Mechanized production of which textiles made Britain the foremost industrial nation in the 19th century ?
Complete the following. When its ________________________ industry started growing from the 1850s, Britain came to be known as the workshop of the world
Around 1750, before British conquered Bengal, India was by far the world's largest producer of this. Which one of the following options will replace the term this here?
Why was the Indian textiles popular ?
The image given below is a particular type of weave that was woven in Surat, Ahmedabad and Patan. This became a part of the local weaving tradition later. Name this type of weave
In which place in present day Iraq did the European trader's first encountered fine cotton from India carried by Arab merchants?
Which one of the following does Muslin refer to?
It is believed that the word calico is derived from the name of a particular place in Kerala. Identify the place.
The East India Company sent to its representatives an order book in 1730 with a list. How many varieties of cotton and silk orders were in that order book?
From where did the English word Chintz derive from?
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3 videos|706 docs|517 tests