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How Early Humans Made Tools?
Early humans, also known as hominins, began making tools around 2.6 million years ago during the Stone Age. These tools were essential for their survival and played a crucial role in their daily lives. Here is a detailed explanation of how early humans made tools.
1. Selecting Raw Materials:
Early humans started by selecting appropriate raw materials for making tools. They commonly used stones, bones, antlers, and wood. These materials were readily available in their environment and could be easily shaped and manipulated.
2. Shaping and Modifying:
Once the raw material was selected, early humans would shape and modify it according to their specific needs. They used various techniques, such as chipping, grinding, and scraping, to create sharp edges or points on their tools. This process required a high level of skill and precision.
3. Flint Knapping:
Flint knapping was a common technique used by early humans to shape stones into tools. They would strike the stone with a harder object, such as another stone or hammerstone, to remove flakes and create sharp edges. This method allowed them to produce tools like hand axes, scrapers, and arrowheads.
4. Hafting:
Hafting was another important step in tool-making. Early humans attached a tool, such as a sharpened stone or bone, to a handle or shaft using natural adhesives like plant resin or animal sinew. Hafting increased the efficiency and control over the tool, making it easier to handle and use.
5. Specialization:
As early humans became more skilled in tool-making, they began to specialize their creations for specific tasks. Different tools were designed for hunting, cutting, scraping, digging, or pounding. This specialization allowed them to perform various activities more efficiently and effectively.
6. Cultural Transmission:
The knowledge and techniques of tool-making were passed down from generation to generation through cultural transmission. Early humans learned from their elders and refined their skills over time. This transmission of knowledge contributed to the continuous improvement and development of tools.
7. Evolution of Tools:
Over the course of human evolution, tools became more sophisticated and complex. Early simple tools evolved into more refined and advanced ones, marking significant advancements in technology. This evolution of tools played a crucial role in the development of early human societies and their ability to adapt to different environments.
In conclusion, early humans made tools by carefully selecting raw materials, shaping and modifying them, using techniques like flint knapping, hafting, and specialization. The knowledge and skills of tool-making were passed down through generations, leading to the continuous improvement and evolution of tools. These tools were essential for early humans' survival and played a significant role in their daily lives.
How early humans make tools? Related: Short Questions with Answers - ...