1. |
World Economic & Social Survey |
U. N |
2. |
World Investment Report |
3. |
Global Competitiveness Report |
World Economic Forum |
4. |
World Economic Outlook |
5. |
Business Competitive Index |
World Economic Forum |
6. |
Green Index |
World Bank |
7. |
Business Confidence Index |
8. |
Poverty Ratio |
Planning Commission |
9. |
Economic Survey |
Ministry of Finance |
10. |
Wholesale Price Index |
Ministry of Industry |
11. |
National Account Statistics |
12. |
World Development Indicator |
World Bank |
13. |
Overcoming Human Poverty |
14. |
Global Development Report |
World Bank |
Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
1. |
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger |
2. |
Achieve universal primary education |
3. |
Promote gender equality and empower women |
4. |
Reduce child mortality |
5. |
Improve maternal health |
6. |
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases |
7. |
Ensure environmental sustainability |
8. |
Develop a global partnership for development |
Components of Money Supply
M1 |
Consists of currency with the public (ie notes & coins in circulation minus cash with the banks) |
plus demand deposits with the bank (deposits which can be withdrawn without notice) plus |
other deposits with RBI (usually negligible). Also called narrow money |
M2 |
M1 + saving deposits + Certificate of Deposits (CDs) + term deposits maturing within a year. |
M3 |
M2 + term deposits with maturity more than a year + term borrowing of banking system. Also |
known as broad money. |
L1 |
M3 + all Deposits with the Post Office Savings Banks (excluding National Savings Certificates) |
L2 |
L1 + Term Deposits with Term Lending Institutions and Refinancing Institutions (FIs) + Term |
Borrowing by FIs+ Certificates of Deposit issued by FIs; and |
L3 |
L2 + Public Deposits of Non-Banking Financial Companies |
Four Modes of Services under GATT
Mode 1 |
Cross border trade, which is defined as delivery of a service from the territory of one country into the territory of other country; |
Mode 2 |
Consumption abroad - this mode covers supply of a service of one country to the service consumer of any other country; |
Mode 3 |
Commercial presence - which covers services provided by a service supplier of one country in the territory of any other country, and |
Mode 4 |
Presence of natural persons - which covers services provided by a service supplier of one country through the presence of natural persons in the territory of any other country |
Direct & Indirect Taxes
Direct Tax |
Indirect Tax |
Corporation Tax |
Excise Duties |
Income Tax |
Service Tax |
Interest Tax |
Central Value Added Tax (Vat) |
Expenditure Tax |
Sales Tax |
Wealth Tax |
Property Tax |
Gift Tax |
Octroi |
Estate Duty |
Customs Duties |
Land Revenue |
Stamp Duties |
Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose
Arjun Sen Gupta |
Public Sector Enterprise Autonomy |
Committee |
Rangarajan Committee |
Disinvestment of PSUs & Balance of Payments. |
Malhotra Committee |
Insurance Sector & its regulation. Follow up led to setting up of IRDA. |
Madhukar Committee |
Gold exchange traded fund implementation. |
L.C. Gupta Committee |
Derivatives in India Model |
Naresh Chandra Committee |
Corporate Audit & Governance |
JJ Irani Committee |
Company Law |
B. Bhattacharya Committee |
Committee on pension reforms |
Rakesh Mohan Committee |
Small saving & Administered interest rates |
Vijay Kelkar Committee |
FRBM (fiscal responsibility & budget management) Act implementation |
S.P. Gupta Committee |
Generation of Employment opportunities in the 10th plan. |
Raghvan Committee |
Replacement of MRTP act by competition act. |
Eradi Panel |
Industrial Insolvency. |
M.S. Verma |
Restructuring weak banks |
Lakdawala Committee |
Estimating Poverty line in India |
Montek Singh Ahuluwalia |
Power Sector reforms |
Rakesh Mohan Committee |
Development of Infrastructure in India |
AbidHussain Committee |
Small Scale Sector |
Jha Committee |
Vasudev Committee |
OmkarGoswamiCommitte |
Industrial Sickness |
G.V. Ramakrishna |
Disinvestment Commission |
ArvindVirmani |
Import Tariff Reform |
Vaghul Committee |
Money Markets India reforms |
Violation of FERA was a criminal offence. |
Violation of FEMA is a civil wrong. |
Offences under FERA were not compoundable. |
Offences under FEMA are compoundable. |
Penalty was 5 times the amount involved. |
Penalty is 3 times the sum involved. |
Citizenship was a criteria to determine residential |
Stay in India for more than 182 days is the |
status of a person under FERA. |
criteria to decide residential status. |
There was only one Appellate Authority namely |
There are two appellate authorities namely |
Foreign Exchange Regulation Appellate Board. |
1. |
Special Director (Appeals) and |
2. |
Appellate Tribunal for Foreign Exchange. |
Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management (FRBM) Act 2003
Population Policy 2000
The immediate objective of the NPP 2000 is to address the unmet needs for contraception, health care infrastructure, and health personnel, and to provide integrated service delivery forbasic reproductive and child health care. To bring the TFR to replacement levels by 2010. Stable population by 2045 at a level consistent with sustainable economic growth.
