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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.
Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.
Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.
Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?
  • a)
    United We Stand, Divided We Fall         
  • b)
    India - A Secular State
  • c)
    Secularism vs Development                      
  • d)
    The Principle of Secularism
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Most Upvoted Answer
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. In...
United we stand, Divided we fall
who ever give this title to the passage who's thinking is so great.
and by the way divide we fall is correctly said divided by religion,divided by humans and many more reason there are but still if we have some knowledge and enough understanding of each other's then no one can divide our India by any side of it.we need to expand our thinking in many ways to be secular 100% otherwise people are busy in achieving their day to day goals.
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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in todays time in the sense of Indias religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyones duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesnt allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government wont be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didnt allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question:Which of the following is true in the context of the passage ?

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in todays time in the sense of Indias religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyones duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesnt allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government wont be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didnt allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What do you mean by the words Secular State as stated in the Constitution of India?

PASSAGEClimate change is considered to be one of the most serious threats to sustainable development, with adverse impact on the environment, human health, food security, economic activity, natural resources and physical infrastructure. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the effects of climate change have already been observed, and scientific findings indicate that precautionary and prompt action is necessary. Vulnerability to climate change is not just a function of geography or dependence on natural resources; it also has social, economic and political dimensions which influence how climate change affects different groups. Poor people rarely have insurance to cover loss of property due to natural calamines i.e. drought, floods, super cyclones etc. The poor communities are already struggling to cope with the existing challenges of poverty and climate variability and climate change could push many beyond their ability to cope or even survive. It is vital that these communities are helped to adapt to the changing dynamics of nature. Adaptation is a process through which societies make themselves better able to cope with an uncertain future. Adapting to climate change entails taking the right measures to reduce the negative effect of climate change (or exploit the positive ones) by making the appropriate adjustments and changes. These range from technological options such as increased sea defences or flood proof houses on stilts to behavioural change at the individual level, such as reducing water use in times of drought. Other strategies include early warning systems for extreme events, better water management, improved risk management, various insurance options and biodiversity conservation. Because of the speed at which climate change is happening due to global temperature rise, it is urgent that the vulnerability of developing countries to climate change is reduced and their capacity to adapt is increased and national adaptation plans are implemented. Communities must build their resilience, including adopting appropriate technologies while making the most of traditional knowledge, and diversifying their livelihoods to cope with current and future climate stress. Local coping strategies and knowledge need to be used in synergy with government and local interventions. The need of adaptation interventions depends on national circumstances. There is a large body of knowledge and experience within local communities on coping with climatic variability and extreme weather events. Local communities have always aimed to adapt to variations in their climate. Local coping strategies are an important element of planning for adaptation. Traditional knowledge can help to provide efficient, appropriate and time tested ways of advising and enabling adaptation to climate change in communities who are feeling the effects of climate changes due to global warming.Q.To address the challenge of Climate Change, Developing countries urgently require

The Government has constituted a Commission on 2nd October, 2017 under article 340 of the Constitution to examine the issues of the sub-categorization of Other Backward Classes with the following terms of reference: To examine the extent of inequitable distribution of benefits of reservation among the castes or communities included in the broad category of Other Backward Classes with reference to such classes included in the Central List; To work out the mechanism , criteria, norm s and parameters in a scientific approach for sub categorisation within such Other Backward Classes; and To take up the exercise of identifying the respective castes or communities or sub-castes or synonyms in the Central List of Other Backward Classes and classifying them into their respective sub-categories. The Cabinet also approved an addition to the commission's terms of reference. The commission will now also "study the various entries in the Central list of OBCs and recommend correction of any repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies and errors of spelling or transcription".The commission has been formed under Article 340 of the Constitution which was also used to establish landmark Mandal Commission (set up in 1979) more than two decades ago which recommended 27% reservation for socially and educationally backward classes in higher education and government jobs. Over the years, benefits of this reservation were mostly cornered mostly by dominant OBC groups.Q. Constitution says the State shall provide for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State. There is a rising trend that outsourcing is done against permanent employees and contracted employees are deployed against regular posts. Contract agencies have been engaged by the Government for construction and maintenance services on consideration of economy and speed, efficiency and more effective delivery of public services. Due to contractualisation of jobs, reservation policy is bypassed by the Government.Based only on the principle of law and argument identified by the author above, would such a reservation be valid?

