CTET & State TET Syllabus for Social Studies & Pedagogy
Social Studies and Pedagogy is an important subject in the CTET & State TET examination. It aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of various social studies subjects and their ability to teach these subjects effectively. The following topics are covered under Social Studies & Pedagogy:
1. Teaching-Learning Strategies and Pedagogies
2. Socialization Processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
3. Concept of Social Science and Significance of Social Studies in School Curriculum
4. Evaluation and Assessment
5. Sources – Primary & Secondary
6. Projects Work
7. Problem Solving Method
8. Inquiry/Empirical Evidence
9. Developing Critical thinking
10. Understanding children’s Profile & Creating an Inclusive Classroom
11. Classroom Management & Discipline
12. Nature of Social Sciences/Social Studies
13. History of Social Studies/Social Sciences
14. Contributions of Social Thinkers.
CTET & State TET Syllabus for History
History is an important subject in the CTET & State TET examination. It aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of various historical events, their understanding of the same, and their ability to teach history to students effectively. The following topics are covered under the History section:
1. Ancient History
2. Medieval History
3. Modern History
4. World History
5. Indian National Movement
6. Art, Architecture, and Culture
7. History and Culture of Tamil Nadu
8. History and Culture of Rajasthan
9. History and Culture of Karnataka
10. History and Culture of Maharashtra
11. History and Culture of Kerala
12. History and Culture of Uttar Pradesh
13. History and Culture of Gujarat
14. History and Culture of West Bengal.
CTET & State TET Syllabus for Geography
Geography is an important subject in the CTET & State TET examination. It aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of various geographical concepts, their understanding of the same, and their ability to teach geography to students effectively. The following topics are covered under the Geography section:
1. Physical Geography
2. Human Geography
3. Geography of India
4. Regional Geography
5. Map Work.
CTET & State TET Syllabus for Social and Political Life
Social and Political Life is an important subject in the CTET & State TET examination. It aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of various social and political concepts, their understanding of the same, and their ability to teach social and political life to students effectively. The following topics are covered under the Social and Political Life section:
1. Diversity
2. Government
3. Democracy
4. Local Government
5. Constitution
6. Parliamentary Government
7. Judiciary
8. Social Justice and the Marginalised.
CTET & State TET Syllabus for Pedagogical issues
Pedagogical issues are an important aspect of the CTET & State TET examination. It aims to test the candidate’s knowledge of various pedagogical issues, their understanding of the same, and their ability to teach effectively. The following topics are covered under the Pedagogical issues section:
1. Child Development
2. Learning and Pedagogy
3. Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs
4. Gender, Sex, and Pedagogy
5. ICT in Education
6. Teaching of Language
7. Teaching of Mathematics
8. Teaching of Science
9. Environmental Education.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Teaching, CTET & State TET, EMRS, UPTET, Bihar PGT/TGT/PRT, Jharkhand (JSSC) PRT/TGT, KVS PGT/TGT/PRT, NVS TGT/PGT, CG TET, REET, AWES TGT/PGT, HTET, HSSC PGT/TGT, MPTET, TS TET, WBTET, MAHA TET, HPSC TGT/PGT, Karnataka TET, SSA Chandigarh, PS TET, UTET, HP TET, OTET, KTET, AP TET, AEES PRT, Assam TET, TN TET, Gujarat TET