Getting Started With R (R Tutorial 1.3) Video Lecture | Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management

51 videos
Video Timeline
Video Timeline
00:20 How to assign values to an object in R
01:46 How to see what is stored in R?
01:57 How to remove an object in R?
02:52 How to assign values to objects in R
03:37 How to do basic arithmetic in R
04:50 How to take the square root of an object in R
05:07 How to use the "log" function in R
05:12 How to take the exponent or anti-log in R?
05:30 How to calculate the absolute value in R?
06:14 Few h&y keyboard shortcuts
06:41 Including comments & notes

FAQs on Getting Started With R (R Tutorial 1.3) Video Lecture - Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management

1. What is database management in R?
Ans. Database management in R refers to the process of interacting with databases using R programming language. It involves tasks such as connecting to databases, querying data, inserting or updating records, and managing database connections.
2. How can I connect to a database in R?
Ans. In R, you can connect to a database using the dbConnect() function from the DBI package. You need to provide the necessary details such as the database driver, server name, username, and password to establish a connection. For example, to connect to a MySQL database, you would use the following code: ```R library(DBI) con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "database_name", host = "localhost", port = 3306, user = "username", password = "password") ```
3. How can I retrieve data from a database in R?
Ans. To retrieve data from a database in R, you can use the dbGetQuery() function from the DBI package. This function allows you to execute SQL queries and fetch the result as a data frame. For example, to retrieve all records from a table named "employees", you would use the following code: ```R library(DBI) result <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM employees") ``` The result will be stored in the "result" variable as a data frame.
4. How can I insert data into a database in R?
Ans. To insert data into a database in R, you can use the dbExecute() function from the DBI package. This function allows you to execute SQL statements for data manipulation, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. For example, to insert a new record into a table named "employees", you would use the following code: ```R library(DBI) dbExecute(con, "INSERT INTO employees (name, age, salary) VALUES ('John', 30, 5000)") ``` This code will insert a new record with the name "John", age 30, and salary 5000 into the "employees" table.
5. How can I close a database connection in R?
Ans. To close a database connection in R, you can use the dbDisconnect() function from the DBI package. This function allows you to terminate the connection and release any associated resources. For example, to close the previously established connection named "con", you would use the following code: ```R library(DBI) dbDisconnect(con) ``` This code will close the connection and free any memory or system resources used by the connection.
Video Timeline
Video Timeline
00:20 How to assign values to an object in R
01:46 How to see what is stored in R?
01:57 How to remove an object in R?
02:52 How to assign values to objects in R
03:37 How to do basic arithmetic in R
04:50 How to take the square root of an object in R
05:07 How to use the "log" function in R
05:12 How to take the exponent or anti-log in R?
05:30 How to calculate the absolute value in R?
06:14 Few h&y keyboard shortcuts
06:41 Including comments & notes
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Getting Started With R (R Tutorial 1.3) Video Lecture | Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management


