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All questions of Centre of Mass & Moment of Inertia for Physics Exam

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A plate of mass M is moved with constant velocity v against dust particles moving with velocity u in opposite direction as shown. The density of the dust is ρ and plate area is A. Find the force F required to keep the plate moving uniformly is Aρ(u + v)N, then N is :
    Correct answer is '2'. Can you explain this answer?

    Jayant Mishra answered
    Force F on plate = force exerted by dust particles
    = force on dust particles by the plate
    = rate of change of momentum of dust particles
    = mass of dust particles striking the plate per unit time × change in velocity of dust particles
    The correct answer is: 2

    AB is and L shaped object fixed on a horizontal smooth table. A ball strikes if at A, gets deflected and restrikes it at B. If the velocity vector before collision is and coefficient of restitution of each collision is ‘e’, then the velocity of ball after its second collision at B is :
    • a)
    • b)
    • c)
    • d)
      data insufficient
    Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

    Pie Academy answered
    During 1st collision perpendicular component of  becomes e times, while IInd component v|| remains unchanged and similarly for second collision. The end result is that both v|| and  becomes e times their initial value and hence  (the (–) sign indicates the reversal of direction).
    The correct answer is: 

    In the figure shown a small block B of mass m is released from the top of a smooth movable wedge A of the same mass m. The height of wedge A shown in figure is h = 100cmB ascends another movable smooth wedge C of the same mass. Neglecting friction any where find the maximum height (in cm) attained by block B on wedge C.
      Correct answer is '25'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vedika Singh answered
      Let u and v be speed of wedge A and block B at just after the block B gets off the wedge A. Applying conservation of momentum in horizontal direction, we get.
      mu = mv      ...(1)
      Applying conservation of energy between initial and final state as shown in figure (1), we get
      solving (1) and (2) we get
      At the instant block B reaches maximum height h' on the wedge C(figure 2), the speed of block B and wedge C are v'.
      Applying conservation of momentum in horizontal direction, we get
      Applying conservation of energy between initial and final state
      Solving equations (3), (4) and (5) we get
      The correct answer is: 25

      A canon shell moving along a straight line burst into two parts. Just after the burst one part moves with momentum 20 Ns making an angle 30° with the original line of motion. The minimum momentum of the other parts of shell just after the burst is :
      • a)
        0 Ns 
      • b)
        5 Ns
      • c)
        17.32 Ns
      • d)
        10 Ns
      Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vedika Singh answered
      As shown in figure the component of momentum of one shell along initial direction and perpendicular to initial direction are  and P1y=10 Ns.
      For momentum of the system to be zero in y-direction P2y must be 10 Ns. 2nd part of shell may or not have momentum in x-direction.
      ∴  P2min = 10 Ns.
      The correct answer is: 10 Ns

      A ball of mass m strikes the fixed inclined plane after falling through a height h. If it rebounds elastically, the impulse on the ball is :
      • a)
      • b)
      • c)
      • d)
      Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vedika Singh answered
      Here e = 1
      If ball rebounded elastically
      vLOI = uLOI
      ∴ Along line of impact momentum conservation
      Along line of impact 
      The correct answer is: 

      For a two-body system in absence of external forces, the kinetic energy as measured from ground frame is K0 and from centre of mass frame is Kcm. Pick up the correct statement.
      • a)
        The kinetic energy as measured from centre of mass frame is least 
      • b)
        The system always retains at least Kcm amount of kinetic energy as measured from ground frame irrespective of any kind of internal changes in the system. 
      • c)
        The system always retains at least K0–Kcm amount of kinetic energy as measured from ground frame irrespective of any kind of internal change in the system. 
      • d)
        Only the portion of energy Kcm can be transformed from one form to another due to internal changes in the system.
      Correct answer is option 'A,C,D'. Can you explain this answer?

      Vedika Singh answered
      It can be shown that
      where M is the total mass of the system and Vcm is velocity of centre of mass with respect to ground.
      Due to internal changes Kcm can change but Vcm will remain same. Hence only Kcm portion of kinetic energy can be transformed to some other from of energy.
      The correct answers are: The kinetic energy as measured from centre of mass frame is least, Only the portion of energy Kcm can be transformed from one form to another due to internal changes in the system., The system always retains at least K0Kcm amount of kinetic energy as measured from ground frame irrespective of any kind of internal change in the system.

