All questions of Conclusions and Decision Making for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Exam

Four friends - A, B, C and D - belong to an island, in which each person belongs to one of the three tribes - Truth tellers, Alternators and Liars. Truth tellers always tell the truth, Alternators alternate between true and false statements, in any order and Liars always lie. A, B, C and D earn their respective livelihoods as a Banker, a Journalist, an Engineer and a Doctor, not necessarily in the same order. When asked about the tribes and how they earn their livelihoods, each of them made exactly three statements. B made his first and third statements in the local language, which was incomprehensible, but made his second statement in English. However, A, C and D made all their statements in English.
Statement 1: B’s first statement is that, “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor.”
Statement 2: C is not a Truth teller.
Statement 3: B is an Engineer.

Statement 1: Aabra ka Daabra.
Statement 2: Atleast one of my statements is false.
Statement 3: Daan a kun.

Statement 1: A is a Doctor.
Statement 2: B’s third statement is that, “D is a truth teller.”
Statement 3: D is neither a Journalist nor an Engineer.

Statement 1: C made exactly one true statement.
Statement 2: Exactly two of us are truth tellers.
Statement 3: C is a Journalist.
Among A, B, C and D, at least one person of each tribe is present.
Q. Who is the Banker? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Sanvi Kapoor answered
Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question. D is the banker.
Hence, option 4.
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At a mathematics competition, a professor gives a new definition that a number is called 'defector' if it is impossible to factorise the given number. He then calls a number 'super defector' if the number formed by breaking the number into as many possible smaller numbers ( without re-ordering) and all the numbers so formed are defectors. For example, 123 can be broken into 1, 2, 3, 12, 23 and 123. Note that 13, 32, 21, 31 etc. are not involved.
How many 3-digit numbers are 'super defectors'?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Less than 8
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: Let abc be a 3-digit 'super defector' number.So, a, b, c, ab, be and abc are all defectors, a, b and c are prime numbers, b and c cannot be 2 and 5. a, b and c can also take value 1. Values of 'ab' such that'ab' is a defector are: 11, 13, 17, 23, 31, 37, 53, 71, 73
For abc to be a 3-digit 'super defector' number, values that c can take for various cases is given below: ab - 11 => c - 3 ab = 13 => c = 1, 7 ab = 17 => c = 3 ab = 31 => c = 1, 3, 7 ab = 37 => c = 3 For ab = 23, 53, 71 and 73, there is no possible value of c for which abc will be a 3-digit 'super defector' number.
Thus, we have 8 such numbers. Hence, option 4.

A car accident occurred on a busy street intersection killing two people and injuring three others. In order to nab the culprits, the police took the statements of all the witnesses present at that intersection, when the accident happened.
Some of the witnesses were in a state of shock because of the horrific accident and were unable to correctly reproduce the details of the accident. The witnesses who were in a state of shock provided all incorrect details while the rest of the witnesses provide the correct information about the accident. 
The following statements have been recorded by the police:
Witness 1: Three people were killed in the accident by a red car that ran over them.
Witness 2: The green car had a license plate with eight symbols on it, two of them being letters and the rest being digits.
Witness 3: The car was blue in colour and was being driven by a young man with two people sitting in the backseat, one of them being a woman.
Witness 4: Each of the last four digits on the license plate of the car was a power of the same number and they were in the ascending order.
Witness 5: There was a blue car involved in the accident and a yellow car was right behind it. The blue car injured two people and rushed away from the spot.
Witness 6: The car was a green Maruti with four people in it. The car hit five people injuring three of them.
Witness 7: If numbers are assigned to the two letters on the license plate of the car with A being 1, B being 2 and so on, then the sum of the two letters on the license plate was equal to the sum of the last four digits. The letters were from A-l with the letter with the lower value coming first. The last four digits were in the ascending order.
Q. How many witnesses are surely in a shocked state? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Rohit Jain answered
Solution: Consider the solution to the previous question.
It is proved that the car was neither red nor blue, but was green in colour.
Therefore, witnesses 1, 3 and 5 are definitely in a shocked state.
Now, it is known that if a witness is in a state of shock, all details of his/her statement are false.
Therefore, witnesses 2 and 6 definitely gave correct information.
Now, since witness 2 gave correct information, the statement made by witness 4 and (consequently) that made by witness 7 is also true.
Hence, only 3 witnesses (i.e. witnesses 1, 3 and 5) were in a shocked state.
Hence, option 2.

                                                                                     Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.

There are four trees - lemon, coconut, mango and neem - each at a different corner of a rectangular plot. A well is located at one corner and a cabin at another corner. The lemon and coconut trees are on either side of the gate which is located at the center of the side opposite to the side at whose extremes, the well and the cabin are located. The mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located.
Q. Which of the following pairs can be diagonally opposite to each other in the plot? 
  • a)
    Neem tree and lemon tree
  • b)
    Cabin and neem tree
  • c)
    Mango tree and well 
  • d)
    Coconut tree and lemon tree
  • e)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Jay Pillai answered
Solution: The lemon tree and coconut tree are on either side of the gate.
Therefore, start by fixing some position for the gate and get the position of the lemon and coconut tree.
The well and the cabin are at either end of the side opposite to the side having the gate.
The mango tree and the cabin are not at the same corner.
The neem tree and the well are not at the same corner.
Thus, two corners of the plot have to be (mango tree, well) and (neem tree, cabin).
Thus, the possible arrangement is as shown below.
From this arrangement and keeping in mind the given options, it is clear that only the neem tree and lemon tree can be opposite each other. Hence, option 1.

There are four trees - lemon, coconut, mango and neem - each at a different corner of a rectangular plot. A well is located at one corner and a cabin at another corner. The lemon and coconut trees are on either side of the gate which is located at the center of the side opposite to the side at whose extremes, the well and the cabin are located. The mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located.
Q. If the lemon tree is diagonally opposite to the well, then the coconut tree is diagonally opposite to the
  • a)
    Mango tree
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Given information:
- Four trees: lemon, coconut, mango, and neem
- Trees are at different corners of a rectangular plot
- A well is located at one corner and a cabin at another corner
- Lemon and coconut trees are on either side of the gate located at the center of the side opposite to the side where well and cabin are located
- Mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located
- Lemon tree is diagonally opposite to the well

To find:
- Position of coconut tree

- Since lemon tree is diagonally opposite to the well, we can assume that the lemon tree is at one corner and the well is at the corner diagonally opposite to it
- Let's assume that the lemon tree is at the top left corner and the well is at the bottom right corner
- Now, we know that the mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located, which means the mango tree cannot be at the top right corner (where the lemon tree is on the opposite side)
- Since the lemon and coconut trees are on either side of the gate located at the center of the side opposite to the side where the well and cabin are located, we can assume that the gate is at the bottom center of the plot
- From this, we can conclude that the coconut tree must be at the top right corner and the cabin must be at the bottom left corner
- Therefore, the coconut tree is diagonally opposite to the cabin

Answer: Option (c) Cabin

Shu-Tee is a medium-size manufacturing company. The company is more than 50 years old and many of the managers in the company have come from the ranks, so to speak. Recently, the Baby Boomers have started to retire and they are being replaced with Generation Yers. The remaining staff members taking the roles in the management team are Generation Xers.
These two generations (Gen X and Gen Y) are clashing in the workplace. Since the Gen Y employees have been at the company for such a short amount of time, they have very little loyalty or reason to stay. Hence, they are leaving the company at an alarming rate and the incoming replacements also are from the Gen Y group, so the problems will most likely repeat itself over and over.
Q. You are a Gen Y employee who has been with Shu-Tee for 2 weeks now. You are frustrated with your project managers constantly changing since a few have retired while the Gen Y managers have left for better prospects. You have great inputs for the project but it seems to be going nowhere due to lack of leadership. Which of these is the decision you would most likely take?
  • a)
    Join another company
  • b)
    Ask a Gen X senior member to lead the project
  • c)
    Lead the project by yourself
  • d)
    Ask Shu-Tee to abort the project
  • e)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

I would lead the project by myself, but there are not sufficient Gen Y members. So this is a bad idea.Hence i would ask a Gen X senior to lead the team... Option b is most appropriate.... I think...

Four friends - A, B, C and D - belong to an island, in which each person belongs to one of the three tribes - Truth tellers, Alternators and Liars. Truth tellers always tell the truth, Alternators alternate between true and false statements, in any order and Liars always lie. A, B, C and D earn their respective livelihoods as a Banker, a Journalist, an Engineer and a Doctor, not necessarily in the same order. When asked about the tribes and how they earn their livelihoods, each of them made exactly three statements. B made his first and third statements in the local language, which was incomprehensible, but made his second statement in English. However, A, C and D made all their statements in English.
Statement 1: B’s first statement is that, “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor.”
Statement 2: C is not a Truth teller.
Statement 3: B is an Engineer.

Statement 1: Aabra ka Daabra.
Statement 2: Atleast one of my statements is false.
Statement 3: Daan a kun.

