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CTET Solved Question Paper - 2 (9 Dec - 2018) | Science & Pedagogy Paper 2 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

1. Which one of the following is not a product of petroleum?
(1) CNG (2) Paraffin wax (3) Bitumen (4) Kerosene
2. Red Data Book contains a record of
(1) extinct species (2) flora (3) fauna (4) endangered species
3. Why are the soles of the shoes treaded?
(1) To decrease friction (2) To increase friction
(3) To increase life of the shoes (4) To give the shoes more protection
4. Sarika took distilled water in a bottle and tried to find whether it conducts electricity or not.
What is she likely to find?
(1) It is good conductor of electricity (2) It is an insulator
(3) It is poor conductor of electricity (4) None of the above
5. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(1) There is a maximum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
(2) Fuses are inserted in electric circuits of all the buildings
(3) If the proper fuse is inserted in a circuit, it will blow off, if the current is more than the safe limit.
(4) There is a minimum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
6. Which one of the following places is most likely to be affected by a cyclone?
(1) Puri (2) Mumbai (3) Goa (4) Porbandar
7. The change  in seasons on the earth occurs because
(1) the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit
(2) the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant
(3) the axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its orbit
(4) the axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit
Paper - 2 (Science)
09 December, 2018
Page 2

1. Which one of the following is not a product of petroleum?
(1) CNG (2) Paraffin wax (3) Bitumen (4) Kerosene
2. Red Data Book contains a record of
(1) extinct species (2) flora (3) fauna (4) endangered species
3. Why are the soles of the shoes treaded?
(1) To decrease friction (2) To increase friction
(3) To increase life of the shoes (4) To give the shoes more protection
4. Sarika took distilled water in a bottle and tried to find whether it conducts electricity or not.
What is she likely to find?
(1) It is good conductor of electricity (2) It is an insulator
(3) It is poor conductor of electricity (4) None of the above
5. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(1) There is a maximum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
(2) Fuses are inserted in electric circuits of all the buildings
(3) If the proper fuse is inserted in a circuit, it will blow off, if the current is more than the safe limit.
(4) There is a minimum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
6. Which one of the following places is most likely to be affected by a cyclone?
(1) Puri (2) Mumbai (3) Goa (4) Porbandar
7. The change  in seasons on the earth occurs because
(1) the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit
(2) the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant
(3) the axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its orbit
(4) the axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit
Paper - 2 (Science)
09 December, 2018
8. There are two columns, Column A and
Column B:
Column A Column B
(1) Canopy (i) Dead plant and animal
(2) Decomposers (ii) A wild animal
(3) Humus (iii) Microorganism
(4) Porcupine (iv) Branches of tall tree
Which one of the following is the correct
sequence of Column B for the given
sequence of Column A?
(1) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv) (2) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
(3) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
9. Why is formative assessment important in
(1) It helps in developing scientific temper in
(2) it is diagnostic
(3) It helps in better understanding of science
(4) It is easy to conduct
10. Why are science fairs organised in schools?
(1) To help the students to score higher in their
(2) To nurture creativity and experimentation in
science among students
(3) To evaluate students on the basis of their
(4) To prepare students for higher education in science
11. As a teacher, which one of the following do
you find most appropriate for scientific
approach to teaching?
(1) Show the use of technology for teaching concepts
(2) Give projects to the students
(3) Ask the students to perform activities related to
the concepts
(4) Clarify the students about the concepts in the
12. According to NCF, 2005, ‘‘good science
education is true to life’’. What does this
(1) Science should be able to engage the child
(2) Science should enable the child in learning the
processes of acquiring scientific knowledge.
(3) Science should help in living easy life.
(4) Science should prepare the child to the world
of work.
13. Which one of the following is not a quality
of scientific attitude?
(1) Curiosity to learn more
(2) Objectivity in approach to problems
(3) Hard work
(4) Open-mindedness
14. Hari wants to teach the circular motion to
class VI students. Which one of the
following will be the best method?
(1) Activity-based teaching
(2) Giving examples
(3) Demonstration
(4) Discussion
15. Which one of the following is an important
aim of learning science?
