Name the 1st state in India which provide mid-day meal ration?
What is the energy demand fall in India during 40days lockdown as per report titled “Global Energy Review 2020” released by International Energy Agency (IEA)?
Iran has approved a bill on national currency denomination, which allows to cutting four zeros from its national currency Rial & to rename it as ________.
Who has been extended as the good will ambassador of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for 2 years till 2022?
Name the person who has been sworn-in as the Prime Minister of Iraq recently in May 2020.
Co-operative banks comes under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act recently, as per Supreme court order. When was SARFAESI act enacted?
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved a loan worth $500 million for India’s ‘COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project’. Where is the HQ of AIIB located?
Name the person who has been appointed as the chief risk officer of YES bank for 3 years in May 2020.
What is the percent stake of Reliance’s Jio platforms was bought by Vista Equity Partners for Rs 11,367 crore?
World Hand Hygiene day was observed annually on May 5. What is the theme for the day for the year 2020?
The central government has launched India’s biggest evacuation plan to bring back Indian citizens stranded in foreign countries. What is the name of the mission?
Which Indian metro city has registered the highest number of Internet users in accordance with the study by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)?
For 40th anniversary of eradication of which disease the World Health Organisation and United Nations postal agency has released the commemorative postage stamp?
The central government has raised the estimated gross market borrowing crore for FY 21 as per the Budget Estimates from 7.80 Lakh crores to _______.
Name the company which has signed contract worth Rs.1200 crores with defence ministry for Phase-II of Modernisation of Air Field Infrastructure (MAFI) of 37 airfields of IAF.
Name the Indian cricket who has been appointed as the brand ambassador of education technology company ELSA corp.
UK’s GlaxoSmithKline has sold its 5.7% stake in which company for $3.35 billion in May 2020?
Nanosafe Solutions, the Start-up in which Indian IIT has developed and launched an antimicrobial and washable face mask “NSafe”?
Narinder Dhruv Batra to continue as president till May 2021 at international federation of which sports?
Name the Indian who has been conferred with Deutsche Welle Freedom of Speech Award 2020 among with 17 journalists from 14 countries.
Name the automated contactless Ultraviolet C (UVC) sanitisation cabinet designed to sanitize Electronic gadgets, currency notes etc, by Hyderabad based Research Centre Imarat (RCI) of DRDO.
With which company the ICMR ties up to develop 1st fully indigenous COVID-19 vaccine by using the virus strain isolated at the National Institute of Virology (NIV)?
The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has formed 6-member committee to prepare SOP for resumption of sports coaching and activities. Name the person who heads the committee.
Hari Shankar Vasudevan who passed away recently is a renowned _________.
Name the 1st state in the country which has launched ‘First Information Report (FIR) Aapke Dwar Yojana ‘(FIR at your doorstep).