Statement 1: A is a Doctor.
Statement 2: B’s third statement is that, “D is a truth teller.”
Statement 3: D is neither a Journalist nor an Engineer.

Statement 1: C made exactly one true statement.
Statement 2: Exactly two of us are truth tellers.
Statement 3: C is a Journalist.
Among A, B, C and D, at least one person of each tribe is present.
Q. Which of the following groups consists of people from all the  three tribes?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Cannot be determined
  • e)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Stuti Rane answered
Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question.
B is an alternator, C is a truth teller and A and D are liars.
For a group to contain persons from all the three tribes, it must have both B and C and either A or D.
Only option 1 satisfies the condition.
Hence, option 1.

Legrand Casino recently purchased a slot machine; a gaming machine, which had a main unit and five sub-units, labeled as Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. The main as well as each of the sub-units had five slots, labeled as Red, Blue, Grey, Black and Yellow. The game with this slotting machine involved punching the right coin in the right slot in the right sequence i.e. one after another. For example, if coin number 3 is punched into slot Blue in Gamma sub-unit and if the main unit also pushes the coin to Blue slot, then the punch is said to be a winning shot. If the coin in the sub-unit is punched into the right slot when compared to the corresponding coin in the main unit, then the player gets Rs. 1,000 as reward. On the other hand, if the slots do not match then the player loses Rs. 333. Each player gets 25 coins to play.
However, after a couple of days this slotting machine developed a peculiar problem. In the sub-units irrespective of the slot you intended to put in the coin, the sub-unit pushed the coin into the slot it wanted to every time on its own. 
To find out which slots in the sub-units had developed the snag, the technician played on all the sub-units using 25 coins in each of the sub-units.
After some kind of analysis he found that the main machine and each of the sub-units could identify right slots for 15 coins, however for the balance of 10 coins listed below, each of the sub-units assumed different positions as right slots when compared to the main unit whose allocation of slots was the benchmark for performance of other sub-units. 
On playing with these sub-units, the technician earned Rs. 17,000, Rs. 11,660, Rs. 18,330, Rs. 14,330 and Rs. 18,330 respectively from each of Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. All the amount being rounded off to previous tens figure. Of the ten slots which had developed the snag, there was atleast one sub-unit which identified the right slot for exactly 9 of the 10 slots. 
The table below gives the slots identified by each of the sub-units as right slots for the 10 problematic coins. 
Q. For the 10 incorrectly slotted coins, how many slots were commonly and correctly identified by more than 1 sub-unit?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question.
From the table it can be inferred that the slots for atleast 15 coins were identified correctly by all the sub-units. Now for the remaining 10 coins, there were exactly 16 right slots identified by these sub-units, which means that there were 6 common slots identified by these sub-units for these 10 coins.
Hence, option 3.

Amazing Chips Ltd., a snacks manufacturing company located in Delhi, as of now sells its products in the Delhi and NCR region only. Since the company had been doing quite well for the last three years, the management is thinking of expanding the business pan India. To ensure that the expansion plan would be profitable, the management decided to undertake a cost benefit analysis.
Which are the factors that the management must consider for their cost-benefit study?
I. Operations and Logistics Cost
II. Marketing Expense
III. Only Local Competition in the new cities
IV. Both Local and National competition
V. Working Capital
VI. New factory
VII. Human Resources
V III . Price
  • a)
    I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII
  • b)
    I, II, VI, V, VII, VIII
  • c)
    I, II, III, IV, VI, VII
  • d)
    I, II, III, IV, V, VII
  • e)
    All the factors would need to be considered
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: Let’s take a look at all the factors one by one - Operations and Logistics Cost - The production would need to be increased so the operations cost will need to be considered. Logistics costs come into the picture as goods are being transported all across the country. So, I is definitely a part of the study. This we can know from the options as well.Similarly, to create awareness about the product among the public, the company would need to incur additional marketing costs. So, II is also a part of the study. This we can know from the options as well.Since the company is planning to expand pan India, they will need to consider both the local competitors of each city and also the National competitors - companies that sell pan India. Hence, between III and IV, IV is the right choice.
Since the manufacturing quantity would increase, the company’s working capital requirements will also increase. They will need to consider the same in the cost-benefit analysis.
A new factory is not an immediate need for the company. In fact, they should think of it only after they’ve established themselves in a few cities. Thus, this will come at a later stage.
Human resources would have to be factored in as they may need to hire more people to do sales and marketing for them pan India; additionally they may also need to hire in other departments like operations to cater to the increasing work load. The company may need to revise their price depending on the additional expenses and taxes that will be incurred with the business expansion.
Thus, the factors that need to be considered are I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII.
Hence, the correct answer is option 1.

LFC is a very popular football club that has won several domestic and international accolades since the club’s establishment in 1869. Besides having a huge fan following at home and abroad, LFC also has an extensive army of franchises and several exclusive TV deals. This is perhaps why, Kop Limited, a firm owned by two American businessmen, Billet and Cricks, has been contemplating a prospective takeover of the Football club. Billet and Cricks present their offer to LFC’s board of directors and manage to win the approval of some of the board members. However, when the news of a prospective takeover finds its way to popular media, many fans are outraged as they see this as commercial exploitation of the club’s legacy. Some of the board members too, express concern over LFC being owned by businessmen who have not been associated with the club in the past and might prioritize their own financial interests over the club’s well-being. At the same time, it would be difficult for the board to reject the offer without deliberation since they could use the funds from the takeover and this would help them improve the infrastructure and facilities for the LFC squad. The board members of LFC find themselves in a dilemma.
Q. Identify the best rationale that may lead to the LFC board rejecting Kop Limited’s proposal.
  • a)
    LFC has been consistently outperforming its privately-owned peers over the past decade.
  • b)
    Kop Limited has not bought a sports club outside North America.
  • c)
    It is necessary that all fans of LFC approve of the deal since LFC would not be successful without them. 
  • d)
    Kop Limited could be a stakeholder without a completely taking over.
  • e)
    LFC does not need monetary support as much as it needs better administration.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: The question requires a suitable reason which would make Kop Limited’s bid seem unnecessary to the club without denying any advantages that the liaison might bring. Option 4 alone manages to keep this balance.
Option 1 is ruled out since LFC’s success might not necessarily be due to its ownership as much as it might be due to its players and management.
Option 2 does not provide an adequate reason to reject Kop Limited’s bid; their lack of experience in a particular region does not necessarily make their proposal seem harmful to LFC’s interests.
Option 3 is absurd; though, it might be true that LFC’s success can be attributed to its fans but one cannot accept a unanimous consensus from such a large number of fans. To reject a proposal on these grounds would be irrational on the board’s part.
Option 5 can be eliminated since a takeover need not be limited to adding monetary value alone.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

                                                                                       Group Question
The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.

LFC is a very popular football club that has won several domestic and international accolades since the club’s establishment in 1869. Besides having a huge fan following at home and abroad, LFC also has an extensive army of franchises and several exclusive TV deals. This is perhaps why, Kop Limited, a firm owned by two American businessmen, Billet and Cricks, has been contemplating a prospective takeover of the Football club. Billet and Cricks present their offer to LFC’s board of directors and manage to win the approval of some of the board members. However, when the news of a prospective takeover finds its way to popular media, many fans are outraged as they see this as commercial exploitation of the club’s legacy. Some of the board members too, express concern over LFC being owned by businessmen who have not been associated with the club in the past and might prioritize their own financial interests over the club’s well-being. At the same time, it would be difficult for the board to reject the offer without deliberation since they could use the funds from the takeover and this would help them improve the infrastructure and facilities for the LFC squad. The board members of LFC find themselves in a dilemma.
Q. As a representative of Kop Limited, you have been asked to help them convince LFC board members and supporters that the deal would be in the club’s best interests. To create a positive impact, the best decision you could take would be to:  
  • a)
    Tell the board that Kop Limited will not be involved in the club’s operations.
  • b)
    Offer monetary compensation to the board members and free merchandise to the fans.
  • c)
    Assure the board of Kop Limited’s history of purchasing other successful sports clubs and seek their help in pacifying the fans.
  • d)
    Let the board to draw out a plan of the hierarchy of the club’s administration.
  • e)
    Ask for the board’s demands and comply with them as long as the takeover goes through.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Suyash Saha answered
Solution: The apprehension towards the takeover bid mostly stems from Kop Limited’s limited exposure to LFC’s legacy and culture.
Option 1 seems irrational and defeatist. It would seem that Kop Limited has no interest in playing a role in the club’s success. Eliminate option 1.
Option 2 would not help change how Kop Limited is perceived and is thus, not advisable.
Options 4 and 5, seem hasty and would be perceived as quick-fixes rather than stable long-term solutions that will benefit all parties involved.
Option 3 can be deemed as the most suitable decision since it provides Kop Limited a chance to assure the Board of their capabilities and work with them to win over LFC’s fan following.
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

A major telecom company recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer to take command of the company’s finances. This move came against the backdrop of national and global economic crises.
The CFO is charged with the responsibility of realigning the finances of the largest Strategic Business Unit which deals with network solutions to major corporate clients in the country. In wake of the overall financial slump, many of the corporate clients have been delaying the payment of their recurring dues for the monthly network and internet services utilised. The local account managers handling those clients and their respective Regional Managers had been given the authority to maintain client relations and if necessary allow the delayed payments with a view to continue a long-term relationship with the key clients. However, the new CFO after taking stock of the situation decided to put an affirmative end to this practice. He sent a mail to every regional and local account manager asking them to discontinue services to the defaulting clients. In spite of such a strong communication, most major clients delayed the payments in the next month. As a response to this, the CFO resent his earlier mail asking for comments. In the next month, the single largest client defaulted on the payment and the regional manager promptly asked the technology company to terminate services to that client. The regional manger merely informed the client that the delay in payment was responsible for the termination of services and the service would be reconstituted on payment of the dues.

