Who founded Arya Samaj, an organization that attempted to reform Hinduism?
Identify the personality based on the clues :
Born in a poor Brahmin family, he was a great Sanskrit scholar who became the Principal of a Sanskrit College
He spent his life for the upliftment of women and girls and was instrumental in the passing of Widow Remarriage Act 1856 He opposed the monopoly of the Brahmans on the study of Sanskrit
State whether the following statement is True or False
Women two hundred years ago could freely choose their husbands.
Which of the following adhered to the tradition of Bhakti that believed in spiritual equality of all castes?
Women in the nineteenth century began actively working for _______.
Few important points with respect to Raja Ram Mohan Roy are given below. Select the one that is not true.
Raja Rammohun Roy founded a reform association known as the _____.
What were women called if they died by burning themselves on their husband's funeral pyre?
State whether the following statement is True or False:
Girls in the 19th century were mostly taught at schools established by reformers.
State whether the following statement is True or False:
Raja Rammohun Roy campaigned against the practice of sati.
State whether the following statement is True or False:
Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed in 1929.
What is the main idea behind the Child Marriage Restraint Act passed in 1929?
Read the statements Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): During the 19th century, when the first schools were opened for girls, people were afraid of them.
Reason (R): People feared that traveling to schools would have a corrupting influence on girls.
In the Telugu speaking areas of the Madras Presidency an association was formed for widow remarriage. Name the personality behind this, who is also called the Vidyasagar of the south.
In which century did the first Urdu novels began to be written?
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