Linear Regression in R (R Tutorial 5.1) Video Lecture | Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management

51 videos
Video Timeline
Video Timeline
00:07 When to fit a simple linear regression model?
01:11 How to fit a linear regression model in R using the "lm" function
01:14 How to access the help menu in R for any function
01:36 How to let R know which variable is X & which one is Y when fitting a regression model
01:45 How to ask for the summary of the simple linear regression model in R including estimates for intercept, test statistic, p-values & estimates of the slope.
02:27 Residual standard error (residual error) in R
02:53 How to ask for the attributes of the simple linear regression model in R
03:06 How to extract certain attributes from the simple linear regression model in R
03:40 How to add a regression line to a plot in R
03:52 How to change the color or width of the regression line in R
04:07 How to get the simple linear regression model's coefficient in R
04:11 How to produce confidence intervals for model's coefficients in R
04:21 How to change the level of confidence for model's coefficients in R
04:38 How to produce the ANOVA table for the linear regression in R
04:47 Explore the relationship between ANOVA table and the f-test of the linear regression summary
04:55 Explore the relationship between the residual standard error of the linear regression summary & the square root of the mean squared error or mean squared residual from the ANOVA table

FAQs on Linear Regression in R (R Tutorial 5.1) Video Lecture - Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management

1. What is linear regression in R?
Ans. Linear regression in R is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It calculates the best-fitting line that represents the linear relationship between the variables, allowing us to make predictions or understand the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable.
2. How can I perform linear regression in R?
Ans. To perform linear regression in R, you can use the "lm()" function. This function takes the form "lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + ..., data = dataset)", where "y" is the dependent variable, and "x1", "x2", etc., are the independent variables. You need to provide the dataset containing the variables to the "data" argument.
3. How do I interpret the coefficients in linear regression in R?
Ans. In linear regression, the coefficients represent the estimated change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable, holding all other variables constant. For example, if the coefficient for "x1" is 0.5, it means that a one-unit increase in "x1" is associated with a 0.5-unit increase in the dependent variable.
4. What are some assumptions of linear regression in R?
Ans. Linear regression in R assumes that there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables, the errors are normally distributed, the errors have constant variance (homoscedasticity), and there is no multicollinearity among the independent variables. Violation of these assumptions can affect the validity of the regression results.
5. How can I evaluate the performance of a linear regression model in R?
Ans. There are several ways to evaluate the performance of a linear regression model in R. You can look at the R-squared value, which measures the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables. Additionally, you can examine the p-values of the coefficients to assess the significance of each independent variable. Other metrics such as Mean Squared Error (MSE) or Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) can also be used to measure the model's predictive accuracy.
Video Timeline
Video Timeline
00:07 When to fit a simple linear regression model?
01:11 How to fit a linear regression model in R using the "lm" function
01:14 How to access the help menu in R for any function
01:36 How to let R know which variable is X & which one is Y when fitting a regression model
01:45 How to ask for the summary of the simple linear regression model in R including estimates for intercept, test statistic, p-values & estimates of the slope.
02:27 Residual standard error (residual error) in R
02:53 How to ask for the attributes of the simple linear regression model in R
03:06 How to extract certain attributes from the simple linear regression model in R
03:40 How to add a regression line to a plot in R
03:52 How to change the color or width of the regression line in R
04:07 How to get the simple linear regression model's coefficient in R
04:11 How to produce confidence intervals for model's coefficients in R
04:21 How to change the level of confidence for model's coefficients in R
04:38 How to produce the ANOVA table for the linear regression in R
04:47 Explore the relationship between ANOVA table and the f-test of the linear regression summary
04:55 Explore the relationship between the residual standard error of the linear regression summary & the square root of the mean squared error or mean squared residual from the ANOVA table
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Linear Regression in R (R Tutorial 5.1) Video Lecture | Mastering R Programming: For Data Science and Analytics - Database Management
