Which of the following are the factors for the impoverishment of the Indian peasantry?
1. Colonial economic policies
2. The new land revenue system
3. Overcrowding of land
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following statements are correct about Indigo revolt?
1. Peasants tried to use violent methods and initiated an armed revolution supported by fund collection.
2. Gradually they learnt to go on a rent strike by refusing to pay the enhanced rents
Choose from the following options.
Large parts of East Bengal were engulfed by agrarian unrest during the 1870s and early 1880s. Which one of the following is NOT true with regards to the unrest?
Which of these statements are correct about Deccan Riots?
1. Here moneylenders were mostly outsiders - Marwaris or Gujaratis
2. Modern Nationalist Intelligentsia of Maharashtra opposed the peasants' cause due to the violence
Consider the following statements about the nature of Peasant movements after 1857 and choose the correct one?
1. Colonialism was the target of these movements
2. Territorial reach was limited
3. There was no continuity of struggle or long term organization
What were the issues of Peasants in Eka Movement?
1. High rents
2. Oppression of thikadars in charge of revenue collection
3. Practice of share rents
Choose from the following options
Consider the following statements.
1. In 1920, the Awadh Kisan Sabha came into existence because of differences in nationalist ranks
2. The Awadh Kisan Sabha asked the kisans to refuse to till bedakhali land, not to offer hari and begar and to boycott panchayats
Which of these statements are correct?
Which of these statements are correct about Mappila Revolt?
1. The Mappila tenants were particularly encouraged the demand of the local Congress body for government legislation regulating tenant-landlord relations
2. Soon, the Mappila movement merged with the ongoing Khilafat agitation
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about Bardoli Satyagraha.
1. An intelligence wing was set up to make sure all the tenants, followed the movement's resolutions
2. Those who opposed the movement faced a social boycott
3. There was less emphasis placed on the mobilization of women
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. The All India Kisan Sabha was founded by Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narayan Dwivedi
2. The Congress Manifesto for the 1937 provincial elections was strongly influenced by the Awadh Kisan Sabha
Which of these statements are correct?