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Indian National Congress & Safety Valve Theory Video Lecture - UPSC

FAQs on Indian National Congress & Safety Valve Theory Video Lecture - UPSC

1. What is the Safety Valve Theory?
Ans. The Safety Valve Theory refers to a political theory proposed by Lord Dufferin, the then Viceroy of India, in the late 19th century. According to this theory, the Indian National Congress (INC) was seen as a safety valve by the British colonial rulers to release the growing discontent and political pressure among the Indian masses. The Congress was allowed limited political participation, which served as a safety valve to prevent a potential uprising or revolution against British rule.
2. How did the British utilize the Indian National Congress as a safety valve?
Ans. The British colonial rulers utilized the Indian National Congress (INC) as a safety valve by allowing it limited political participation. By giving the Indian masses a platform to express their political grievances and aspirations through the Congress, the British tried to divert their attention from more radical and revolutionary movements. This strategy aimed to prevent the build-up of revolutionary sentiments and maintain colonial control over India.
3. Did the Safety Valve Theory have any impact on the Indian National Congress?
Ans. Yes, the Safety Valve Theory had a significant impact on the Indian National Congress. The limited political participation allowed by the British colonial rulers shaped the Congress's nature and objectives. The Congress initially focused on seeking reforms within the framework of British rule rather than demanding complete independence. This moderate approach was partly influenced by the Congress's role as a safety valve, as it had to strike a balance between representing the aspirations of the Indian masses and not posing a direct threat to British rule.
4. Was the Safety Valve Theory a successful strategy for the British colonial rulers?
Ans. The success of the Safety Valve Theory as a strategy for the British colonial rulers is a matter of debate. While it did provide a platform for the expression of political grievances and aspirations, it also inadvertently helped in the growth and organization of the Indian National Congress. Over time, the Congress evolved into a significant political force, demanding greater rights and ultimately playing a crucial role in India's struggle for independence. Therefore, it can be argued that the Safety Valve Theory had unintended consequences for the British, as it contributed to the growth of nationalist sentiment in India.
5. How did the Safety Valve Theory shape the trajectory of the Indian freedom movement?
Ans. The Safety Valve Theory played a role in shaping the trajectory of the Indian freedom movement. Initially, the Indian National Congress adopted a moderate approach, focusing on seeking reforms within the colonial framework. However, as the Congress gained strength and support, it gradually shifted towards demanding complete independence. The limited political participation allowed by the British as a safety valve eventually led to the growth of a more radical and assertive nationalist movement, which played a crucial role in India's struggle for freedom.
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