The client faced severe difficulties due to discontinuation of the internet and local network services. The CEO of that company wrote a scathing email to the Chairman of the telecom company.
The CEO pointed out the sudden, mishandled and improperly communicated decision and its severe impact on his company’s business. He pointed out that they were one of the largest clients of the telecom company. The CEO also hinted that his company would want to reconsider their future engagement. The Chairman decided to maintain the relations with that important client and yet protect his company’s image. He promptly restarted the network services and yet requested the client to clear the dues within a week and to avoid major delays especially in these times of crisis. The client replied to this communication, agreeing to the specified norms. However, the Chairman decided to severely reprimand the Regional Manager and suspended him for 2 weeks. He also severely questioned the CFO for his error. At the next board of directors meeting, there was support for the Chairman’s action in spite of protests by some senior directors who defended the CFO and the Regional Manager's actions.
Q. How can the Chairman’s order of suspending the Regional Manager be justified to the board?
  • a)
    The Chairman believes that the responsibility always lies with the on-field staff and not the administrative managers.
  • b)
    The Chairman could not entirely blame the client or the CFO and thus he decided to make the Regional Manager the scapegoat.
  • c)
    The Chairman expected the Regional Manager to have handled client relations better and to have taken a responsible decision to avoid this fiasco.
  • d)
    The Chairman believed that the Regional Manager could have caused the client to end his association with the telecom company.
  • e)
    The Chairman wanted to maintain relations with this particular client.  
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: The Chairman attributed the actual responsibility of effectively communicating the need for prompt payment on the Regional Manager. The Regional Manager had the option of forcefully defending the client’s importance to the CFO and also communicating the CFO’s stand to the client. Most importantly the discontinuation of services without proper intimation was incorrect. The arbitrariness of that decision was improper.Options 1 and 2 appear correct at first glance, but are however not genuine. Both the options cannot be justified as being correct reasons for suspending the Regional Manager. Here, we have to assume the business acumen of the Chairman.Options 4 and 5 are sub-parts of the bigger issue- which has been encapsulated in option 3.Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

Legrand Casino recently purchased a slot machine; a gaming machine, which had a main unit and five sub-units, labeled as Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. The main as well as each of the sub-units had five slots, labeled as Red, Blue, Grey, Black and Yellow. The game with this slotting machine involved punching the right coin in the right slot in the right sequence i.e. one after another. For example, if coin number 3 is punched into slot Blue in Gamma sub-unit and if the main unit also pushes the coin to Blue slot, then the punch is said to be a winning shot. If the coin in the sub-unit is punched into the right slot when compared to the corresponding coin in the main unit, then the player gets Rs. 1,000 as reward. On the other hand, if the slots do not match then the player loses Rs. 333. Each player gets 25 coins to play.
However, after a couple of days this slotting machine developed a peculiar problem. In the sub-units irrespective of the slot you intended to put in the coin, the sub-unit pushed the coin into the slot it wanted to every time on its own. 
To find out which slots in the sub-units had developed the snag, the technician played on all the sub-units using 25 coins in each of the sub-units.
After some kind of analysis he found that the main machine and each of the sub-units could identify right slots for 15 coins, however for the balance of 10 coins listed below, each of the sub-units assumed different positions as right slots when compared to the main unit whose allocation of slots was the benchmark for performance of other sub-units. 
On playing with these sub-units, the technician earned Rs. 17,000, Rs. 11,660, Rs. 18,330, Rs. 14,330 and Rs. 18,330 respectively from each of Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. All the amount being rounded off to previous tens figure. Of the ten slots which had developed the snag, there was atleast one sub-unit which identified the right slot for exactly 9 of the 10 slots. 
The table below gives the slots identified by each of the sub-units as right slots for the 10 problematic coins. 
Q. Which of these can never be a valid combination of correctly slotted coin numbers for the Alpha sub-unit?
  • a)
    2, 6, 11, 25
  • b)
    5, 11, 14, 18
  • c)
    8, 21, 22, 25 
  • d)
    6, 18, 21, 22
  • e)
    All of the above
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Mira Dey answered
Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question.Observe that the Gamma sub-unit has identified the correct slot for 15 coins and the incorrect one for the 10 problematic coins.Thus, all 10 slots given against the Gamma sub-unit for the 10 problematic coins are incorrect.Also, observe that the Alpha sub-unit has identified 6 incorrect slots for the 10 problematic coins and so has identified exactly 4 correct slots.Now, if any slot identified by the Alpha sub-unit for a particular coin matches the slot identified by the Gamma sub-unit for the same coin, it can never be a correctly identified slot as far as the Alpha sub-unit is concerned.Observe that the slotting for the Alpha sub-unit coincides with that of the Gamma sub-unit for 3 coins (11, 18, 22).Since the slot coincides, these 3 coins are definitely incorrectly slotted by the Alpha sub-unit.Therefore, any combination that contains atleast one of these coin numbers cannot be a correctly slotted combination for the Alpha sub-unit.Observe that each option contains atleast one out of 11,18 and 22.Thus, all the given options can never be valid combinations of correctly slotted coins for the Alpha sub-unit.Hence, option 5.

A car accident occurred on a busy street intersection killing two people and injuring three others. In order to nab the culprits, the police took the statements of all the witnesses present at that intersection, when the accident happened.
Some of the witnesses were in a state of shock because of the horrific accident and were unable to correctly reproduce the details of the accident. The witnesses who were in a state of shock provided all incorrect details while the rest of the witnesses provide the correct information about the accident. 
The following statements have been recorded by the police:
Witness 1: Three people were killed in the accident by a red car that ran over them.
Witness 2: The green car had a license plate with eight symbols on it, two of them being letters and the rest being digits.
Witness 3: The car was blue in colour and was being driven by a young man with two people sitting in the backseat, one of them being a woman.
Witness 4: Each of the last four digits on the license plate of the car was a power of the same number and they were in the ascending order.
Witness 5: There was a blue car involved in the accident and a yellow car was right behind it. The blue car injured two people and rushed away from the spot.
Witness 6: The car was a green Maruti with four people in it. The car hit five people injuring three of them.
Witness 7: If numbers are assigned to the two letters on the license plate of the car with A being 1, B being 2 and so on, then the sum of the two letters on the license plate was equal to the sum of the last four digits. The letters were from A-l with the letter with the lower value coming first. The last four digits were in the ascending order.
 Q. Among the last four digits on the license plate, what was the difference between the last digit and the first digit?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Nishanth Rane answered
Solution: From the statements made by witnesses 2, 4 and 7, it is known that the last four digits on the license plate were four powers of the same number in ascending order.
The only way this can happen is if all four digits are powers of 2.
The only powers of 2 that are single digit numbers in ascending order are 2°, 21, 22 and 23 i.e. 1,2, 4 and 8.
The digits are 1,2, 4 and 8 from left to right.
So, the required difference = 8 - 1 = 7 Hence, option 4.

Which number can be the missing term? 94, 496, 1218,........, 36112
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Jaya Nair answered
Solution: Every number in the series is composed of two parts, left part is the square of an odd number and the right parts are consecutive even numbers.
Left part: 9 = 32
49 = 72 (3 + 4)2
121 = 112 => (3 + 4 + 4 )2
361 = 192 => (3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4)2  
Left part of the missing term is (3 + 4 + 4 + 4)2 = 152 = 225 
Right part: 4, 6, 8, ... , 12
Right part of the missing term is 10.
The missing term is 22510. Hence, option 1.

                                                                                      Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.

