A Sufi lodge often used as a rest house for travellers and a place where people come to discuss spiritual matters, get the blessings of saints and hear sufi music. What is this place called?
What is an open prayer place of Muslims meant for Id prayers called?
From the following list of options, what is a Street with a dead end called?
Which was the most splendid capital built by Shah Jahan?
Which building was made of red stone near Delhi, which was built as a palace fort in Shajahanabad, also a residence of Mughal emperors of India?
What is the importance of Jama Masjid, situated in Delhi?
The streets of Delhi aren't mere streets, they are the album of a painter. Name the poet who wrote these words.
Which is this building in Delhi, supposed to be one of the finest pieces of architecture with minarets and full domes
Complete the following. After defeating the ____________, British gained controlof Delhui in 1803.
Before Delhi was made the cpaital of India, which was the other city that was the capital of British India ?
In which year did Delhi became the capital of British India ?
What is the festival of flowers called ?
What term from the list given below can be given to the rebirth of art and living. It is often described as a period of high creativity.
What is the period from 1830 to 1857 genreally referrd to as with respect to Delhi ?
When the angry lions entered the town, they killed helpless. ''And burned houses. Hordes on men and women, commoners and noblemem, poured out of Delhi from the three gates and took shelter in small communities and tombs outside the city ''. Who is the poet Ghalib referring to as angry lions here ?
Where did the British exile Bahdadur Shah Zafar to ?
Name the mosque converted into a bakery by the British ?
After 1857 for how many years no worship was not allowed ?
How was the western walls of Shahjahanabad broken ?
Over 100,000 Indian princes and British officers gathered at this place. In the image given. What was the occasion for this Durbar?
3 videos|706 docs|517 tests
3 videos|706 docs|517 tests