Organic Reagents: Organic reagents can be classified into two categories such as electron rich reagents like Base/Nucleophile and Electron deficient reagents like Acid/Electrophile
1. Nucleophile [nucleus loving]: 8 e– having lone pair or –ve charge. If they attack at electron deficient center where e– densit y is low-this is called nucleophile.
(1) Anions:
(2) With complete octet and lone pair.
(3) Alkenes/alkynes, RH = CHR, Benzene.
(4) CH2 = CH – EDG → —OH, –OR, —NH2, –NR2.
(5) Organometallic compounds [OMC]: The alkyl or aryl groups of OMC are nucleophile such as,
(Gilman reagent)
(6) Ambident nucleophiles – having two donor sites.
All enolate are ambident ligands.
2. Electron deficient reagents like Acid/Electrophile: Inco mplete octet or vacant p orbital p or d orbital/s
(1) Incomplete octet having vacant p orbitals BeCl2, BF3, BCl3, BBr3 BI3 (2p – 5p), Carbocations, Carbene, Nitrene, benzyne
Note: All cat ions are charged electrophiles except cations of IA, IIA group elements,
group elements, Al3+ and
But are not electrophiles.
Note: Na+ is neit her Arrhenius acid or Lewis acid nor electrophile
(2) Vacant d orbitals: PCl3, PCl5, SiF4, SnCl4, ZnCl2, FeCl3, (Used in Beckmann rearrangement), SO3
Zn ++ , Cu + + , Ag + , Pt + + , Fe+ + , Cr ++ + , Ni + +
(3) Atom in elemental state
(4) Alkene having EWG.
(5) Ketenes
(6) Carbon center of carbonyl group [C = O] acid derivatives, CO2
3. Ambiphiles: Those reagents which can act both electrophile and nucleophile. e.g.,
Note: Br2, I2 and ICl are also ambiphiles.
Now the questions arise in mind about electron rich species [reagent]?
Q1. H2O (8 e– having lone pair) or NaOH is electron rich species, where H2O work as base and where H2O
work as nucleophile [Ligand, reducing agent or HOMO]?
Here I am showing different role of H2O:
H2O + HCl → H3O+ + Cl-
Q2. About any electron rich species or electron deficient species following type of question arises in mind that:
Now how will we give the answer: Electronic Effect
1. Primary Effects
(a) Electro negativity of atom (Pauling scale)
Bond Electro negativity Difference b/w electro negativity Difference b/w pKa pKa Higher the pKa value, lower the acidity and vice-versa. |
(b) % S of character
% S of character Compound CH3—CH3 |
Hybridization % S character % P Character sp3 25 75 sp2 28 72 sp2 33 67 sp 50 50 Higher the pKa value, lower the acidity and vice-versa. |
Electro negativity of carbon atom Increases |
pKa value 55 42 38 25 |
(c) Size of atom
Size of atom Size increases |
Bond pKa Bond pKa Bond pKa F—H 3 HO—H 16 H3O+ –2 Br—H –9 HSe—H 2 — — I—H –10 HTe—H –3 — — *T he acidity order for the positive charge and H3O+ > H3S+ (Jerry March) |
2. Secondary Effects
Molecule pKa Primary factors Secondary factors H2O 16 Equal No effect EtOH 17 Equal +I effect of Et
Inductive Effect: In a covalent single bond between unlike atoms, the electron pair forming the s bond is never shared absolutely equally between the two atoms; it tends to be attracted a little more towards the more electronegative atom of the two.
Non-polar covalent bond (no inductive effect)
Polar covalent bond (-I effect by Cl)
Polar covalent bond (+I effect by O–)
Thus in an alkyl chloride, the electron density tends to be greater nearer chlorine than carbon, as the former is the more electronegative; this is generally represented.
If the carbon atom bonded to chlorine is itself attached of further carbon atoms, the effect can be transmitted further.
Polarization of one bond caused by the polarization of an adjacent bond is known as an inductive effect.
Functional groups can be classified as electron withdrawing (–I) or electron donating (+I) groups relative to hydrogen. This means, for example, that NO2, a –I group, will draw electrons to itself more than a hydrogen atom would if it occupied the same position in the molecule.
Thus, in α-nitrotoluene, the electrons in the N–C bond are farther away from the carbon atom than the electrons in the H–C bond of toluene. Similarly, the electrons of the C–Ph bond are farther away from the ring in a-nitrotoluene than they are in toluene. Field effects are always co mparison effects. For example, compare the –I or +I effect of one group with another (usually hydrogen). Therefore, it may be said that, compared wit h hydrogen, the NO2 group is electron withdrawing and the O– group is electron donating or electron releasing. However, there is no actual donating or withdrawing of electrons, but rather electron distortion or electron redistribution. While withdrawing and releasing terms are convenient to use, the terms merely represent a difference in the posit ion of electrons due to the difference in electronegativity between H and NO2 or between H and O–.
1. Permanent & partial shift ing of s electrons.
2. Magnitude of induct ive effect decreases with increase in distance.
3. It is followed with DNP (distance number, power)
+I group
-CH2 - CH3 > - CT3 > - CD3 > - CH3 > - T > - D > - H
[Note: Heavier isotopes have more +I power]
- I group
–I Power
Since θ1 > θ2 that is why quaternary nitrogen (A) is more electronegative than ammonium nitrogen (B).
Therefore quaternary nitrogen (A) shows more –I effect than ammonium ion (B).
Here primary factor (electronegativity of the nitrogen atom) playing more dominating role than +I effect of alkyl group (R)
(Considering steric factor because the size of nitrogen is small) Electron withdrawing substituents (more deactivating) decreases the reactivity of the benzene ring toward electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction.
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