A major telecom company recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer to take command of the company’s finances. This move came against the backdrop of national and global economic crises.
The CFO is charged with the responsibility of realigning the finances of the largest Strategic Business Unit which deals with network solutions to major corporate clients in the country. In wake of the overall financial slump, many of the corporate clients have been delaying the payment of their recurring dues for the monthly network and internet services utilised. The local account managers handling those clients and their respective Regional Managers had been given the authority to maintain client relations and if necessary allow the delayed payments with a view to continue a long-term relationship with the key clients. However, the new CFO after taking stock of the situation decided to put an affirmative end to this practice. He sent a mail to every regional and local account manager asking them to discontinue services to the defaulting clients. In spite of such a strong communication, most major clients delayed the payments in the next month. As a response to this, the CFO resent his earlier mail asking for comments. In the next month, the single largest client defaulted on the payment and the regional manager promptly asked the technology company to terminate services to that client. The regional manger merely informed the client that the delay in payment was responsible for the termination of services and the service would be reconstituted on payment of the dues.

The client faced severe difficulties due to discontinuation of the internet and local network services. The CEO of that company wrote a scathing email to the Chairman of the telecom company.
The CEO pointed out the sudden, mishandled and improperly communicated decision and its severe impact on his company’s business. He pointed out that they were one of the largest clients of the telecom company. The CEO also hinted that his company would want to reconsider their future engagement. The Chairman decided to maintain the relations with that important client and yet protect his company’s image. He promptly restarted the network services and yet requested the client to clear the dues within a week and to avoid major delays especially in these times of crisis. The client replied to this communication, agreeing to the specified norms. However, the Chairman decided to severely reprimand the Regional Manager and suspended him for 2 weeks. He also severely questioned the CFO for his error. At the next board of directors meeting, there was support for the Chairman’s action in spite of protests by some senior directors who defended the CFO and the Regional Manager's actions.
Q. Which of the following could be a probable reason for the Chairman to reprimand the CFO?  
  • a)
    The CFO did not explain the exact nature of the financial crisis to all the other employees.
  • b)
    The CFO misinterpreted the exact dimensions of the financial crisis.
  • c)
    The CFO could have consulted the Chairman before taking any decisions.
  • d)
    The CFO could have implemented his decisions on a case to case basis in consultation with the managers and their clients.
  • e)
    The CFO could have kept the final decisions only with the Chairman and not the Regional managers.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Keerthana Shah answered
Solution: Here, the decision by the CFO appears to be flawed because he made a blanket rule, which though useful in the short term, would not have yielded long term gains.Options 1 and 2 are misleading as the decision for restructuring the finances appears to be correct, but its implementation is being questioned.Options 3 and 5 are impractical. The CFO was given a mandate and it is his job to implement it, not the Chairman’s.Option 4 is the most plausible course of action to take to maintain healthy finances as well as good client relations. Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Legrand Casino recently purchased a slot machine; a gaming machine, which had a main unit and five sub-units, labeled as Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. The main as well as each of the sub-units had five slots, labeled as Red, Blue, Grey, Black and Yellow. The game with this slotting machine involved punching the right coin in the right slot in the right sequence i.e. one after another. For example, if coin number 3 is punched into slot Blue in Gamma sub-unit and if the main unit also pushes the coin to Blue slot, then the punch is said to be a winning shot. If the coin in the sub-unit is punched into the right slot when compared to the corresponding coin in the main unit, then the player gets Rs. 1,000 as reward. On the other hand, if the slots do not match then the player loses Rs. 333. Each player gets 25 coins to play.
However, after a couple of days this slotting machine developed a peculiar problem. In the sub-units irrespective of the slot you intended to put in the coin, the sub-unit pushed the coin into the slot it wanted to every time on its own. 
To find out which slots in the sub-units had developed the snag, the technician played on all the sub-units using 25 coins in each of the sub-units.
After some kind of analysis he found that the main machine and each of the sub-units could identify right slots for 15 coins, however for the balance of 10 coins listed below, each of the sub-units assumed different positions as right slots when compared to the main unit whose allocation of slots was the benchmark for performance of other sub-units. 
On playing with these sub-units, the technician earned Rs. 17,000, Rs. 11,660, Rs. 18,330, Rs. 14,330 and Rs. 18,330 respectively from each of Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. All the amount being rounded off to previous tens figure. Of the ten slots which had developed the snag, there was atleast one sub-unit which identified the right slot for exactly 9 of the 10 slots. 
The table below gives the slots identified by each of the sub-units as right slots for the 10 problematic coins. 
Q. If the correct slot for coin numbered 8 was Yellow, then what would have been the correct slot for coin number 21?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: if the correct slot for coin 8 was Yellow, then two slots would have been correctly identified by Theta and the slots identified by Theta for other coins would have been wrong. Hence the slots identified by Alpha for coins 5 and 21 would be right.Hence, option 3.

Four friends - A, B, C and D - belong to an island, in which each person belongs to one of the three tribes - Truth tellers, Alternators and Liars. Truth tellers always tell the truth, Alternators alternate between true and false statements, in any order and Liars always lie. A, B, C and D earn their respective livelihoods as a Banker, a Journalist, an Engineer and a Doctor, not necessarily in the same order. When asked about the tribes and how they earn their livelihoods, each of them made exactly three statements. B made his first and third statements in the local language, which was incomprehensible, but made his second statement in English. However, A, C and D made all their statements in English.
Statement 1: B’s first statement is that, “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor.”
Statement 2: C is not a Truth teller.
Statement 3: B is an Engineer.

Statement 1: Aabra ka Daabra.
Statement 2: Atleast one of my statements is false.
Statement 3: Daan a kun.

Statement 1: A is a Doctor.
Statement 2: B’s third statement is that, “D is a truth teller.”
Statement 3: D is neither a Journalist nor an Engineer.

Statement 1: C made exactly one true statement.
Statement 2: Exactly two of us are truth tellers.
Statement 3: C is a Journalist.
Among A, B, C and D, at least one person of each tribe is present.
Q. How many of the statements made were true? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Pranavi Nair answered
Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question.Since C is a truth teller, all the three statements made by him were true and the second statement of B was true.A and D being liars, all the statements made by them were false. Hence, there were four true statements.
Hence, option 2.

Shu-Tee is a medium-size manufacturing company. The company is more than 50 years old and many of the managers in the company have come from the ranks, so to speak. Recently, the Baby Boomers have started to retire and they are being replaced with Generation Yers. The remaining staff members taking the roles in the management team are Generation Xers.
These two generations (Gen X and Gen Y) are clashing in the workplace. Since the Gen Y employees have been at the company for such a short amount of time, they have very little loyalty or reason to stay. Hence, they are leaving the company at an alarming rate and the incoming replacements also are from the Gen Y group, so the problems will most likely repeat itself over and over.
Q. If you were hired as an advisor for Shu-Tee, what would you say needs to happen to slow down the exit rate and make sure the situation doesn’t repeat itself with the new staff?
  • a)
    Regular appraisal meetings where feedback is given and taken collaboratively and worked upon.
  • b)
    Sign contracts with a heavy fee compensation in case employees leave before the stipulated time period.
  • c)
    Offer significant bonuses to Gen X employees since they have been examples of loyalty to the organization.
  • d)
    Offer Gen Y employees shares in the company so that they become crucial stakeholders of the firm.
  • e)
    None of these options would work to reduce the exit rate.
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Pallavi Rane answered
Solution: If option 2 were to be followed then it would only mean that the new employees would be wary of leaving the organization in their probation period.
Options 3 and 4 are dealing with the problem only partially and would probably cause further distance between Gen X and Gen Y.
Option 1 would enable healthy and productive discussions between Gen X and Gen Y and give scope for both parties to learn strategies from each other. This would not only facilitate interactions between them but also benefit the organization.
Hence, the correct answer is option 1.

Read the following situation and choose the best possible alternative.
Mr. Shailesh Ahuja, project manager in a multinational, has to nominate one employee from his team of fifteen for the ‘Employee of the year' award. The recipient of the award will get a cash bonus and an opportunity to meet the CEO of the company. The rules clearly state that every project manager can nominate just one person irrespective of their team strength. However, Mr. Ahuja is convinced that both Subramaniam and Santosh are worthy of this award.
How should Mr. Ahuja go about selecting the best nominee for the award?
  • a)
    Mr. Ahuja should not waste a lot of time thinking about this dilemma and randomly select one of the two as the award does not have a direct bearing on his project goals.
  • b)
    He should consult other project managers within the company and find out similar cases and how the others are selecting their nominees.
  • c)
    He should select Subramamium over Santosh as the former has just gotten married and is need of extra finances while Santosh comes from a relatively affluent family.
  • d)
    He should ask for permission to make an exception to the rule of selecting just one employee and nominate both Subramanium and Santosh.
  • e)
    He should conduct a written test to choose the better of the two as nominating both might not say a lot about his decision making skills to his superiors.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Nisha Chavan answered
Solution: Analyzing the situation, the most appropriate line of action for Mr. Ahuja would be to ensure that both his best employees get an equal opportunity to be the recipient of this award. However, since the rules clearly demand that one employee be nominated, he should ask for permission before taking such a step.
Option 4 fits the bill beautifully.
Option 1 is incorrect in many ways, one of them being the possibility of harbouring discontent and distrust among his team members.
Option 2 does not really test his managerial skills. It just involves emulating someone else without paying attention to the uniqueness of each case.
Option 3 is incorrect because it is a decision based on a personal bias and it assumes that the cash bonus is the only thing at stake here. This action, if taken, will actually portray the manager in a very shallow light.
Although option 5 seems fair at first glance, it is incorrect as the reason behind it is morally wrong and smacks of selfishness. Besides, a single test to determine the better of the two employees is as good as a random selection as the entire work done by both of them throughout the year is discounted.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Four friends - A, B, C and D - belong to an island, in which each person belongs to one of the three tribes - Truth tellers, Alternators and Liars. Truth tellers always tell the truth, Alternators alternate between true and false statements, in any order and Liars always lie. A, B, C and D earn their respective livelihoods as a Banker, a Journalist, an Engineer and a Doctor, not necessarily in the same order. When asked about the tribes and how they earn their livelihoods, each of them made exactly three statements. B made his first and third statements in the local language, which was incomprehensible, but made his second statement in English. However, A, C and D made all their statements in English.
Statement 1: B’s first statement is that, “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor.”
Statement 2: C is not a Truth teller.
Statement 3: B is an Engineer.

