chapter 6 short very question life procces Related: Previous Year Que...
Ques 1: Define nutrition? What are the different modes of nutrition?
Ans: Nutrition is the process of intake, as well as utilization of nutrients by an organism. The different modes of nutrition are saprophytic nutrition, parasitic nutrition and holozoic nutrition.
Ques 2: What is the mode of nutrition in fungi?
Ans: Saprophytic nutrition is the mode of nutrition that is seen in fungi.
Ques 3: Name the pigment, which can absorb solar energy.
Ans: Chlorophyll is the pigment, which can absorb solar energy.
Ques 4: Name the two stages in photosynthesis.
Ans: The two stages in photosynthesis are
(i) Light reaction and
(ii) Dark reaction.
Ques 5: Name the factors, which affect photosynthesis.
Ans: The factors which affect photosynthesis, are light, water, temperature, humidity, age of the leaf and carbon dioxide.
Ques 6: Define a herbivore and a carnivore.
Ans: The animals that feed only on plants are called herbivores.
The animals that feed only on flesh are called carnivores.
Ques 7: How does amoeba engulf its food?
Ans: Amoeba engulfs its food by extending pseudopodia. This process is known as Phagocytes.
Ques 8: Name the parts of the digestive system of a grasshopper.
Ans: The parts of digestive system of a grasshopper are pharynx, salivary glands, hepatic caeca, malpighian tubules, ileum, colon, rectum and anus.
chapter 6 short very question life procces Related: Previous Year Que...
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