Phenylketonuria (PKU) |
Recessive autosomal gene results into lack of an enzyme essential for |
the metabolism of amino acid phenylalanine. As a result the amino |
acid accumulates in the brain causing damage. It detected soon it can |
be prevented by feeding the child on low Phenylalanine. |
16. |
Sickle Cell Anemia |
Caused by abnormal haemoglobin molecule due to recessive gene in |
homozygous condition resulting in sickling of RBCs. |
17. |
Tay Sachs Disease |
Caused by autosomal recessive gene. Leads to progressive mental |
degradation resulting in death by the age of 2-3 years. |
18. |
Thalassemia |
Also called Cooley’s Anaemia. Occurs mostly in children & is nearly |
fatal. Controlled by a recessive gene which causes severe anaemia. |
19. |
Turner Syndrome |
Affected individuals are phenotypically females but have rudimentary |
sex organs & mammary glands. Results from lack of an X |
chromosome, that is the comliment of XO with 45 chromosomes (45, |
XO). |
20. |
Xeroderma Pigmentosum |
Extremely sensitive to UV radiation. Sunlight causes lesions which |
frequently become cancerous. |
Gland |
Hormone |
Effect |
Pituitary/Hypophysis |
Growth Hormone or |
Growth of long bones, muscles. |
Anterior Lobe |
Somatotrophic hormone (STH). |
Thyroid Stimulating Hor. (TSH) |
Adreno Corticotrophic hormone |
Influences the production of corticosteroids |
(ACTH) |
by adrenal cortex involved in defending body |
against physiological stress. |
Follicle Stimulating hormone |
Growth & maturation of follicles in the |
(FSH) |
ovary, production of female sex hormone |
Estrogen & maturation of spermatozoa in |
males. |
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) |
Stimulates interstitial cells in the testis to |
produce |
testosterone. |
Causes ovulation. |
Release of estrogen & formulation of corpus |
luteum in female. |
Prolactin or Luteotrophic |
Helps to maintain pregnancy. Stimualate |
Hormone (LH) |
mammary glands to secrete milk. |
Middle Lobe |
Melanophore stimulating |
Associated with melaonophyte which give |
Hormone (MSH) |
skin its colour |
Posterior Lobe |
Vasopressin or Anti-diuretic |
Controls water reabsorption in the kidney |
Hormone |
tubule. |
Oxytocin |
Causes uterine contractions & active |
expulsion of milk during & after birth. |
Hypothalamus |
Releasing Hormone (RH) for |
Production of all the anterior pituitary |
each anterior pituitary hormone: |
hormone is controlled by messages from the |
hypothalamus via |
hypophyseal portal |
FSH-RH & likewise |
vessels. |
Thyroid |
Thyroxine |
BMR. Influences heat production. |
Calcitonin |
Calcium level in blood |
Parathyroids |
Parathormone |
Raises blood calcium level |
Adrenals |
Aldosterone |
Regulates sodium and potassium levels in the |
blood to control blood pressure |
Hydrocortisone |
Plays key role in stress response; increases |
blood glucose levels and mobilizes fat stores; |
reduces inflammatation |
Epinephrine or Adrenalin |
Increases blood pressure, heart and metabolic |
rate, and blood sugar levels; dilates blood |
vessels. Also released during exercise |
Norepinephrine/ Noradrenalin |
Increases blood pressure and heart rate; |
constricts blood vessels |
Thymus |
Thymosin |
Development of white blood cells |
Pancreas or Islets of |
Insulin |
Lower the blood sugar level |
Langerhans |
Glucagon |
Increse the blood sugar level. |
Ovaries |
Estrogen |
Secondary sexual characteristics. |
Progesterone |
Prepares Endometrium (inner lining of |
Uterus) |
& maintains it during pregnancy |
Classification of Hormones
Amines |
Peptide hormones |
Steroids/ sterols |
Lipids |
Adrenaline |
Acth Or Corticotropin) |
Cortisol |
Prostaglandins |
Dopamine |
Vasopressin |
Aldosterone |
Leukotrienes |
Noradrenaline |
Calcitonin |
Testosterone |
Prostacyclin |
Melatonin |
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (Crh) |
Androstenedione |
Thromboxane |
Serotonin |
Erythropoietin (Epo) |
Oestrogen |
Thyroxine |
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (Fsh) |
Estradiol |
Triiodothyronine |
Gastrin |
Progesterone |
Glucagon |
Progestins |
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (Gnrh) |
Calcitriol |
Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) |
(Sterol) |
Growth Hormone (GH Or Hgh) |
Insulin |
Leptin |
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) |
Oxytocin |
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) |
Prolactin (PRL) |
Possible Combinations of Blood Groups
Male |
Female |
Blood group of Children not possible |
A |
A |
B & AB |
A |
B |
- |
A |
AB |
O |
A |
O |
B or AB |
B |
B |
A, AB |
B |
AB |
O |
B |
O |
A, AB |
AB |
AB |
O |
AB |
O |
O, AB |
O |
O |
A, B, AB |
Plant Diseases |
Fungi |
Bacterial Diseases |
Viral Diseases |
Late blight of Potato |
Paddy blight |
Tobacco Mosaic |
Downy Mildew |
Brown rot of Potato |
Bunchy top of Banana |
Loose smut of Wheat |
Ring rot of Potato |
Leaf curl |
Smut of Bajra |
Tundu disease of wheat |
Potato leaf roll |
Bunt of rice |
Citrus canker |
Coffee rust |
Crown Gall of fruits |
Black/Brown rust |
Red rot of sugarcane |
Wilt of cotton |
Ergot of Bajra |
Foot rot of Paddy |
Pollution Linked Diseases |
Heavy Metal |
Human Impacts |
Mercury |
Kidney damage, ulcers, death if in the form of methyl mercury, Minamata disease |
Lead |
Kidney damage, metabolic interference, central and peripheral nervous system |
toxicity, depressed biosynthesis of protein and red blood cells, irritability, anemia |
Cadmium |
Renal disease. Various cancers |
Arsenic |
Hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, skin tumors and cancer, damage to |
gastrointestinal tract and liver |
Aluminum |
Linked to Alzheimer's disease, anemia, softening of bones, senile dementia |
1. What are deficiency diseases? | ![]() |
2. Which nutrients are commonly associated with deficiency diseases? | ![]() |
3. How do deficiency diseases affect the body? | ![]() |
4. How can deficiency diseases be prevented? | ![]() |
5. Can deficiency diseases be treated? | ![]() |