Statement 1: Aabra ka Daabra.
Statement 2: Atleast one of my statements is false.
Statement 3: Daan a kun.

Statement 1: A is a Doctor.
Statement 2: B’s third statement is that, “D is a truth teller.”
Statement 3: D is neither a Journalist nor an Engineer.

Statement 1: C made exactly one true statement.
Statement 2: Exactly two of us are truth tellers.
Statement 3: C is a Journalist.
Among A, B, C and D, at least one person of each tribe is present.
Q. Who is/are the liar(s)?  
  • a)
    A and B
  • b)
    Only A
  • c)
    Only B
  • d)
    A and D
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ipsita Roy answered
Solution: Consider the table obtained in the solution to the first question.
A and D are the liars. Hence, option 4.

Eight friends are sitting around a circular table. The names of the friends are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
1. E is sitting opposite to H.
2. B is second to the right of E.
3. G and H are to the left of A.
4. C is sitting opposite to G.
How many different sitting arrangements are possible?Note: If seats were numbered 1 to 8 in clockwise order, then 2, 3 and 4 would have been to the left of 1 and also to the right of 5.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ipsita Mishra answered
Solution: Let E and H sit at seats 1 and 5. So, B is at 7.
A can be at 2, 3 or 4. So, G can be at 3, 4 or 6 depending on A’s position.
So, from (4), (i) C can be at 8 and G at 4 (ii) C can be at 2 and G at 6 Consider (i) C can be at 8 and G at 4 Case I: A is at 2.
D and F can sit at remaining positions in 2 ways. Case II: A is at 3.
D and F can sit at remaining positions in 2 ways.
Thus, 4 arrangements are possible.
As above, we get 4 possible arrangements if C can be at 2 and Gat 6.
Thus, 8 arrangements are possible.
Hence, option 4.

Cricket teams of India and England played the historic Natwest final in the year 2006. England captain, Micheal Waughan, won the toss and decided to bat first. Because of the damp wicket, England lost their openers quickly. After that England captain, Micheal Waughan, took charge and scored a brilliant hundred. It was the only century in the innings. He was well supported by rest of the batsmen at the other end. England managed to get a more than respectable total in the match. Indian bowlers were wayward in their line and length and gave away 32 extras.
However they managed to pick all England wickets.
After the England innings, each batsman was asked how many runs he had scored. But each of them gave the sum of runs scored by all the players except himself. Following were the replies given by each of the batsman (In no particular order). 256, 223, 294, 285, 327, 317, 324, 325, 303, 308
The eleventh batsman gave the total number of runs that was equal to one of the above numbers. 
Q. How many runs did Micheal Waughan score in this innings?    
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Pranjal Unni answered
Solution: Let England's batsmen scored a total of x runs in this inning. Let individual scores be a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i,j and k.
Now, each of the English batsmen gave the total runs scored by the 10 batsmen other than himself. x - a = 256, x - b = 223, x - c = 294, x - d = 285, x - e = 327, x - f = 317, x - g = 324, x - h = 325, x - i = 303,  x - j = 308 Adding, 10 x - ( a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j ) = 2962. So 10x = 2962 + ( a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j )  Now, for x to be an integer, (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j ) has to end with 8. This number would have been given by the 11th batsman who scored k runs and we know that it is out of the 10 numbers given. There is only one number that has 8 in the unit’s place in the given list and that is 308.
10x = 2962 + 308 = 3270 Summation of the runs scored by all English batsman = x = 327
Now, Micheal Waughan scored the only century of the innings, hence, he must be the top scorer of the innings. Runs scored by Micheal Waughan = (Sum of the runs scored by individual players) - (Minimum total in the list) = 327 - 223
= 104  Hence, option 1.

You are the newly appointed financial controller in LMB Ltd., a large private engineering company. This is your first appointment in industry having undertaken your training at a large accountancy firm where most of your experience was gained in the audit of large NSE 500 clients. LMB Ltd. makes components which are used in the manufacture of various household products and it has a wide customer base from large household names through to small local private businesses.
One of your first tasks is to undertake a view of aged debtors. Whilst undertaking your review you find that a small number of customers have credit balances on their sales ledger accounts. The amounts relate to invoices which are now over 9 months old and which appear to have been paid twice. You find this odd and decide to raise the issue with your boss, Dushyant, the Financial Director, at your next meeting.
The following morning, Dushyant calls you into his office and asks you how you are settling into your position. You respond that, although you are still finding your feet, you have been making a major effort to get up to speed with the company's business and systems and controls. Dushyant appreciates your enthusiasm and is pleased that he has managed to recruit someone so enthusiastic.
Dushyant then asks whether anything has come to your attention so far. You advise him of what you have found in relation to the customers who appear to have paid twice. Dushyant laughs and tells you that it balances out in the end.
Furthermore, he produces copies of letters from a file which are addressed to the Financial Directors at the respective customers informing them of their company's overpayment. You return to your desk - rather bewildered by his comments. Customers have overpaid and he knows this to be the case, yet he has no intention of returning their money unless prompted by the customer. 
You find it perplexing to think that the Financial Directors of the companies that have overpaid have not responded on being notified about the outstanding invoices.
Q. A&M Ltd. was one of the customers that had paid twice. Despite being notified about the same, the company had not responded to the formal communication sent by LMB Ltd. Yet, the Financial Director of A&M Ltd is very distraught that LMB Ltd. did not issue a refund sooner, especially when the two companies continued their association. A&M Ltd. has now threatened to exit all contracts with LMB Ltd.Which of the following steps would you take to salvage the situation? 
  • a)
    Refund A&M Ltd. immediately and issue an apology for the delay.
  • b)
    Issue a credit note refunding the amount with interest.
  • c)
    Refund the amount but ask A&M to apologize for their lack of response.
  • d)
    Refuse a refund on the grounds that A&M has been negligent.
  • e)
    Issue a credit note asking A&M to reconsider and offer them a discount on new purchases.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Bhaskar Mehta answered
Solution: Option 1 can be eliminated since it is not required that LMB Ltd. should apologize since both parties are at fault.Option 2 can be ruled out too since it is not required that the company pay an interest to A&M Ltd.Options 3 and 4 are incorrect since they would not salvage the situation in any manner. Asking for an apology or refusing a refund will not pacify A&M Ltd. as they have already threatened to stop all business with the company. Option 5 alone holds since it not only pacifies A&M Ltd. by offering them a better deal, but it also ensures that they continue their association with LMB Ltd.Hence, the correct answer is option 5.

