Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

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EduRev's Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation Course is specifically designed to help UPSC aspirants in their exam preparation. This comp ... view more rehensive course covers the entire NCERT syllabus from classes 6 to 12 and provides mindmaps for each subject, making it easier for students to understand and retain important concepts. With a focus on UPSC exam requirements, this course ensures that students are well-prepared and confident in their knowledge. Join this trusted course on EduRev to excel in your UPSC journey.

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps Study Material

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation Exam Pattern 2025-2026

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation: Exam Pattern for UPSC

To crack the prestigious UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examination, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern. The exam pattern provides valuable insights into the structure, marking scheme, and syllabus of the UPSC examination. One effective tool for UPSC preparation is the use of NCERT mindmaps. These mindmaps are visual representations of the key concepts and topics covered in the NCERT textbooks from classes 6 to 12, which are highly recommended for UPSC aspirants.

Benefits of NCERT Mindmaps:

  • Simplified Learning: NCERT mindmaps condense complex topics into concise and visually appealing diagrams, making it easier for aspirants to grasp the content.
  • Complete Coverage: Mindmaps cover all the important concepts and topics from the NCERT textbooks, ensuring comprehensive preparation for the UPSC examination.
  • Revision Aid: These mindmaps serve as excellent revision aids, allowing aspirants to quickly revise and recall important information during the last-minute preparation.
  • Quick Understanding: The visual nature of mindmaps facilitates quick understanding and retention of information, helping aspirants to save time and improve efficiency.

Exam Pattern for UPSC:

The UPSC examination consists of three stages:

1. Preliminary Examination:

  • Objective Type: The preliminary examination comprises two objective-type papers, namely General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II (CSAT).
  • Marking Scheme: Both papers are of 200 marks each, and there is negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Syllabus: The syllabus for the preliminary examination includes topics like history, geography, polity, economy, science, environment, and current affairs.

2. Main Examination:

  • Subjective Type: The main examination consists of nine subjective-type papers, out of which two papers are qualifying in nature.
  • Marking Scheme: Each paper is of 250 marks, making a total of 1750 marks for the main examination.
  • Syllabus: The main examination syllabus covers topics like essay writing, general studies, optional subjects, and language papers.

3. Personality Test (Interview):

  • Oral Examination: The personality test is an oral examination conducted by the UPSC board to assess the candidate's personality traits, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in civil services.
  • Marking Scheme: The personality test carries 275 marks.

Preparing for the UPSC examination with the help of NCERT mindmaps ensures a strong foundation and holistic coverage of the syllabus. These mindmaps aid in effective learning, revision, and retention of crucial information. With a clear understanding of the exam pattern, candidates can plan their preparation strategy accordingly and increase their chances of success in the UPSC examination.

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation Syllabus 2025-2026 PDF Download

UPSC Syllabus: Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India's premier central recruiting agency responsible for conducting various examinations to recruit candidates for prestigious positions in the Indian civil services. Aspirants preparing for the UPSC exams must have a strong foundation in the subjects covered in the NCERT textbooks from Class 6 to 12. Here is a detailed syllabus for UPSC based on the NCERT curriculum:

1. History:
- Ancient India: Prehistoric period, Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic period, Mauryan and Gupta period.
- Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Bhakti and Sufi movements, Maratha Empire.
- Modern India: British rule, Indian National Movement, post-independence India.

2. Geography:
- The Earth and its features: Solar system, latitudes and longitudes, continents and oceans.
- Physical geography of India: Landforms, climate, vegetation, wildlife, rivers, and natural resources.
- Maps and globes: Understanding and interpreting various types of maps.

3. Civics:
- Understanding diversity: Different types of diversity in India.
- Government and administration: Levels of government, the role of the President, Prime Minister, and Chief Minister.
- Local government: Panchayati Raj system, urban local bodies.

4. Economics:
- Basic concepts of economics: Needs and wants, goods and services, producers and consumers.
- Money and credit: Functions of money, formal and informal sources of credit.
- Economic development: Sustainable development, poverty, and inequality.

1. History:
- Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Bhakti and Sufi movements, Maratha Empire.
- Modern India: British rule, Indian National Movement, post-independence India.

2. Geography:
- Physical geography of India: Landforms, climate, vegetation, wildlife, rivers, and natural resources.
- Human geography of India: Population, migration, rural and urban settlements, transportation, and communication.

