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Study Material for NEET Syllabus

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Why students choose EduRev for their NEET Exam 4.6 (150K+ ratings)
Why students choose EduRev for their NEET Exam
4.6 (150K+ ratings)

What is NEET Exam?

NTA NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) is an entrance examination in India for students who wish to study undergraduate medical courses (MBBS), dental courses (BDS) or postgraduate courses (MD/MS) in government or private medical colleges in the country. The exam is conducted annually by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
If you wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the NEET Exam, it is highly encouraged that you read through this article titled "About NEET Exam."

What is NEET Exam Syllabus?

The NEET exam syllabus covers topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology). The syllabus is based on the Class 11th and 12th curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Check all the topics of NEET Syllabus 2023 including NEET Physics Syllabus, NEET Chemistry Syllabus, and NEET Biology Syllabus through the doc: NEET 2023 Syllabus: Topicwise Details & Important Chapters


How to prepare for NEET Exam with EduRev App?

Here is a list of things that EduRev App provides in its NEET Study Material, which gives you the right direction and makes sure that you study what actually matters for a great NEET Result.

1. NEET Biology Preparation: Biology Class 11 & Biology Class 12 
2. NEET Physics Preparation: Physics Class 11 & Physics Class 12
3. NEET Chemistry Preparation: Chemistry Class 11 & Chemistry Class 12
4. NEET Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions
5. NCERT Fingertips: NCERT books for NEET 2023, Tests & Solutions 
6. NEET Online Mock Tests & Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET 
7. How to Prepare for NEET Exam

Important Links for NEET 

NEET Study Material on EduRev

How To Prepare For NEET

NEET Bible: 7 Steps to Clear NEET

NEET Mock Test Series

Biology for Class 11

Biology for Class 12

Chemistry for Class 11

Chemistry for Class 12

Physics for Class 11

Physics for Class 12

Subject-Wise Mind Maps for NEET

Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET

NCERTs Textbooks, Tests & Solutions

NCERT Exemplar & Revision Notes for NEET

HC Verma and Irodov Solutions

Crash Course for NEET

150 Days Time Table for NEET

PPTs for NEET Preparation

Frequently Asked Questions on NEET Exam Preparation

Q.1. How do I start preparing for NEET?

Here are some steps you can take to start preparing for NEET UG Entrance Exam

Q.2. Which is the best app for NEET Preparation?

EduRev App is the best app for NEET Preparation. EduRev Infinity Package for NEET is a comprehensive learning package for students preparing for the NEET UG entrance exam. The package includes video lectures, study notes, practice questions, previous year questions, mock tests and many other resources to help you prepare for the exam. Study what matters for NEET Exam with EduRev Infinity Package and get a great NEET score and rank.

Q.3. Which is the best book for NEET UG entrance exam preparation?

NCERT books are the best books for NEET preparation. NCERT books are reliable and authentic, include examples and exercises, provide a clear and concise explanation of concepts and cover the entire NEET syllabus so they are very important for NEET UG entrance exam preparation.

Q.4. Is 500 a good score in NEET? How do you score 500 + in NEET?

A score of 500 or above in NEET is considered a good score, but the cutoff for different colleges and states can vary. To score 500+ in NEET, one should have a good understanding of the syllabus, practice with sample papers, focus on important topics, practice time management during the exam, stay motivated, and consistent, and have a good revision strategy.

Q.5. What are NEET Eligibility Requirements?

To be eligible for NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) exam, a candidate must be:

  • At least 17 years of age on or before December 31st of the year of admission
  • Have passed class 12th or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and English as core subjects
  • Obtained a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Bio-technology in the qualifying examination, with 40% for reserved category candidates
  • An Indian national, Non-Resident Indian, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), Person of Indian Origin (PIO) or Foreign National.
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