National Socio-Demographic Goals for 2010
Selected Terms |
Revenue Deficit |
Difference between revenue expenditure & revenue receipts |
Budget Deficit |
Difference between total expenditure & revenue receipts |
Fiscal Deficit |
Budget deficit plus non debt creating capital receipts |
Primary Deficit |
Fiscal deficit – Interest Payments. |
Foreign Investment Promotion Council |
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency |
Miscellaneous Facts:
IRDA act 1999 has ended the monopoly of LIC/GIC in the insurance sector.
The only two national stock exchanges of India are NSE & OTECI (Over the counter exchange of India). BSE is a regional stock exchange.
At present the value of SDR is fixed in relation to a basket of five currencies – US dollar, German mark, British pound, Frenchfrank& Japanese yen.
Current Account Convertibility – the holders of domestic currency have the right to convert the currency into foreign exchange for any current account purpose such as travel, tourism, trade. Transactions like those in assets are not permissible unless there capital account convertibility.
Ceteris Paribus – ‘Other things remaining equal’. ‘Ad Valorem’ means as per value. Laffercurve – hypothesis that when the tax rate is raised the revenue realized tends to fall. Monopsony – single buyer as opposite of monopoly where there is a single seller. Lorenz curve shows graphical representation of income distribution. The Phillips curve illustrates the relationship between inflation and unemployment.
Bretton Woods Agreement led to the establishment of World Bank & IMF. More developed a country greater would be its dependence on direct tax.
MODVAT (modified value added tax) was introduced in India in 1986 (MODVAT was re-named as CENVAT w.e.f. 1-4-2000). Increase in RBI credit to the government during a year represents Monetised deficit.
A high fiscal deficit leads to adverse effects on BoP, rise in interest rates & a high cost economy.
The reverse repo rate is the rate at which banks park their short-term excess liquidity with the RBI, while the repo rate is the rate at which the RBI pumps in short-term liquidity into the system
PNB is the oldest existing commercial bank in India. India’s short term debt is less than 10 % of India’s total debt.
The 12th financial commission recommendation would be applicable for the period 2005-2010. Minimum Alternate Tax is a tax on zero tax companies.
Capital adequacy ratio affects assets of banks, its share capital & its investment. International Finance Corporation essentially provides loans to boost private sector investment of member countries.
Zero-based Budgeting requires that a program be justified from the ground up each fiscal year. ZBB is especially encouraged for Government budgets because expenditures can easily run out of control if it is automatically assumed what was spent last year must be spent this year
The main source of revenue for the Union government in ascending order of importance are income tax, custom duties, and corporate tax & excise duties.
Prevention of Money Laundering act is applicable to drug trafficking, mafia, gun running etc. Maintaining its increasing trend since 1990-91, except in 1998-99, the share of direct taxes in central tax revenues increased from 19.1 per cent in 1990-91 to 43.3 per cent in 2004-05 (RE) and further to 47.9 per cent 2005-06 (BE).
Trade Related Investment measures (TRIMS) under WTO apply that no restrictions will be imposed on foreign investment in any sector; all restrictions on foreign companies will be scrapped; Imports of raw materials by foreign companies are to be allowed freely.
Participatory Notes (P-Notes) refers to investment in Indian securities by unregulated FIIs & Hedge funds. NCLT will replace the role of Company law board, BIFR & High courts. Fiduciary issue is the paper currency not backed by gold or silver.
Essential Extra Reference:
Various Schemes launched by the government
Capex in various sectors- telecom etc.
Export Import Value with trade in Merchandise
1. What are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how do they relate to the Indian economy? | ![]() |
2. How did the Indian economy perform in relation to the MDGs? | ![]() |
3. How did the MDGs impact the Indian economy? | ![]() |
4. How did the MDGs contribute to poverty reduction in India? | ![]() |
5. How did the MDGs contribute to gender equality in India? | ![]() |