You are the newly appointed financial controller in LMB Ltd., a large private engineering company. This is your first appointment in industry having undertaken your training at a large accountancy firm where most of your experience was gained in the audit of large NSE 500 clients. LMB Ltd. makes components which are used in the manufacture of various household products and it has a wide customer base from large household names through to small local private businesses.
One of your first tasks is to undertake a view of aged debtors. Whilst undertaking your review you find that a small number of customers have credit balances on their sales ledger accounts. The amounts relate to invoices which are now over 9 months old and which appear to have been paid twice. You find this odd and decide to raise the issue with your boss, Dushyant, the Financial Director, at your next meeting.
The following morning, Dushyant calls you into his office and asks you how you are settling into your position. You respond that, although you are still finding your feet, you have been making a major effort to get up to speed with the company's business and systems and controls. Dushyant appreciates your enthusiasm and is pleased that he has managed to recruit someone so enthusiastic.
Dushyant then asks whether anything has come to your attention so far. You advise him of what you have found in relation to the customers who appear to have paid twice. Dushyant laughs and tells you that it balances out in the end.
Furthermore, he produces copies of letters from a file which are addressed to the Financial Directors at the respective customers informing them of their company's overpayment. You return to your desk - rather bewildered by his comments. Customers have overpaid and he knows this to be the case, yet he has no intention of returning their money unless prompted by the customer. 
You find it perplexing to think that the Financial Directors of the companies that have overpaid have not responded on being notified about the outstanding invoices.
Q. A couple of months pass when, whilst undertaking another review, you notice that a customer, Moe Controls Ltd., has once again paid the amount due by them twice. You decide to discuss this with Dushyant with a view to issuing an immediate repayment or at the very least, a credit note, as the company is a regular customer. Dushyant advises you that he will deal with this by personally writing to the Financial Director at Moe Controls Ltd. - he advises you that at this stage there is no need to issue a credit note or make a repayment. 
You are not at ease with his assurance, you decide to:
  • a)
    Ignore Dushyant's advice and issue a credit note to Moe Controls Ltd.
  • b)
    Patiently wait for the customer's response.
  • c)
    Notify one of Dushyant's superiors and seek their advice.
  • d)
    Communicate your sentiments to Dushyant at the risk of his being condescending towards them.
  • e)
    Recommend the usage of other means of communication such as emails and telephone to reach Moe Controls Ltd.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gargi Kumar answered
Solution: Option 1 would be in defiance of Dushyant's orders and would be a hasty decision. It would imply that you have no regard for Dushyant's advice.
Option 2 would not be correct since it is unethical to notissue a refund or a credit note after it is apparent that the customer has overpaid.
Option 3 might not be very effective and will not be taken to kindly by Dushyant. This could adversely affect your position in the company.
Option 5 does not put forth the immediate course of action.
It is essential to clearly communicate your sentiments to Dushyant and gauge his response before taking any further steps.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

A car accident occurred on a busy street intersection killing two people and injuring three others. In order to nab the culprits, the police took the statements of all the witnesses present at that intersection, when the accident happened.
Some of the witnesses were in a state of shock because of the horrific accident and were unable to correctly reproduce the details of the accident. The witnesses who were in a state of shock provided all incorrect details while the rest of the witnesses provide the correct information about the accident. 
The following statements have been recorded by the police:
Witness 1: Three people were killed in the accident by a red car that ran over them.
Witness 2: The green car had a license plate with eight symbols on it, two of them being letters and the rest being digits.
Witness 3: The car was blue in colour and was being driven by a young man with two people sitting in the backseat, one of them being a woman.
Witness 4: Each of the last four digits on the license plate of the car was a power of the same number and they were in the ascending order.
Witness 5: There was a blue car involved in the accident and a yellow car was right behind it. The blue car injured two people and rushed away from the spot.
Witness 6: The car was a green Maruti with four people in it. The car hit five people injuring three of them.
Witness 7: If numbers are assigned to the two letters on the license plate of the car with A being 1, B being 2 and so on, then the sum of the two letters on the license plate was equal to the sum of the last four digits. The letters were from A-l with the letter with the lower value coming first. The last four digits were in the ascending order.
Q. Which of the following could have been the first letter in the license plate?  
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Uday Chawla answered
Solution: Consider the solution to the previous question.Thus, the last four numbers on the license plate are 1, 2, 4 and 8.The sum of the last four digits is 15.The possible numeric value of the first 2 letters is (7, 8) or (6, 9)The letters corresponding to these numbers are (G, H) for (7, 8) and (F, I) for (6, 9) The only possibilities for the first letter are G or F since the letters are also arranged with the letter with lower value coming first.Thus, G could have been the first letter in the license plate. Hence, option 1.

A major telecom company recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer to take command of the company’s finances. This move came against the backdrop of national and global economic crises.
The CFO is charged with the responsibility of realigning the finances of the largest Strategic Business Unit which deals with network solutions to major corporate clients in the country. In wake of the overall financial slump, many of the corporate clients have been delaying the payment of their recurring dues for the monthly network and internet services utilised. The local account managers handling those clients and their respective Regional Managers had been given the authority to maintain client relations and if necessary allow the delayed payments with a view to continue a long-term relationship with the key clients. However, the new CFO after taking stock of the situation decided to put an affirmative end to this practice. He sent a mail to every regional and local account manager asking them to discontinue services to the defaulting clients. In spite of such a strong communication, most major clients delayed the payments in the next month. As a response to this, the CFO resent his earlier mail asking for comments. In the next month, the single largest client defaulted on the payment and the regional manager promptly asked the technology company to terminate services to that client. The regional manger merely informed the client that the delay in payment was responsible for the termination of services and the service would be reconstituted on payment of the dues.

The client faced severe difficulties due to discontinuation of the internet and local network services. The CEO of that company wrote a scathing email to the Chairman of the telecom company.
The CEO pointed out the sudden, mishandled and improperly communicated decision and its severe impact on his company’s business. He pointed out that they were one of the largest clients of the telecom company. The CEO also hinted that his company would want to reconsider their future engagement. The Chairman decided to maintain the relations with that important client and yet protect his company’s image. He promptly restarted the network services and yet requested the client to clear the dues within a week and to avoid major delays especially in these times of crisis. The client replied to this communication, agreeing to the specified norms. However, the Chairman decided to severely reprimand the Regional Manager and suspended him for 2 weeks. He also severely questioned the CFO for his error. At the next board of directors meeting, there was support for the Chairman’s action in spite of protests by some senior directors who defended the CFO and the Regional Manager's actions.
Q. The client’s action, and the Chairman’s response to the same, display what important aspect of decision-making shown by the Chairman?
  • a)
    Upholding the guiding principles of a company.
  • b)
    The customer is always right.
  • c)
    Good client relations are subservient to good employee relations.
  • d)
    Responsible actions by employees to achieve holistic business interests.
  • e)
    Short-term policy is secondary to long-term strateg
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Anmol Banerjee answered
Solution: The basic premise is accepting responsibility for the company’s actions, apologizing and yet driving home the need for prompt payments. The Chairman’s interaction indicates this critical aspect of business decision making. Option 1 is out of context since we do not know the guiding principles of the company.
Option 2 would have been correct if the Chairman would have allowed the client to continue delaying payments. Option 3 would have been correct if the Chairman would have sided with the CFO and Regional manager. Option 5 is an important sub-part of option 4; therefore, option 4 is a better answer.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Shreyas wants to send a consignment to Africa. The following were the charges for the consignment which consists of 5,000 shirts.
1. Shipping Cost - $800
2. One time Custom Duty - Rs. 2,400
3. Production Cost - Rs. 50,000 for 1,000 shirts.
If the conversion used for calculations from dollars to rupees is Rs. 47, what is the minimum price at which a shirt can be sold for Shreyas to break even?
  • a)
    Rs. 150
  • b)
    Rs. 58
  • c)
    Rs. 110
  • d)
    Rs. 80
  • e)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Mrinalini Roy answered
Solution: Using the given conversion rate, $800 = Rs. 37,600 Adding the one-time custom duty (Rs. 2,400) to it, we get the total cost of sending 5000 shirts to be Rs. 40,000.Thus, the cost of sending one shirt is Rs. 8 Cost of production of one shirt is Rs. 50 (Rs. 50,000 for 1000 shirts)Thus, total cost of production of one shirt is Rs. 58 Thus, each shirt has to be sold at a minimum price of Rs. 58 for Shreyas to break even.Hence, option 2.

                                                                                    Group Question
The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question.
You are the newly appointed financial controller in LMB Ltd., a large private engineering company. This is your first appointment in industry having undertaken your training at a large accountancy firm where most of your experience was gained in the audit of large NSE 500 clients. LMB Ltd. makes components which are used in the manufacture of various household products and it has a wide customer base from large household names through to small local private businesses.
One of your first tasks is to undertake a view of aged debtors. Whilst undertaking your review you find that a small number of customers have credit balances on their sales ledger accounts. The amounts relate to invoices which are now over 9 months old and which appear to have been paid twice. You find this odd and decide to raise the issue with your boss, Dushyant, the Financial Director, at your next meeting.
The following morning, Dushyant calls you into his office and asks you how you are settling into your position. You respond that, although you are still finding your feet, you have been making a major effort to get up to speed with the company's business and systems and controls. Dushyant appreciates your enthusiasm and is pleased that he has managed to recruit someone so enthusiastic.
Dushyant then asks whether anything has come to your attention so far. You advise him of what you have found in relation to the customers who appear to have paid twice. Dushyant laughs and tells you that it balances out in the end.
Furthermore, he produces copies of letters from a file which are addressed to the Financial Directors at the respective customers informing them of their company's overpayment. You return to your desk - rather bewildered by his comments. Customers have overpaid and he knows this to be the case, yet he has no intention of returning their money unless prompted by the customer. 
You find it perplexing to think that the Financial Directors of the companies that have overpaid have not responded on being notified about the outstanding invoices.
Q. In the light of the given situation, which of the following is the most sound judgment?
  • a)
    If the customers have been negligent and unresponsive, there is no need to refund the payment.
  • b)
    Till the customers don't respond, it is not unethical to withhold a refund.
  • c)
    Customers should be refunded as soon as their respective billing cycles are complete.
  • d)
    LMB Ltd. should refund the customer immediately if the transaction involves a significant sum of money.
  • e)
    All of the judgments are unethical.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Anuj Kumar answered
Solution: Negligence or lack of response cannot justify withholding a refund which the customer is entitled to. Therefore, options 1 and 2 can be eliminated.Option 4 is incorrect since it indicates a bias towards larger transactions. No matter how small the sum, LMB Ltd. must refund it.Option 3 alone holds as a sound judgment.Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