(1) To collect the information of science contents
(2) To imbibe the value of honesty, integrity and
cooperation among learners
(3) To help the fellow colleagues in getting
knowledge of science
(4) To get knowledge of science
16. The continuous and comprehensive
evaluation in science means
(1) more frequent test and examination
(2) routine activities and exercises to assess learning
(3) evaluation of all aspects of science
(4) summative and formative assessment
17. Which one of the following is not a step of
problem-solving approach?
(1) Attempt to solve
(2) Drawing conclusion
(3) Observation
(4) Visualising the situation
18. Which one of the following is a step of
analogy strategy in science?
(1) Presentation of abstraction
(2) Interlinking concepts
(3) Application
(4) Map similarities
19. The longest snake found in the world is
(1) anaconda (2) boa
(3) reticulated python (4) viper
20. Yoga is done by the people in the world because
(1) it keeps people healthy
(2) it increases hunger
(3) it brings happiness
(4) it is a simple exercise
Page 3

1. Which one of the following is not a product of petroleum?
(1) CNG (2) Paraffin wax (3) Bitumen (4) Kerosene
2. Red Data Book contains a record of
(1) extinct species (2) flora (3) fauna (4) endangered species
3. Why are the soles of the shoes treaded?
(1) To decrease friction (2) To increase friction
(3) To increase life of the shoes (4) To give the shoes more protection
4. Sarika took distilled water in a bottle and tried to find whether it conducts electricity or not.
What is she likely to find?
(1) It is good conductor of electricity (2) It is an insulator
(3) It is poor conductor of electricity (4) None of the above
5. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(1) There is a maximum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
(2) Fuses are inserted in electric circuits of all the buildings
(3) If the proper fuse is inserted in a circuit, it will blow off, if the current is more than the safe limit.
(4) There is a minimum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
6. Which one of the following places is most likely to be affected by a cyclone?
(1) Puri (2) Mumbai (3) Goa (4) Porbandar
7. The change  in seasons on the earth occurs because
(1) the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit
(2) the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant
(3) the axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its orbit
(4) the axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit
Paper - 2 (Science)
09 December, 2018
8. There are two columns, Column A and
Column B:
Column A Column B
(1) Canopy (i) Dead plant and animal
(2) Decomposers (ii) A wild animal
(3) Humus (iii) Microorganism
(4) Porcupine (iv) Branches of tall tree
Which one of the following is the correct
sequence of Column B for the given
sequence of Column A?
(1) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv) (2) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
(3) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
9. Why is formative assessment important in
(1) It helps in developing scientific temper in
(2) it is diagnostic
(3) It helps in better understanding of science
(4) It is easy to conduct
10. Why are science fairs organised in schools?
(1) To help the students to score higher in their
(2) To nurture creativity and experimentation in
science among students
(3) To evaluate students on the basis of their
(4) To prepare students for higher education in science
11. As a teacher, which one of the following do
you find most appropriate for scientific
approach to teaching?
(1) Show the use of technology for teaching concepts
(2) Give projects to the students
(3) Ask the students to perform activities related to
the concepts
(4) Clarify the students about the concepts in the
12. According to NCF, 2005, ‘‘good science
education is true to life’’. What does this
(1) Science should be able to engage the child
(2) Science should enable the child in learning the
processes of acquiring scientific knowledge.
(3) Science should help in living easy life.
(4) Science should prepare the child to the world
of work.
13. Which one of the following is not a quality
of scientific attitude?
(1) Curiosity to learn more
(2) Objectivity in approach to problems
(3) Hard work
(4) Open-mindedness
14. Hari wants to teach the circular motion to
class VI students. Which one of the
following will be the best method?
(1) Activity-based teaching
(2) Giving examples
(3) Demonstration
(4) Discussion
15. Which one of the following is an important
aim of learning science?
(1) To collect the information of science contents
(2) To imbibe the value of honesty, integrity and
cooperation among learners
(3) To help the fellow colleagues in getting
knowledge of science
(4) To get knowledge of science
16. The continuous and comprehensive
evaluation in science means
(1) more frequent test and examination
(2) routine activities and exercises to assess learning
(3) evaluation of all aspects of science
(4) summative and formative assessment
17. Which one of the following is not a step of
problem-solving approach?