3. Civics:
- Equality in Indian democracy: Rights and responsibilities, social inequality, gender and caste discrimination.
- State government: Governor, Chief Minister, and state legislature.
- Media and democracy: Role of media in democracy, freedom of press.

4. Economics:
- Production and consumption: Factors of production, types of industries, trade, and globalization.
- Agriculture: Types of farming, agricultural practices, food security, and sustainable agriculture.
- Money and banking: Functions of banks, central bank, and monetary policy.

1. History:
- Modern India: British rule, Indian National Movement, post-independence India.

2. Geography:
- Physical geography of India: Landforms, climate, vegetation, wildlife, rivers, and natural resources.
- Resources and development: Types of resources, conservation, and sustainable development.

3. Civics:
- Understanding secularism: Secularism in India, communalism, and religious diversity.
- Judiciary: Structure and functioning of the Indian judiciary, role of courts.
- Public facilities: Water, healthcare, education, and sanitation.

4. Economics:
- Understanding markets: Demand, supply, price determination, and market types.
- Globalization and the Indian economy: Foreign trade, foreign investment, and economic reforms.
- Poverty as a challenge: Causes of poverty, government initiatives, and poverty eradication programs.

1. History:
- The French Revolution: Causes, events, and impact.
- Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution: Rise of socialism, Russian Revolution, and its aftermath.
- Nazism and the rise of Hitler: Rise of Hitler in Germany, Nazi ideology, and World War II.

2. Geography:
- India: Size and location, physical features, climate, natural vegetation, wildlife, and resources.
- Population: Distribution, density, migration, and urbanization.

3. Civics:
- Democracy in the contemporary world: Democracy and dictatorship, features of democracy, and challenges.
- Constitutional design: Making of the Indian Constitution, features, and significance.
- Electoral politics: Election process, political parties, and role of media.

4. Economics:
- The story of village Palampur: Organization of rural economy, farming, and non-farming activities.
- Poverty as a challenge: Measurement of poverty, government policies, and poverty alleviation programs.
- Food security in India: Availability, accessibility, and nutritional aspects.

UPSC NCERT: Class 10
1. History:
- The rise of nationalism in Europe: Nationalism in Europe, growth of nationalism in India, and the Indian National Movement.
- The making of a global world: Industrialization, globalization, and the impact on Indian economy.

2. Geography:
- Resources and development: Classification and sustainable management of resources.
- Lifelines of national economy: Transportation and communication networks in India.

3. Civics:
- Power-sharing: Different forms of power-sharing, federalism, and decentralization.
- Federalism: Features and challenges of federalism in India.
- Democracy and diversity: Social divisions, gender, and politics, and politics of social divisions.

4. Economics:
- Development: Sustainable development, poverty alleviation, employment, and human capital formation.
- Sectors of the Indian economy: Primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors, employment generation.
- Money and credit: Role of money in an economy, formal and informal credit sources.

UPSC NCERT: Class 11
1. History:
- Ancient India: Political, economic, religious, and social history of ancient India.
- Medieval India: Political, economic, religious, and social history of medieval India.
- Modern India: Political, economic, religious, and social history of modern India.

2. Geography:
- Fundamentals of physical geography: Earth's physical features, climate, and natural vegetation.
- India: Location, physical features, climate, natural resources, and agriculture.

3. Civics:
- Indian Constitution at work: Features, working, and challenges of the Indian Constitution.
- Political theory: Concepts of democracy, power, rights, equality, and justice.

4. Economics:
- Indian economy on the eve of independence: Economic conditions, agriculture, and industries.
- Indian economy: Growth, development, and challenges.
- Poverty: Causes, consequences, and government policies.

UPSC NCERT: Class 12
1. History:
- Themes in Indian history - Part I: Ancient India, medieval India, and modern India.
- Themes in Indian history - Part II: Colonialism and nationalism, India after independence.

2. Geography:
- Fundamentals of human geography: Human settlements, population, migration, and regional development.
- India: People and economy: Population, resources, development, and planning.

3. Civics:
- Contemporary world politics: Cold War era, the rise of new social movements, and globalization.
- Politics in India since independence: Challenges of nation-building, regional aspirations, and democratic politics.

4. Economics:
- Introductory macroeconomics: National income, money, banking, and government budget.
- Introductory microeconomics: Consumer behavior, producer behavior, and market equilibrium.
- Indian economic development: Planning, sectoral development, and reforms.