The Government has constituted a Commission on 2nd October, 2017 under article 340 of the Constitution to examine the issues of the sub-categorization of Other Backward Classes with the following terms of reference: To examine the extent of inequitable distribution of benefits of reservation among the castes or communities included in the broad category of Other Backward Classes with reference to such classes included in the Central List; To work out the mechanism , criteria, norm s and parameters in a scientific approach for sub categorisation within such Other Backward Classes; and To take up the exercise of identifying the respective castes or communities or sub-castes or synonyms in the Central List of Other Backward Classes and classifying them into their respective sub-categories. The Cabinet also approved an addition to the commission's terms of reference. The commission will now also "study the various entries in the Central list of OBCs and recommend correction of any repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies and errors of spelling or transcription".The commission has been formed under Article 340 of the Constitution which was also used to establish landmark Mandal Commission (set up in 1979) more than two decades ago which recommended 27% reservation for socially and educationally backward classes in higher education and government jobs. Over the years, benefits of this reservation were mostly cornered mostly by dominant OBC groups.Q. Constitution makes a prov ision that "the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of the national life'. A policy is made reserving and assigning forest produce to a particular backward community residing in forest for thousands of years, based on the author's argument, which is the most plausible ground to strike down such a policy?

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? for CLAT 2025 is part of CLAT preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the CLAT exam syllabus. Information about Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for CLAT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for CLAT. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for CLAT Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. India claims to be a secular country. This declaration of the Preamble to the Constitution of India has legally made India secular. The Indian Constitution shows favouritism in regards to a sort of secular humanism. The historical development of this train of thought makes it current in today’s time in the sense of India’s religious pluralism. India is a secular state as stated by written Constitution of India and it is everyone’s duty to abide and believe in it. Secularism was the most dominant principle during the freedom struggle and many great leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Nehru were committed for the same. Secularism was the mantra followed by the Indian nation, which was exhausted by partition and sectarian riots. The roots point to secularism which doesn’t allow any injustice to be done with any religion and any person; it was famous during independence and became a notion even after post independence. Focus of secularism is to provide priority to equity and redistribution of growth in the form of jobs, education. Secularism will allow the people of India to have more productive approach towards a particular problem and issue. This will help in resolving lots of issues related to social welfare and help poor people to grow as well in terms of money. This overall process will lead to more inclusive growth.Secularism maintains overall peace in the society which further paves the way to development. In lack of it, different communities would keep clashing and the government won’t be able to devote any time to chalk out the development plans. Secularism offers equal opportunities to all the communities of the society which ensures overall development. Lack of secularism would mean that the upper class communities would keep taking advantage of lower classes, never giving them a chance to grow and lead a respectful life. India has seen a lot of technological, infrastructural and economic development in last 6-7 decades while secularism being its main policy. But Secularism takes time and it is a very slow process which has been felt post independence where the social dynamics were very complex. Lots of challenges has occurred which didn’t allow India to become secular and brought development in the picture. Direct approach to the growth needs to be implemented to increase the pace. Fast paced development will bring power, roads and ports, more investment and opportunities to many people. Secularism is now getting no more public attention and people wants the overall system to speed up and have a boost so that the country can have exponential growth. Development is very necessary then secularism due to the lack of resources to run the political system, responsible staff of people who can train and guide the young generation to follow up their values.Development will help to increase the revenue as well as the overall growth of the system that has been running on secularism under the rules of congress. Therefore Secularism and development both are equally important for a well balanced society. It would make sense for secular parties to become a bit growth oriented and development focused parties to become a bit secular for the overall development. It is not really wise to chose one over the other.Question: What can be a suitable title for the given passage ?a)United We Stand, Divided We Fall b)India - A Secular Statec)Secularism vs Developmentd)The Principle of SecularismCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice CLAT tests.
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