(1) Attempt to solve
(2) Drawing conclusion
(3) Observation
(4) Visualising the situation
18. Which one of the following is a step of
analogy strategy in science?
(1) Presentation of abstraction
(2) Interlinking concepts
(3) Application
(4) Map similarities
19. The longest snake found in the world is
(1) anaconda (2) boa
(3) reticulated python (4) viper
20. Yoga is done by the people in the world because
(1) it keeps people healthy
(2) it increases hunger
(3) it brings happiness
(4) it is a simple exercise
21. The vaccine for smallpox was discovered by
(1) Robert Koch (2) Edward Jenner
(3) Alexander Fleming (4) Ronald Ross
22. Which one of the following is used as
(1) Sodium benzoate (2) Ammonium sulphate
(3) Sodium chloride (4) Copper sulphate
23. Yeast is used for the production of
(1) curd (2) sugar
(3) common salt (4) alcohol
24. Mitochondria: ATP:: Ribosome?
(1) Fat (2) Protein
(3) Vitamin (4) Carbohydrate
25. If the frequency of a simple pendulum is 2
Hz, how many oscillations will it complete
in 16s?
(1) 16 (2) 32
(3) 64 (4) 8
26. Which one of the following metals burns, if
kept in air?
(1) Magnesium (2) Zinc
(3) Aluminium (4) Sodium
27. Magnesium hydroxide (Mg (OH)
) is used as
(1) reducing agent (2) anti-acid
(3) fermentation agent (4) oxidising agent
28. Which one of the following gases burn with
pop sound?
(1) Hydrogen (2) Nitrogen dioxide
(3) Sulphur dioxide (4) Oxygen
29. Which of the following is/are example(s)of
non-contact force?
(1) Muscular force (2) Gravitation force
(3) Magnetic force (4) Both (1) and (2)
30. Diabetes is controlled by which hormone?
(1) Adrenaline (2) Insulin
(3) Thymosin (4) Thyroxine
1. (3) Bitumen is most common coal containing 78-86%
carbon which is used for domestic purposes. It is formed
over millions of years, in absence of air which high
temperature and pressure which transformed the dead
vegetations into coal. So, it is not a petroleum products.
Petroleum products are the mixtures of several
hydrocarbons. CNG (methane + ethane), paraffin wax,
kerosene, etc., are the examples of petroleum products.
2. (4) Red Data Book contains record of endangered
species. It was founded in 1965 by IUCN. It uses the set
criteria to evaluate the extinction risk of thousands of
species whose number is very less and might got extinct
if proper care is not taken.
3. (2) The soles of the shoes treaded to increase friction.
The cause of increased friction we can move easily on
plane surface without slipping.
4. (3) Electrical conductivity of any liquid depends on
quantity of ions that present in it. Electrical conductivity
of liquid is increased with increasing of quantity of ions.
There are not sufficient ions in distilled water so it is a
poor conductor of electricity.
5. (4) There is a maximum limit of current which can
safely flow in the electric circuit. When current is flow
above this limit then maximum heat is produced in
electrical component. Cause of this, electrical component
can be damage fuse is used to prevent the possible
damage caused by overloading and short circuiting.
6. (1) A cyclone is a large scale air mass that rotates
around strong centre of low atmospheric pressure.
The 1999 Odisha cyclone is the strongest storm to hit the
Indian coast, as well as the strongest in the basin till date.
Mostly cyclone comes in India from Bay of Bengal. So,
Puri is most likely to be affected by a cyclone.