      On a smooth carom board, a coin moving in negative y-direction with a speed of 3m/s is being hit at the point (4,6) by a striker moving along negative x-axis. The line joining centres of the coin and the striker just before the collision is parallel to x-axis. After collision the coin goes into the hole located at the origin. Masses of the striker and the coin are equal. Considering the collision to be elastic, the initial and final speeds of the striker in m/s will be:
      • a)
        (1.2, 0)
      • b)
        (2, 0)
      • c)
        (3, 0)
      • d)
        None of these
      Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

      Jayant Mishra answered
      The line of impact for duration of collision is parallel to x-axis.
      The situation of striker and coin just before the collision is given as
      Because masses of coin and striker are same, their components of velocities along line of impact shall exchange. Hence the striker comes to rest and the x-y component of velocities of coin are u and 3m/s as shown in figure.
      For coin to enter hole,
      its velocity must be along PO

      or u = 2m/s
      The correct answer is: (2, 0)

      A ball collides with an inclined plane of inclination θ after falling through a distance h. If it moves horizontally just after the impact, the coefficient of restitution is, when θ = 30:
        Correct answer is '0.333'. Can you explain this answer?

        Vedika Singh answered
        where  are velocities components of wedge and ball along the impulsive force after collision and  are velocities components of wedge and ball along the impulsive force before collision 
        Wedge is at rest so, 
        conserving the linear momentum in x-direction
        On dividing equation (2) by (1)
        The correct answer is: 0.333

        Each of the block shown in figure has mass 1 kg. The near block moves with a speed of 2 m/s towards the front block kept at rest. The spring attached to the front block is light and has a spring constant 50 N/m. Find the maximum compression of the spring. (in cm) :
          Correct answer is '20'. Can you explain this answer?

          Vedika Singh answered
          Maximum compression will take place when the blocks move with equal velocity. As no net external horizontal force acts on the system of the two blocks, the total linear momentum will remain constant. If v is the common speed at maximum compression, we have,
          (1 kg) (2m/s) = (1kg)v + (1kg)v
          or v = 1m/s
          Initial kinetic energy 
          Final kinetic energy =

          or x = 0.2m
          The correct answer is: 20

          The diagram shows the velocity-time graph for two masses  R and S that collided elastically. Which of the following statement is true?
          • a)
            The mass of R was less than mass of S. 
          • b)
            The velocities of R and S were equal at the mid time of the collision 
          • c)
            R and S moved in the same direction after the collision 
          • d)
            The mass of R was greater than mass of S
          Correct answer is option 'B,C,D'. Can you explain this answer?

          Vedika Singh answered
          (i) Since, both have positive final velocities, hence, both moved in the same direction after collision.
          (ii) at t = 2 sec. both had equal velocities.
          (iii) by conservation of linear momentum, we can say that mass of R was greater than mass of S.
          The correct answers are: R and S moved in the same direction after the collision, The velocities of R and S were equal at the mid time of the collision, The mass of R was greater than mass of S

          Block A is hanging from a vertical spring and it at rest. Block B strikes the block A with velocity v and sticks to it. The the value of v in m/s for which the spring just attains natural length is :
            Correct answer is '6'. Can you explain this answer?

            Vedika Singh answered
            The initial extension in spring is 
            Just after collision of B with A the speed of combined mass is  v/2.
            For the spring to just attain natural length of combined mass must rise up by (see figure.) and comes to rest.
            Applying conservation of energy between initial and final states
            Alternate solution by SHM
            The correct answer is: 6

            When a block is placed on a wedge as shown in the figure, the block starts sliding down and the wedge  also start sliding on ground. All surfaces are rough. The centre of mass of (Wedge + block) system will move :
            • a)
              rightward and downward 
            • b)
              only downward 
            • c)
              leftward and downward 
            • d)
              leftward and upwards 
            Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

            Jayant Mishra answered
            Friction force between wedge and block is internal i.e. will not change motion of centre of mass. Friction force on the wedge by ground is external and causes centre of mass to move towards right. Gravitational force (mg) on block brings it downward hence centre of mass comes down.
            The correct answer is: rightward and downward

            A particle moving on a smooth horizontal surface strikes a stationary wall. The angle of strikes is equal to the angle of rebound and is equal to 37° and the coefficient of restitution with wall is e = 1/5. Find the friction coefficient between wall and the particle in the form X/10. What is the value of X.
              Correct answer is '5'. Can you explain this answer?