Note: This syllabus is based on the topics covered in the NCERT textbooks from Class 6 to 12. It is important for UPSC aspirants to thoroughly study and understand these subjects to build a strong foundation for their preparation.

This course is helpful for the following exams: UPSC, SSC CGL

How to Prepare Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation?

Preparing Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

Mindmaps are an effective tool for organizing and visualizing information. They are particularly useful for UPSC preparation as they help in connecting different concepts and topics, making it easier to understand and remember the vast syllabus. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare NCERT mindmaps for UPSC preparation:

1. Choose the right resources: Start by getting hold of the NCERT textbooks from class 6 to 12. These books are highly recommended for UPSC preparation as they provide a strong foundation in various subjects.

2. Understand the syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the UPSC syllabus and identify the relevant topics from the NCERT textbooks. This will help you focus your mindmap preparation on the areas that are important for the exam.

3. Break down the chapters: Divide each chapter of the NCERT textbooks into smaller sub-topics. This will make it easier to create mindmaps for each concept.

4. Identify key points: Go through each sub-topic and identify the key points. These can be main ideas, definitions, formulas, or important facts. Highlight or underline these key points to make them stand out.

5. Create a central theme: Start by creating a central theme or main topic for your mindmap. This can be the title of the chapter or the broader subject it belongs to.

6. Use branches and sub-branches: From the central theme, create branches to represent the different sub-topics. These branches can be connected to the central theme using lines or arrows. Within each sub-topic, create sub-branches to represent the key points.

7. Use colors and symbols: Make your mindmap visually appealing by using different colors and symbols. Use bold and bright colors to highlight important concepts or to differentiate between different categories. Symbols can be used to represent different types of information, such as formulas or definitions.

8. Keep it concise and organized: The purpose of mindmaps is to simplify complex information, so keep your mindmaps concise and organized. Use short phrases or keywords instead of long sentences to represent the key points. Arrange the branches and sub-branches in a logical order to create a clear flow of information.

9. Review and revise: Regularly review and revise your mindmaps to reinforce your understanding of the topics. This will help you retain the information in the long run and make it easier to recall during the exam.

By following these steps, you can effectively prepare Class 6 to 12 NCERT mindmaps for UPSC preparation. These mindmaps will not only help you understand and remember the concepts better but also provide a quick revision tool during the last-minute preparation. So, start creating your mindmaps today and enhance your UPSC preparation journey.

Importance of Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

Importance of Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation Course for UPSC

Preparing for the UPSC examination requires a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of subjects. Among the various resources available, Class 6 to 12 NCERT textbooks are considered to be the foundation for UPSC preparation. These textbooks cover a vast array of topics and provide a strong base for building knowledge in subjects such as History, Geography, Economics, Science, and more. In recent years, NCERT mindmaps have gained popularity as an effective tool for UPSC aspirants to streamline their studies and enhance their understanding.

What are NCERT Mindmaps?

NCERT mindmaps are visual representations of the key concepts and information present in the NCERT textbooks. They present the content in a concise and organized manner, making it easier for students to grasp complex topics. These mindmaps highlight the interconnections between different concepts, helping aspirants develop a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

Benefits of NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation:

1. Comprehensive Coverage: NCERT mindmaps cover all the important topics and subtopics mentioned in the NCERT textbooks. This ensures that aspirants do not miss out on any crucial information while preparing for the UPSC examination.

2. Effective Revision Tool: Mindmaps provide a quick and efficient way to revise the entire syllabus. By condensing the information into visual representations, students can easily review the concepts before the exam, saving time and effort.

3. Enhanced Understanding: The visual nature of mindmaps aids in better comprehension and retention of information. The interconnectedness of concepts is clearly depicted, allowing aspirants to grasp the subject matter more effectively.

4. Structured Approach: Mindmaps provide a structured approach to studying, helping students organize their thoughts and ideas. They act as a roadmap, guiding aspirants through the vast syllabus and enabling them to prioritize topics based on their importance.

5. Time-Saving: With NCERT mindmaps, aspirants can save considerable time in their preparation. The concise and summarized format allows for quick revision and reduces the need to go through lengthy paragraphs or chapters repeatedly.