1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (1) 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (2) 10 (2)
11 (3) 12 (4) 13 (3) 14 (1) 15 (2) 16 (2) 17 (3) 18 (4) 19 (1) 20 (1)
21 (2) 22 (1) 23 (4) 24 (2) 25 (2) 26 (4) 27 (2) 28 (1) 29 (2) 30 (2)
sOLVED PAPER 2018 Hints & Solutions
Page 4

1. Which one of the following is not a product of petroleum?
(1) CNG (2) Paraffin wax (3) Bitumen (4) Kerosene
2. Red Data Book contains a record of
(1) extinct species (2) flora (3) fauna (4) endangered species
3. Why are the soles of the shoes treaded?
(1) To decrease friction (2) To increase friction
(3) To increase life of the shoes (4) To give the shoes more protection
4. Sarika took distilled water in a bottle and tried to find whether it conducts electricity or not.
What is she likely to find?
(1) It is good conductor of electricity (2) It is an insulator
(3) It is poor conductor of electricity (4) None of the above
5. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(1) There is a maximum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
(2) Fuses are inserted in electric circuits of all the buildings
(3) If the proper fuse is inserted in a circuit, it will blow off, if the current is more than the safe limit.
(4) There is a minimum limit of current which can safely flow in the electric circuit.
6. Which one of the following places is most likely to be affected by a cyclone?
(1) Puri (2) Mumbai (3) Goa (4) Porbandar
7. The change  in seasons on the earth occurs because
(1) the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit
(2) the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant
(3) the axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its orbit
(4) the axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit
Paper - 2 (Science)
09 December, 2018
8. There are two columns, Column A and
Column B:
Column A Column B
(1) Canopy (i) Dead plant and animal
(2) Decomposers (ii) A wild animal
(3) Humus (iii) Microorganism
(4) Porcupine (iv) Branches of tall tree
Which one of the following is the correct
sequence of Column B for the given
sequence of Column A?
(1) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv) (2) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
(3) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
9. Why is formative assessment important in
(1) It helps in developing scientific temper in
(2) it is diagnostic
(3) It helps in better understanding of science
(4) It is easy to conduct
10. Why are science fairs organised in schools?
(1) To help the students to score higher in their
(2) To nurture creativity and experimentation in
science among students
(3) To evaluate students on the basis of their
(4) To prepare students for higher education in science
11. As a teacher, which one of the following do
you find most appropriate for scientific
approach to teaching?
(1) Show the use of technology for teaching concepts
(2) Give projects to the students
(3) Ask the students to perform activities related to
the concepts
(4) Clarify the students about the concepts in the
12. According to NCF, 2005, ‘‘good science
education is true to life’’. What does this
(1) Science should be able to engage the child
(2) Science should enable the child in learning the
processes of acquiring scientific knowledge.
(3) Science should help in living easy life.
(4) Science should prepare the child to the world
of work.
13. Which one of the following is not a quality
of scientific attitude?
(1) Curiosity to learn more
(2) Objectivity in approach to problems
(3) Hard work
(4) Open-mindedness
14. Hari wants to teach the circular motion to
class VI students. Which one of the
following will be the best method?
(1) Activity-based teaching
(2) Giving examples
(3) Demonstration
(4) Discussion
15. Which one of the following is an important
aim of learning science?
(1) To collect the information of science contents
(2) To imbibe the value of honesty, integrity and
cooperation among learners
(3) To help the fellow colleagues in getting
knowledge of science
(4) To get knowledge of science
16. The continuous and comprehensive
evaluation in science means
(1) more frequent test and examination
(2) routine activities and exercises to assess learning
(3) evaluation of all aspects of science
(4) summative and formative assessment
17. Which one of the following is not a step of
problem-solving approach?
(1) Attempt to solve
(2) Drawing conclusion
(3) Observation
(4) Visualising the situation
18. Which one of the following is a step of
analogy strategy in science?
(1) Presentation of abstraction
(2) Interlinking concepts
(3) Application
(4) Map similarities
19. The longest snake found in the world is
(1) anaconda (2) boa
(3) reticulated python (4) viper
20. Yoga is done by the people in the world because
(1) it keeps people healthy
(2) it increases hunger
(3) it brings happiness
(4) it is a simple exercise
21. The vaccine for smallpox was discovered by
(1) Robert Koch (2) Edward Jenner
(3) Alexander Fleming (4) Ronald Ross
22. Which one of the following is used as
(1) Sodium benzoate (2) Ammonium sulphate
(3) Sodium chloride (4) Copper sulphate
23. Yeast is used for the production of
(1) curd (2) sugar
(3) common salt (4) alcohol
24. Mitochondria: ATP:: Ribosome?
(1) Fat (2) Protein
(3) Vitamin (4) Carbohydrate
25. If the frequency of a simple pendulum is 2
Hz, how many oscillations will it complete
in 16s?