                                                                                     Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.
A car accident occurred on a busy street intersection killing two people and injuring three others. In order to nab the culprits, the police took the statements of all the witnesses present at that intersection, when the accident happened.
Some of the witnesses were in a state of shock because of the horrific accident and were unable to correctly reproduce the details of the accident. The witnesses who were in a state of shock provided all incorrect details while the rest of the witnesses provide the correct information about the accident. 
The following statements have been recorded by the police:
Witness 1: Three people were killed in the accident by a red car that ran over them.
Witness 2: The green car had a license plate with eight symbols on it, two of them being letters and the rest being digits.
Witness 3: The car was blue in colour and was being driven by a young man with two people sitting in the backseat, one of them being a woman.
Witness 4: Each of the last four digits on the license plate of the car was a power of the same number and they were in the ascending order.
Witness 5: There was a blue car involved in the accident and a yellow car was right behind it. The blue car injured two people and rushed away from the spot.
Witness 6: The car was a green Maruti with four people in it. The car hit five people injuring three of them.
Witness 7: If numbers are assigned to the two letters on the license plate of the car with A being 1, B being 2 and so on, then the sum of the two letters on the license plate was equal to the sum of the last four digits. The letters were from A-l with the letter with the lower value coming first. The last four digits were in the ascending order.
Q. What is the colour of the car that was involved in the  accident? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Red or blue
  • e)
    Blue or green
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Ruchi Mehta answered
Solution: Observe that witnesses 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 spoke about the colour of the car.
Now, two people were killed in the car accident and three were injured. Thus, five people should have been hit.
The statement of witness 6 corroborates this fact by saying that five people were hit and three were injured.
The statement made by witness 1 is incorrect as he says that three people were killed.
Therefore, witness 1 is in shock and all details provided by him are incorrect.
Therefore, the colour of the car is not red.
Hence, options 1 and 4 can be eliminated.
Similarly, the statement made by witness 5 is incorrect as he says that two people were injured.
Therefore, the colour of the car is not blue.
Hence, options 2 and 5 can be eliminated.
We can conclude that the colour of the car was green.
Hence, option 3.

LFC is a very popular football club that has won several domestic and international accolades since the club’s establishment in 1869. Besides having a huge fan following at home and abroad, LFC also has an extensive army of franchises and several exclusive TV deals. This is perhaps why, Kop Limited, a firm owned by two American businessmen, Billet and Cricks, has been contemplating a prospective takeover of the Football club. Billet and Cricks present their offer to LFC’s board of directors and manage to win the approval of some of the board members. However, when the news of a prospective takeover finds its way to popular media, many fans are outraged as they see this as commercial exploitation of the club’s legacy. Some of the board members too, express concern over LFC being owned by businessmen who have not been associated with the club in the past and might prioritize their own financial interests over the club’s well-being. At the same time, it would be difficult for the board to reject the offer without deliberation since they could use the funds from the takeover and this would help them improve the infrastructure and facilities for the LFC squad. The board members of LFC find themselves in a dilemma.
Q. Kop Limited has managed to convince majority of the LFC’s shareholders and board members. Talks are being held to decide which concerns need to be addressed before the proceedings start. All of the following are valid points of consideration except
  • a)
    Agreement on the means to generate sufficient funds.
  • b)
    An evaluation of the club’s existing administration.
  • c)
    Seeking approval from LFC’s partner brands.
  • d)
    Agreement on a suitable transition plan.
  • e)
    Appraisal of LFC’s performance in recent tournaments.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Kiran Sarkar answered
Solution: The question seeks a choice that would be irrelevant to Kop’s takeover of LFC. Option 1 is a valid concern since the passage mentions how LFC fans were concerned about “commercial exploitation of the club’s legacy.” Options 2 and 3 are also worth considering for Kop Limited, as the prospective owners of LFC.
It is necessary, that the existing management of LFC agrees with Kop Limited on the transition during the change of ownership. This eliminates option 4.
Option 5 alone is irrelevant since an appraisal of the team’s performance will not be required as a point of consideration during the takeover. Moreover, the passage states that LFC is a successful football club and such an aspect would have been considered far ahead in time and not at the current phase when the proceedings are about to begin.
Hence, the correct answer is option 5.

A major telecom company recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer to take command of the company’s finances. This move came against the backdrop of national and global economic crises.
The CFO is charged with the responsibility of realigning the finances of the largest Strategic Business Unit which deals with network solutions to major corporate clients in the country. In wake of the overall financial slump, many of the corporate clients have been delaying the payment of their recurring dues for the monthly network and internet services utilised. The local account managers handling those clients and their respective Regional Managers had been given the authority to maintain client relations and if necessary allow the delayed payments with a view to continue a long-term relationship with the key clients. However, the new CFO after taking stock of the situation decided to put an affirmative end to this practice. He sent a mail to every regional and local account manager asking them to discontinue services to the defaulting clients. In spite of such a strong communication, most major clients delayed the payments in the next month. As a response to this, the CFO resent his earlier mail asking for comments. In the next month, the single largest client defaulted on the payment and the regional manager promptly asked the technology company to terminate services to that client. The regional manger merely informed the client that the delay in payment was responsible for the termination of services and the service would be reconstituted on payment of the dues.

The client faced severe difficulties due to discontinuation of the internet and local network services. The CEO of that company wrote a scathing email to the Chairman of the telecom company.
The CEO pointed out the sudden, mishandled and improperly communicated decision and its severe impact on his company’s business. He pointed out that they were one of the largest clients of the telecom company. The CEO also hinted that his company would want to reconsider their future engagement. The Chairman decided to maintain the relations with that important client and yet protect his company’s image. He promptly restarted the network services and yet requested the client to clear the dues within a week and to avoid major delays especially in these times of crisis. The client replied to this communication, agreeing to the specified norms. However, the Chairman decided to severely reprimand the Regional Manager and suspended him for 2 weeks. He also severely questioned the CFO for his error. At the next board of directors meeting, there was support for the Chairman’s action in spite of protests by some senior directors who defended the CFO and the Regional Manager's actions.
Q. The Chairman’s decision is vindicated because:
  • a)
    The client was happy that the Regional manager was reprimanded.
  • b)
    The client accepted the new payment norms.
  • c)
    The client threatened to discontinue the engagement with the telecom company.
  • d)
    The board of directors supported the Chairman.
  • e)
    The CFO was taught a befitting lesson.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Anshika Sarkar answered
Solution: The best interests of the company are in regular receipt of payments and maintaining good relations with their biggest clients. The Chairman’s efforts helped achieve both these objectives. Hence, his response is vindicated by this outcome.Option 1 is irrelevant as no clear indication of the same is evident from the passage.Option 3 is a fact, but it was probably because of the Regional Manager's decision- not the Chairman’s.Option 4 is confusing, as the Board does not unanimously support the Chairman. Moreover, the limited support that the Chairman received was only because his decision fulfilled the company's objectives.Option 5 is irrelevant to the question asked.Hence, the correct answer is option 2.

A major telecom company recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer to take command of the company’s finances. This move came against the backdrop of national and global economic crises.
The CFO is charged with the responsibility of realigning the finances of the largest Strategic Business Unit which deals with network solutions to major corporate clients in the country. In wake of the overall financial slump, many of the corporate clients have been delaying the payment of their recurring dues for the monthly network and internet services utilised. The local account managers handling those clients and their respective Regional Managers had been given the authority to maintain client relations and if necessary allow the delayed payments with a view to continue a long-term relationship with the key clients. However, the new CFO after taking stock of the situation decided to put an affirmative end to this practice. He sent a mail to every regional and local account manager asking them to discontinue services to the defaulting clients. In spite of such a strong communication, most major clients delayed the payments in the next month. As a response to this, the CFO resent his earlier mail asking for comments. In the next month, the single largest client defaulted on the payment and the regional manager promptly asked the technology company to terminate services to that client. The regional manger merely informed the client that the delay in payment was responsible for the termination of services and the service would be reconstituted on payment of the dues.

