CTET & State TET Syllabus for Science and Pedagogy:
This syllabus covers topics related to science and pedagogy for CTET and State TET exams. The topics included in this syllabus are:
1. Food:
- Sources of food
- Components of food
- Nutritive value of food
- Balanced diet
- Food preservation
- Food adulteration and its effects
2. Materials:
- Materials and their properties
- Different types of materials
- Natural and synthetic materials
- Metals and non-metals
- Different types of rocks
- Uses of materials in daily life
3. The World of the Living:
- Diversity in living organisms
- Plant and animal cells
- Tissues and organs
- Life processes in plants and animals
- Reproduction in plants and animals
- Adaptations in plants and animals
4. Moving Things, People, and Ideas:
- Motion and types of motion
- Force and types of force
- Work and energy
- Simple machines
- Communication and its types
- Transportation and its types
5. How Things Work:
- Light and its properties
- Reflection and refraction of light
- Sources of light
- Electricity and circuits
- Conductors and insulators
- Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
6. Natural Phenomena:
- Earthquakes and volcanoes
- Weather and climate
- Natural calamities and their management
- Water cycle
- Pollution and its types
- Greenhouse effect and global warming
7. Natural Resources:
- Air, water, and soil
- Types of resources
- Conservation of resources
- Renewable and non-renewable resources
- Fossil fuels and their impact
- Forests and wildlife
8. Pedagogical Issues:
- Child development and pedagogy
- Learning theories and their applications
- Classroom teaching and learning processes
- Assessment and evaluation
- Inclusive education and special needs
- National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Right to Education (RTE)
Overall, this syllabus covers a wide range of topics related to science and pedagogy that are important for CTET and State TET exams. With thorough preparation and practice, candidates can excel in these exams and become successful teachers.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Teaching, CTET & State TET, EMRS, UPTET, Bihar PGT/TGT/PRT, Jharkhand (JSSC) PRT/TGT, KVS PGT/TGT/PRT, NVS TGT/PGT, CG TET, REET, AWES TGT/PGT, HTET, HSSC PGT/TGT, MPTET, TS TET, WBTET, MAHA TET, HPSC TGT/PGT, Karnataka TET, SSA Chandigarh, PS TET, UTET, HP TET, OTET, KTET, AP TET, AEES PRT, Assam TET, TN TET, Gujarat TET