(1) 16 (2) 32
(3) 64 (4) 8
26. Which one of the following metals burns, if
kept in air?
(1) Magnesium (2) Zinc
(3) Aluminium (4) Sodium
27. Magnesium hydroxide (Mg (OH)
) is used as
(1) reducing agent (2) anti-acid
(3) fermentation agent (4) oxidising agent
28. Which one of the following gases burn with
pop sound?
(1) Hydrogen (2) Nitrogen dioxide
(3) Sulphur dioxide (4) Oxygen
29. Which of the following is/are example(s)of
non-contact force?
(1) Muscular force (2) Gravitation force
(3) Magnetic force (4) Both (1) and (2)
30. Diabetes is controlled by which hormone?
(1) Adrenaline (2) Insulin
(3) Thymosin (4) Thyroxine
1. (3) Bitumen is most common coal containing 78-86%
carbon which is used for domestic purposes. It is formed
over millions of years, in absence of air which high
temperature and pressure which transformed the dead
vegetations into coal. So, it is not a petroleum products.
Petroleum products are the mixtures of several
hydrocarbons. CNG (methane + ethane), paraffin wax,
kerosene, etc., are the examples of petroleum products.
2. (4) Red Data Book contains record of endangered
species. It was founded in 1965 by IUCN. It uses the set
criteria to evaluate the extinction risk of thousands of
species whose number is very less and might got extinct
if proper care is not taken.
3. (2) The soles of the shoes treaded to increase friction.
The cause of increased friction we can move easily on
plane surface without slipping.
4. (3) Electrical conductivity of any liquid depends on
quantity of ions that present in it. Electrical conductivity
of liquid is increased with increasing of quantity of ions.
There are not sufficient ions in distilled water so it is a
poor conductor of electricity.
5. (4) There is a maximum limit of current which can
safely flow in the electric circuit. When current is flow
above this limit then maximum heat is produced in
electrical component. Cause of this, electrical component
can be damage fuse is used to prevent the possible
damage caused by overloading and short circuiting.
6. (1) A cyclone is a large scale air mass that rotates
around strong centre of low atmospheric pressure.
The 1999 Odisha cyclone is the strongest storm to hit the
Indian coast, as well as the strongest in the basin till date.
Mostly cyclone comes in India from Bay of Bengal. So,
Puri is most likely to be affected by a cyclone.
1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (1) 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (2) 10 (2)
11 (3) 12 (4) 13 (3) 14 (1) 15 (2) 16 (2) 17 (3) 18 (4) 19 (1) 20 (1)
21 (2) 22 (1) 23 (4) 24 (2) 25 (2) 26 (4) 27 (2) 28 (1) 29 (2) 30 (2)
sOLVED PAPER 2018 Hints & Solutions
7. (1) The change is seasons on the earth occurs because the
axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the plane
of its orbit.
8. (3)
a. Canopy i. Branches of tall tree
b. Decomposers ii. Microorganism
c. Humus iii. Dead plant and animal tissues
d. Porcupine iv. A wild animal
9. (2) Formative assessment is very important in science.
The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student
learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by
instructors to improve their teaching and by students to
improve their learning.
10. (2) Science fairs are organised in schools to nurture
creativity and experimentation in science among students.
11. (3) As a teacher, ask the students to perform activities
related to the concepts, is the most appropriate for scientific
approach to teaching.
12. (4) According to NCF-2005, “Good science education
is true to life”, means science should prepare the child to the
world of work.
13. (3) Hard work is not a quality of scientific attitude.
14. (1) Activity-based teaching core premises include the
requirement that learning should be based on doing some
hands-on experiments and activities.