              Jayant Mishra answered
              Since e = 1/5
              ∴  Final normal component of velocity 
              As the angle of rebound is equal to the angle before impact.
              Therefore, both normal and tangential components of velocities must change by the same factor,
              ∴ Tangential velocity after impact becomes 
              Let the time of impact be Δt.
              where N is the normal force imparted on the ball by the wall.
              The correct answer is: 5

              A train of mass M is moving on a circular track of radius R with constant speed V. The length of the train is half of the perimeter of the track. The linear momentum of the train will be :
              • a)
              • b)
              • c)
              • d)
              Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

              Vedika Singh answered
              If we treat the train as a ring of mass M then its centre of mass will be at a distance
              2R/π from the centre of the circle. Velocity of centre of mass is :
              As the linear momentum of the system = MVCM
              ∴ The linear momentum of the train = 
              The correct answer is: 

              A smooth sphere A of mass m collides elastically with an identical sphere B at rest. The velocity of A before collision is 8 m/s in a direction making 60° with the line joining the centre at the time of impact. Which of the following is/are possible :
              • a)
                the sphere A comes to rest after collision 
              • b)
                the speed of B after collision is 4 m/s 
              • c)
                the sphere B will move with a speed of 8 m/s after collision 
              • d)
                the direction of motion of A and B after collision are at right angles
              Correct answer is option 'B,D'. Can you explain this answer?

              Pie Academy answered
              Sphere A moving with velocity v has a component v/2 along the line joining the centres of the spheres at the time of collision and another component   perpendicular to the previous direction. After collision the component along the line will interchange i.e. B will move with v/2 velocity i.e., 4 m/s along the line joining the centres and A moves with  velocity at perpendicular direction to B.
              The correct answers are: the direction of motion of A and B after collision are at right angles, the speed of B after collision is 4 m/s

              Two blocks of equal mass m are connected by an unstretched spring and the system is kept at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. A constant force F is applied on the first block pulling it away from the other as shown in figure.
              • a)
                The displacement of the right block, if the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, is 
              • b)
                The displacement of the left block, if the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, is 
              • c)
                The displacement of the centre of mass at time t is 
              • d)
                The displacement of the centre of mass at time t is 
              Correct answer is option 'A,B,D'. Can you explain this answer?

              Vedika Singh answered
              The acceleration of the centre of mass is
              The displacement of the centre of mass at time t will be
              Therefore initial velocity is either in direction of constant force or opposite to it. Hence the particle will move in straight line and speed may increase or decrease. When F and u are antiparallel then particle will come to rest for an instant and will return back.
              Initial velocity is perpendicular to constant force, hence the path will be parabolic with speed of particle increasing.  means instantaneous velocity is always perpendicular to force. Hence the speed will remain constant. And also  constant. Since the particle moves in one plane, the resulting motion has to be circular.  Hence initial velocity is in same direction of constant acceleration, therefore, particle moves in straight line with increasing speed.
              The correct answers are: The displacement of the centre of mass at time t is  The displacement of the right block, if the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, is  The displacement of the left block, if the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, is 

              A man of mass M hanging with a light rope which is connected with a balloon of mass m. The system is at rest in air. When man rises a distance h with respect to balloon. Find the distance raised by man :
              • a)
              • b)
              • c)
              • d)
              Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

              Jayant Mishra answered
              since no external force is acting
              ∴ COM should be at rest
              Let balloon descend by a distance x.
              Mh = (m + M)x
               (Distance descend by balloon)
               (Distance raised by man)
              The correct answer is: 

              Two masses of 1gm and 4gm are moving with equal kinetic energy. Find the Ratio of the magnitude of their linear momentum :
                Correct answer is '1/2'. Can you explain this answer?

                Jayant Mishra answered
                KE= 1/2 m*v^2
                Momentum (p)=m*v
                Set each of the 1 gram and 4 grams KE to 8:
                KE=1/2 *1* (4)^2=8
                KE=1/2 *4* (2)^2=8
                The 1 gram takes 4 m/s to achieve KE of 8.
                The 4 gram takes 2 m/s to achieve KE of 8.
                Therefore, the ratio of their linear momentum (m*v) is:
                1*4/4*2= 4/8= 1/2

                Three ball AB and C (mA = mC = 4 mB) are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Ball B collides with ball C with an initial velocity v as shown in the figure. Total number of collision between the balls will be : (All collisions are elastic)
                  Correct answer is '2'. Can you explain this answer?

                  Pie Academy answered
                  For 1st collision

                  e = 1
                  v = v1 + v2
                  ⇒ v2 = v – v1   ...(1)
                  By momentum conservation :
                  For second collision :
                  By momentum conservation :
                  From (2) and (4) :

                  Therefore B can not collide with C for the second time.
                  Hence; total number of collision is 2.
                  The correct answer is: 2

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