6. Application-oriented Learning: Mindmaps encourage critical thinking and application-oriented learning. Aspirants can analyze the relationships between different concepts, draw connections, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

7. Consolidation of Knowledge: By condensing the vast amount of information into a single visual representation, mindmaps facilitate the consolidation of knowledge. Aspirants can review and revise the entire syllabus at a glance, reinforcing their understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, NCERT mindmaps play a crucial role in the UPSC preparation journey. They simplify complex topics, aid in revision, enhance understanding, and provide a structured approach to studying. Aspirants can save time, consolidate their knowledge, and develop a comprehensive understanding of the subjects by utilizing these visual tools. Incorporating NCERT mindmaps into the UPSC preparation course offered by EduRev can greatly benefit aspirants in their quest for success in the examination.

Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation FAQs

1. What is the importance of NCERT mindmaps for UPSC preparation?
NCERT mindmaps are a valuable resource for UPSC preparation because they provide a visual representation of the key concepts and topics covered in the NCERT textbooks. They help in simplifying complex information, making it easier for students to understand and remember. Mindmaps also assist in making connections between different topics and enhancing overall comprehension. Additionally, they serve as effective revision tools, allowing students to quickly review important information before the exam.
2. Are NCERT mindmaps available for all subjects and classes from 6 to 12?
Yes, NCERT mindmaps are available for all subjects and classes from 6 to 12. These mindmaps cover subjects like Maths, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and more. They are designed to complement the NCERT textbooks and provide a comprehensive study material for UPSC aspirants.
3. How can NCERT mindmaps be helpful in UPSC preparation?
NCERT mindmaps can be helpful in UPSC preparation in several ways. They condense the vast amount of information from NCERT textbooks into concise and visually appealing diagrams. This makes it easier for students to grasp and remember the key concepts. Mindmaps also help in organizing information and making connections between different topics, which can aid in understanding the interlinkages within the UPSC syllabus. Moreover, they serve as effective revision tools, allowing students to quickly revise important topics before the exam.
4. Can NCERT mindmaps be used as a standalone study material for UPSC preparation?
NCERT mindmaps can be used as a supplementary study material for UPSC preparation, but they should not be relied upon as the sole source of information. While mindmaps provide a visual summary of the NCERT textbooks, they may not cover all the necessary details required for the UPSC exam. It is important to refer to the complete NCERT textbooks, along with other recommended study materials, to have a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.
5. Where can I access NCERT mindmaps for UPSC preparation?
NCERT mindmaps for UPSC preparation can be accessed on the EduRev website ( EduRev provides a comprehensive collection of mindmaps for all subjects and classes from 6 to 12. These mindmaps can be downloaded and used for offline studying as well.

Best Coaching for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation

If you are looking for the best coaching for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC preparation, look no further than EduRev. EduRev offers free online coaching and study materials for UPSC preparation, including NCERT Mindmaps. With EduRev, you can download PDFs of the mindmaps, making it easy to study anytime, anywhere. The mindmaps provide a summary of the important chapters from Class 6 to 12, helping you to grasp the key concepts quickly and efficiently. Whether you are studying Class 6 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC preparation or Class 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC preparation, EduRev has you covered. The platform is highly searched for its UPSC preparation mindmaps and offers a wide range of long tail and short tail keywords for UPSC preparation mindmaps. By using the popular keywords for UPSC preparation mindmaps, EduRev ensures that you have access to the most relevant and effective study materials. With EduRev, you can prepare for the UPSC exam using mindmaps, a proven and efficient study technique. So, if you are looking for the best coaching and study materials for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC preparation, visit the EduRev website or download the app today.

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Best Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT Solutions and Study Materials

Looking for the best Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT study materials and Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT Book solutions? EduRev has got you covered! Our platform offers comprehensive UPSC NCERT Solutions and NCERT Study Materials that are tailored to fit the needs of UPSC students. Our Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT Book Solutions are designed to help students understand the concepts and improve their grasp on the subject. We provide step-by-step solutions to all the questions in the Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT Tests, making it easy for students to follow along and grasp the concepts. EduRev’s chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for UPSC are comprehensive and designed by a team of experienced teachers to cater to the learning needs of students. And the best part is - we offer our Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation NCERT Solutions and Study Materials for free to students. So, if you're looking for the best NCERT Book Solutions and Study Materials for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation, look no further than EduRev. Our platform offers everything you need to excel in your studies and achieve your academic goals.
Course Description
Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation for UPSC 2025-2026 is part of UPSC preparation. The notes and questions for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus. Information about Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation covers all important topics for UPSC 2025-2026 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes,examples, exercises test series, mock tests and Previous year questions (PYQs) below for Class 6 to 12 NCERT Mindmaps for UPSC Preparation.
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