Lesson 04_08 Stabby functions and do blocks Video Lecture | The Julia Computer Language: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science - Database Management

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FAQs on Lesson 04_08 Stabby functions and do blocks Video Lecture - The Julia Computer Language: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science - Database Management

1. What are stabby functions in Ruby?
Ans. Stabby functions, also known as lambda functions or anonymous functions, are a shorthand syntax in Ruby for defining small, one-line functions. They are often used when a function is only needed in a specific context and does not need a formal name.
2. How do you define a stabby function in Ruby?
Ans. To define a stabby function in Ruby, you can use the `->` (dash, greater than) syntax. For example, `add = ->(x, y) { x + y }` defines a stabby function called `add` that takes two arguments and returns their sum.
3. What is a do block in Ruby?
Ans. A do block in Ruby is a way to group multiple lines of code together and pass it as an argument to a method. It is often used with methods that expect a block of code to be executed, such as iterators or database management methods.
4. How do you use a do block in Ruby?
Ans. To use a do block in Ruby, you can either use the `do...end` syntax or the curly braces `{...}` syntax. For example, you can write `5.times do |i| puts i end` or `5.times { |i| puts i }` to execute the block of code five times, each time with the `i` variable representing the current iteration.
5. How are stabby functions and do blocks related in Ruby?
Ans. Stabby functions and do blocks are both ways to define and execute blocks of code in Ruby. While stabby functions are often used for small, one-line functions, do blocks are used for larger blocks of code that need to be executed within a specific context, such as iterating over a collection or performing database operations. Both stabby functions and do blocks provide flexibility and readability in Ruby programming.

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Lesson 04_08 Stabby functions and do blocks Video Lecture | The Julia Computer Language: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science - Database Management


Lesson 04_08 Stabby functions and do blocks Video Lecture | The Julia Computer Language: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science - Database Management




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Lesson 04_08 Stabby functions and do blocks Video Lecture | The Julia Computer Language: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science - Database Management


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