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Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - UPSC MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 for UPSC 2025 is part of UPSC preparation. The Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 below.
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Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 1

Samachar Darpan , the first vernacular paper in India was started during the period of

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 2

Which of the following earned the epithet “Liberator of the Indian Press’?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 3

Which of the following was the first to impose censorship on the press in India?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 3

The first to impose censorship on the press in India was Lord Wellesley. He introduced the Censorship of Press Act in 1799, which required all newspapers and periodicals to obtain a license from the British government in order to publish. This was done to control the dissemination of information and to suppress any content that could be considered seditious or critical of the British rule in India.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 4

The first step taken by the British government for the spread of modern education was taken in

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 5

Who argued that ‘Oriental learning was completely inferior to European learning’?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 5

Thomas Babington Macaulay argued that Oriental learning was completely inferior to European learning. He was a British historian, politician, and member of the Governor-General's Council in India during the 19th century. Macaulay was a proponent of English education and played a significant role in shaping the educational policies in colonial India through his famous "Minute on Indian Education" in 1835. In that document, he expressed his belief that English education was superior to indigenous education and advocated for the promotion of English language and literature over traditional Indian knowledge systems.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 6

The last major extension of British Indian territory took place during the time of

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 6

b The last major extension of British Indian Territory took place during Dalhousie under his Doctrine of Lapse Jhansi Satara Jaitpur Sambalpur Udaipur and Nagpur and on the basis of misgovernance Awadh.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 7

The aim of the Asiatic Society was

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 7

The Asiatic Society founded in 1784 by Sir. William Jones was a unique institution having served as a fountainhead of all literary and scientific activities. It was visualised as a centre for Asian studies including everything concerning man and nature within the geographical limits of the continent. It’s aim was to rediscover India’s glorious past.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 8

The famous ‘1835 minute’ on education is associated with

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 9

Shome Prakash’ was started by

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 10

The silver coins of the Gupta period were known as

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 11

 The ‘Sadharan Brahmo Samaj’ was founded in

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 11
The Sadharan Brahmo Samaj is a division of Brahmoism formed as a result of schisms in the Brahmo Samaj in 1866 and 1878 respectively. The Sadharan Brahmo Samaj was formed in a public meeting of Brahmos held in the Town Hall of Calcutta on 15 May 1878 (2nd Jaishta 1284 of the Bengali calendar). A letter from Maharshi Devendranath Tagore communicating his blessings and prayer for the success of the new Samaj was read in the meeting. At the time of its foundation the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj was headed by three men universally esteemed in Brahmo society for their high moral character. They were Ananda Mohan Bose, Sib Nath Shastri and Umesh Chandra Dutta. Of those three Ananda Mohan Bose was the youngest, scarcely more than 31 years at the time, yet he was placed at the head of affairs.
Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 12

The Prathna Samaj was founded in Bombay in 1867. Its founder was

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 12

The Prarthana Samaj, a leading society for socio-religious reform was established on 31 March 1867 in Bombay by Atmaram Panduranga.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 13

The Prathana Samaj laid stress on

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 13

The correct answer is option (E).The Prarthana Samaj adhered to the tradition of Bhakti that believed in spiritual equality of all castes. Established in 1867 at Bombay, the Prarthana Samaj sought to remove caste restrictions, abolish child marriage, encourage the education of women, and end the ban on widow remarriage. Its religious meetings drew upon Hindu, Buddhist and Christian texts.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 14

Who opined “the rigidities of the caste system has been the source of want of unity among us”?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 15

Who remarked “Rammohan was the only person in his time, in the whole world of man, to realise completely the significance of the Modern Age”?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 16

Which of the following evolved a new teachnique of teaching Sanskrit and wrote a Bengali primer which is used till this day

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 17

Who said “What we see around us today is a fallen nation - a nation whose primitive greatness lies buried in ruins”?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 18

The activities of which society spread to South India as a result of the efforts of the Telegu reformer, Versalingam?

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 18

The correct answer is Brahmo Samaj. Kandukuri Veeresalingam, a social reformer, and writer from the Telegu region played a significant role in spreading the ideas and activities of the Brahmo Samaj to South India.

Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who aimed to reform Hinduism by purging it of its superstitions, irrational beliefs, and rigid caste system. The Brahmo Samaj focused on promoting monotheism, rationalism, and social reform. It sought to reinterpret and modernize Hinduism through a return to the Upanishads, the ancient Hindu scriptures.

Kandukuri Veeresalingam was influenced by the ideals of the Brahmo Samaj and worked tirelessly to reform society, especially in the areas of women's rights, education, and social equality. He established schools for girls, campaigned against child marriage and the dowry system, and encouraged widow remarriage. Through his writings and activism, Veeresalingam played a crucial role in bringing the progressive ideas of the Brahmo Samaj to the Telegu-speaking regions of South India.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 19

The great rationalist thinker G.G. Agarkar, who was against false glorification of India’s past came from

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 20

Who repudiated the doctrine that the Vedic scriptures were infallible?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 21

 Who again and again emphasised that there were many roads to God and salvation and that service of man was service of god, for man was the embodiment of god

Detailed Solution for Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 21

Swami vivekanand , his original name Narendra datta (1862-1902). He subscribed vedanta which he considered a fully rational system with a superior 1893 parliament of religions held at Chicago where he made great impression on people by his learned interpretations. spread the message of Ramakrishna's. In 1897 he founded Rama Krishna mission for humanitarian relief and social work.

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 22

Who wrote “For our own motherland a junction of the two great systems, Hinduism and the only hope“ ?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 23

Swami Vivekanand founded the Ramakrishna mission to carry on humanitarian relief and social work in

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 24

Arrange the following chronologically:

I. The Bethune School

II. The Prarthana Samaj

III. The Tatvabodhini Samaj

IV. The Ramakrishna Mission

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 25

The Arya Samaj, founded in 1875 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, undertook the task of reforming Hinduism in

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 26

 According to Swami Dayanand, which of the following were full of false teachings?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 27

 Swami Dayanand regarded the Vedas as infallible. This gave his teachings an orthodox colouring. Why?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 28

Swami Dayanand’s approach had a rationalist aspect because

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 29

Which of the following was not criticized by the Arya Samaj?

Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3 - Question 30

Which is true about the Arya Samaj?

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