Humanities/Arts Syllabus
Chapter Notes for Humanities:
- Introduction to Humanities: Definition, Scope, and Importance
- Understanding Art and Aesthetics: Elements, Principles, and Styles
- Literature: Forms, Genres, and Criticism
- Music: History, Theory, and Performance
- Theatre: Types, Techniques, and Production
- Film: Analysis, Interpretation, and Critique
Economics Class 11:
- Introduction to Microeconomics: Concepts, Theories, and Models
- Consumer Behavior and Demand Analysis
- Producer Behavior and Supply Analysis
- Market Equilibrium and Price Determination
- Introduction to Macroeconomics: Concepts, Theories, and Models
- National Income and Related Aggregates
- Money and Banking
- Government Budget and the Economy
Economics Class 12:
- Theory of Production and Costs
- Perfect Competition and Monopoly
- Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- Factor Market and Distribution of Income
- Determination of Income and Employment
- Money and Inflation
- International Trade and Balance of Payments
- Economic Reforms and Development in India
Geography Class 11:
- Introduction to Physical Geography: Earth and its Atmosphere
- Geomorphology: Landforms and their Evolution
- Climatology: Elements of Weather and Climate
- Hydrology: Water Resources and Management
- Biogeography: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Geography Class 12:
- Human Geography: Nature and Scope
- Population: Distribution, Density, and Growth
- Migration: Types, Causes, and Consequences
- Human Development: Indicators and Strategies
- Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors
- Transport and Communication
- International Trade and Economic Cooperation
History Class 11:
- Prehistoric Period: Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age
- Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Indus Valley
- Classical Period: Greece and Rome
- Medieval Period: Rise and Spread of Islam
- Modern Period: Renaissance and Reformation
History Class 12:
- Modern Period: Age of Revolutions
- Nation-State and Nationalism
- Industrialization and Capitalism
- Imperialism and Colonialism
- World Wars and Cold War
- Decolonization and Development
- Globalization and Challenges of 21st Century
Political Science Class 11:
- Introduction to Political Science: Nature, Scope, and Significance
- Political Theory: Concepts, Ideologies, and Thinkers
- Indian Constitution: Historical Evolution and Features
- Electoral Politics: Voting Behavior and Election Commission
- Political Parties and Pressure Groups
Political Science Class 12:
- Legislature: Structure, Functions, and Powers
- Executive: President, Prime Minister, and Council of Ministers
- Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Courts, and Judicial Review
- Federalism: Centre-State Relations and Local Governance
- Security and Foreign Policy: Defense, Diplomacy, and Non-Alignment
- Challenges to Democracy: Corruption, Communalism, and Casteism
Psychology Class 11:
- Introduction to Psychology: Definition, Scope, and Methods
- Biological Basis of Behavior: Brain, Nervous System, and Hormones
- Sensation and Perception: Thresholds and Adaptation
- Learning and Memory: Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning
- Thinking and Problem Solving: Concepts and Strategies
Psychology Class 12:
- Motivation and Emotion: Theories and Applications
- Personality: Theories and Assessment
- Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
- Abnormal Psychology: Disorders and Treatments
- Therapies: Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, and Cognitive-Behavioral
- Applied Psychology: Health, Education, and Organizational Behavior
Sociology Class 11:
- Introduction to Sociology: Nature, Scope, and Methods
- Society and Culture: Concepts, Characteristics, and Change
- Socialization: Agents, Processes, and Outcomes
- Social Stratification: Class, Caste, and Gender
- Social Institutions: Family, Education, and Religion
Sociology Class 12:
- Economy and Society: Capitalism, Socialism, and Globalization
- Politics and Society: Power, Authority, and Democracy
- Religion and Society: Functions, Types, and Conflicts
- Environment and Society: Ecology, Resources, and Sustainable Development
- Social Movements and Social Change: Types, Theories, and Strategies
Note: This syllabus is designed as per the CBSE curriculum and can vary from institute to institute. The above-mentioned topics are only indicative and not exhaustive. Students are advised to refer to their respective textbooks and consult their teachers for detailed information.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Humanities/Arts, CLAT