The client faced severe difficulties due to discontinuation of the internet and local network services. The CEO of that company wrote a scathing email to the Chairman of the telecom company.
The CEO pointed out the sudden, mishandled and improperly communicated decision and its severe impact on his company’s business. He pointed out that they were one of the largest clients of the telecom company. The CEO also hinted that his company would want to reconsider their future engagement. The Chairman decided to maintain the relations with that important client and yet protect his company’s image. He promptly restarted the network services and yet requested the client to clear the dues within a week and to avoid major delays especially in these times of crisis. The client replied to this communication, agreeing to the specified norms. However, the Chairman decided to severely reprimand the Regional Manager and suspended him for 2 weeks. He also severely questioned the CFO for his error. At the next board of directors meeting, there was support for the Chairman’s action in spite of protests by some senior directors who defended the CFO and the Regional Manager's actions.
Q. Assuming that the crisis continues, the future course of action by the Account managers and Regional managers would be:
  • a)
    Generate more business from new clients.
  • b)
    Cut costs of their respective departments to meet the financial crunch.
  • c)
    Impress upon their clients the need for prompt payment, especially in such hard times.
  • d)
    Take punitive action against defaulting clients.
  • e)
    Request the CFO and Chairman to take the decisions concerning service termination.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Solution: The need of the hour is to regulate the payment schedule and continue good relations with the clients. This objective can be achieved only by close interaction with the clients and effectively communicating the need for prompt payments.
Option 1 will not solve the current problem.
Option 2, though important, is irrelevant as there is no mention of such a measure being necessary or possible. Option 4 would be harmful to the long-term interests of the company.
Option 5 appears important, especially when concerning major decisions. However, it would be an inefficient way of working.
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

                                                                                     Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.
Legrand Casino recently purchased a slot machine; a gaming machine, which had a main unit and five sub-units, labeled as Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. The main as well as each of the sub-units had five slots, labeled as Red, Blue, Grey, Black and Yellow. The game with this slotting machine involved punching the right coin in the right slot in the right sequence i.e. one after another. For example, if coin number 3 is punched into slot Blue in Gamma sub-unit and if the main unit also pushes the coin to Blue slot, then the punch is said to be a winning shot. If the coin in the sub-unit is punched into the right slot when compared to the corresponding coin in the main unit, then the player gets Rs. 1,000 as reward. On the other hand, if the slots do not match then the player loses Rs. 333. Each player gets 25 coins to play.
However, after a couple of days this slotting machine developed a peculiar problem. In the sub-units irrespective of the slot you intended to put in the coin, the sub-unit pushed the coin into the slot it wanted to every time on its own. 
To find out which slots in the sub-units had developed the snag, the technician played on all the sub-units using 25 coins in each of the sub-units.
After some kind of analysis he found that the main machine and each of the sub-units could identify right slots for 15 coins, however for the balance of 10 coins listed below, each of the sub-units assumed different positions as right slots when compared to the main unit whose allocation of slots was the benchmark for performance of other sub-units. 
On playing with these sub-units, the technician earned Rs. 17,000, Rs. 11,660, Rs. 18,330, Rs. 14,330 and Rs. 18,330 respectively from each of Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega. All the amount being rounded off to previous tens figure. Of the ten slots which had developed the snag, there was atleast one sub-unit which identified the right slot for exactly 9 of the 10 slots. 
The table below gives the slots identified by each of the sub-units as right slots for the 10 problematic coins. 
Q. What is the median value of the number of incorrect slots 1 Marks individually identified by the 5 sub-units? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Ritika Datta answered
Solution: Given that the technician could earn Rs. 17,000, Rs. 11,660, Rs. 18,330, Rs. 14,330 and Rs. 18,330 respectively from each of Alpha, Gamma, Beta, Theta and Omega subunits, we can easily find out the number of correct and incorrect slots identified by each of the sub-unit. 
Thus, the number of incorrect slots, identified by the 5 subunits, in ascending order is 5, 5, 6, 8, 10.
Therefore, the median value of the number of incorrect slots individually identified by the 5 sub-units is 6. Hence, option 1.

Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.
Shu-Tee is a medium-size manufacturing company. The company is more than 50 years old and many of the managers in the company have come from the ranks, so to speak. Recently, the Baby Boomers have started to retire and they are being replaced with Generation Yers. The remaining staff members taking the roles in the management team are Generation Xers.
These two generations (Gen X and Gen Y) are clashing in the workplace. Since the Gen Y employees have been at the company for such a short amount of time, they have very little loyalty or reason to stay. Hence, they are leaving the company at an alarming rate and the incoming replacements also are from the Gen Y group, so the problems will most likely repeat itself over and over.
Q. Simon is a generation X employee in Shu-Tee. He is clashing with most of the new Gen Y employees. Simon believes in micro-managing while the Gen Yers need a lot of autonomy while working. Simon would leave the organization but has a house loan to repay and would not want to start anew with the poor market scenario. He also feels that he has put in a lot of effort to take the organization where it is today. What should Simon/ Gen Y/ the management do for the benefit of Shu-Tee ?   
  • a)
    Simon should leave the organization and move to a rival firm offering a better remuneration and perks.
  • b)
    Simon should talk to the Gen Yers and ask them to alter their ways as it is affecting the organizational culture.
  • c)
    Gen X and Gen Y should work on two separate projects of the organization so that both continue efficiently and do not hamper each other’s progress.
  • d)
    A core team of Gen X and Gen Y employees should be formed to work on mending the issues of both parties so that cordial working conditions can prevail.
  • e)
    Shu-Tee should shut down since the problem of incompatibility is going to persist.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Maulik Ghoshal answered
Solution: Option 1 would not be fair to Simon. Although it would mean that Simon would get a good pay package, it would still leave him feeling unappreciated for all the effort he has put towards furthering the organization.
Option 2 could lead to further hostility between Gen X and Gen Y, since Gen Y might feel bitter about being the ones who have to alter their ways.
Option 3 could work as a temporary solution but it would mean that brilliant minds from both parties wouldn’t collaborate to work for the company’s benefit. This is a waste of talent, in a way.
Option 5 does not attempt to resolve the issue at all.
Option 4 is apt here; a core team consisting of both Gen X and Gen Y could come together to work on resolving issues of work cohesiveness, working with differences, and loyalty towards the organization.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

                                                                                     Group Question
Answer the following question based on the information given below.

Four friends - A, B, C and D - belong to an island, in which each person belongs to one of the three tribes - Truth tellers, Alternators and Liars. Truth tellers always tell the truth, Alternators alternate between true and false statements, in any order and Liars always lie. A, B, C and D earn their respective livelihoods as a Banker, a Journalist, an Engineer and a Doctor, not necessarily in the same order. When asked about the tribes and how they earn their livelihoods, each of them made exactly three statements. B made his first and third statements in the local language, which was incomprehensible, but made his second statement in English. However, A, C and D made all their statements in English.
Statement 1: B’s first statement is that, “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor.”
Statement 2: C is not a Truth teller.
Statement 3: B is an Engineer.

Statement 1: Aabra ka Daabra.
Statement 2: Atleast one of my statements is false.
Statement 3: Daan a kun.

Statement 1: A is a Doctor.
Statement 2: B’s third statement is that, “D is a truth teller.”
Statement 3: D is neither a Journalist nor an Engineer.

Statement 1: C made exactly one true statement.
Statement 2: Exactly two of us are truth tellers.
Statement 3: C is a Journalist.
Among A, B, C and D, at least one person of each tribe is present.
Q. Who is the Journalist? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
    Cannot be determined
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Gauri Reddy answered
Solution: If we look at the second statement of B, we can start with the premise that B is an alternator and his first and third statements are false and second statement is true. He alternated in the order FTF (False, True, False).
If D’s first statement is true, then the second statement of A will be true. Therefore, A, D and C will all have atleast one true statement.
None of D, A and C can be a liar, which contradicts the condition that atleast one person is a liar.
Therefore, this case is not possible.
Hence, D’s first statement is false.
Now, from the second statement of A, we can say that at most one of A and C can be a truth teller.
As neither B nor D is a truth teller, there is only one truth teller between A and C.
D’s second statement must be false. Since, D’s first and second statement is false, his third statement also has to be false.
Therefore, D has to be a liar.
Now, if A is a truth teller, then B’s first statement is “C is either a Journalist or a Doctor” and this statement is false, since B’s first statement is false.
Also, B is an Engineer. C is a Banker.
A and D are Journalist and Doctor in any order.
If A is a Doctor, then D is a Journalist, in which case, C’s first statement is true and third statement is false, which is not possible according to their tribes. If A is a Journalist and D is a Doctor, then C’s first statement is false and third statement is true, which is also not possible according to their tribes. A cannot be a truth teller. C is a truth teller.
A is a Doctor and D is a Banker.
Also, from the third statement of D, C is an Engineer. B is a Journalist.
As third statement is false. Also, As second statement is false as C is a truth teller.
Hence, B is an alternator with the order of the statements as FTF, A and D are liars and C is a truth teller.
Hence, option 2.

Chapter doubts & questions for Conclusions and Decision Making - RRB JE Mock Test Series for Computer Science Engineering 2025 2024 is part of Computer Science Engineering (CSE) exam preparation. The chapters have been prepared according to the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) exam syllabus. The Chapter doubts & questions, notes, tests & MCQs are made for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests here.

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