15. (2) An important aim of learning science to imbibe the
value of honesty, integrity and cooperation among learner.
16. (2) The continuous and comprehensive evaluation in
science means routine activities and exercises to assess
17. (3) Observation is not step of problem solving
approach. The term problem solving means slightly
different things depending on the discipline.
18. (4) Map similarities is a step of analogy strategy in
19. (1) Anaconda is the largest and longest snake species. It’s
average length is 17 feet. Some may grow even 30 feet. Green
Anaconda is largest by weight. It is non-venous snake
prevelent in South America.
20. (1) Yoga is practiced all over the world as it has been
recognised to enhance the physical, mental and spiritual
abilities of human beings. It is originated in ancient India.
21. (2) The vaccine for smallpox was discovered by Edward
Jenner. It prevents the incidence of smallpox. Edward
Jenner was a English physician and is known as father of
Immunology. The vaccine of smallpox is the first vaccine of
the world.
22. (1) Sodium benzoate ( ) NaC H O
7 5
is used as
food preservative. They prevent spoilage of food due
to the microbial growth. The most commonly used
preservatives include table salt, sugar, sodium
metabisulphate. Food preservatives reduces the rate of
biochemical reaction (i.e. occurring in living
23. (4) Yeast is a unicellular fungus which is used for
the production of alcohol on large scale. It is mixed
with sugar/malt solution. It brings about fermentation
of sugar solution anaerobically and sugar solution is
converted into carbon dioxide, alcohol and small
amount of energy is produced in the form of ATP
24. (2) Mitochondria is a site of ATP synthesis. It is
double membrane bound cell organelle where cellular
respiration takes place and energy is produced in the
form of ATP. Ribosomes are the site of protein
25. (2) Given, frequency = 2Hz = 2 oscillations
Pendulum oscillates two times in one second. Then,
oscillations in 16s
= × 16 2 = 32 oscillations
26. (4) Sodium is stored under kerosene oil to prevent
their reaction with the oxygen, moisture and carbon
dioxide of air. They are so reactive that they react
vigorously with oxygen. They catch fire and start
burning when kept open in the air.
27. (2) Magnesium hydroxide [ ] Mg(OH)
is used as
anti-acid or antacid. During indigestion, the stomach
produces too much acid and this causes pain and
irritation. To get rid of this pain, people use bases
called anti-acids or antacids such as magnesium
hydroxide [ ] (Mg(OH)
or milk of magnesia. These
antacids neutralise the excess acid.
28. (1) Hydrogen reacts vigorously in air. The pop
sound comes from the small explosion formed by the
burning of hydrogen with oxygen. Non-metals
generally do not react with acids but metals react with
acids and produce hydrogen gas that burns with a
‘pop’ sound.
29. (2) When objects feels the force without being in
contact with each other that force is called
non-contact force, e.g. gravitational force, nuclear
force, electromagnetic force, etc.
30. (2) Diabetes is controlled by insulin hormone. It
is secreted by ß cells of pancreas. It keeps the blood
sugar level at normal level by converting excess sugar
into glycogen in livers.
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FAQs on CTET Solved Question Paper - 2 (9 Dec - 2018) - Science & Pedagogy Paper 2 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET

1. What are the important topics to focus on for the CTET Science exam?
Ans. It is essential to focus on topics such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, and General Science for the CTET Science exam.
2. How can I improve my preparation for the CTET Science exam?
Ans. To improve your preparation for the CTET Science exam, you can practice previous year question papers, solve sample papers, and revise important concepts regularly.
3. Is it necessary to have a background in Science to clear the CTET Science exam?
Ans. While having a background in Science can be beneficial, it is not necessary to clear the CTET Science exam. With dedicated preparation and practice, anyone can excel in the exam.
4. Are there any specific study materials recommended for the CTET Science exam?
Ans. There are various study materials available for the CTET Science exam, including textbooks, reference books, online study materials, and preparation guides. It is recommended to choose study materials that cover the entire syllabus comprehensively.
5. What is the marking scheme for the CTET Science exam?
Ans. The CTET Science exam consists of multiple-choice questions, with each question carrying one mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
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