Class 6 Hindi (Vasant) Syllabus
Chapter 1: वह चिड़ियाँ जो
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the poem and its meaning, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 2: बचपन
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 3: नादान दोस्त
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 4: चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पें
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 5: अक्षरों का महत्व (Old Syllabus)
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the importance of letters, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 6: पार नज़र के (Old Syllabus)
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 7: साथी हाथ बढ़ाना
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 8: ऐसे-ऐसे
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 9: टिकट एलबम
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 10: झांसी की रानी
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 11: जो देखकर भी नही देखते
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 12: संसार पुस्तक है
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 13: मैं सबसे छोटी होउ
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 14: लोकगीत
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the poem and its meaning, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 15: नौकर
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 16: वन के मार्ग
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Chapter 17: साँस साँस में बांस (Old Syllabus)
Introduction to the chapter, understanding the story and its characters, comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and grammar exercises.
Additional Resources:
Sample papers with solutions, past year papers, NCERT textbooks, and solutions, worksheets for Hindi.
Note: The syllabus may vary from school to school. Students are advised to refer to their school curriculum for the exact syllabus.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Class 6, Grade 6