The “Scope of Sociology” can be understood by looking at what Sociology Studies.
Sociology systematically studies:
Institutionalized Social Relations - That is, patterned interactions which occur over long periods of time, are stable and found widely across the society. (Ex: Family - found across time periods, has a stable meaning, found widely across a given society at any point of time)
Social Processes - Sociologists focus on answering 3 process-related questions about Society - 1) Why and How do Societies Emerge; 2) Why and How do Societies Persist; 3) Why and How do Societies Change?
Social Structure - This simply means the manner in which various Groups and Social Institutions are arranged in a Society. (Ex: Relationship between various Classes or Relationship between various institutions like Family and Education).
Social Action - This aspect looks at the way in which Individuals meaningfully interact with other individuals - given the backdrop of shared values. This is often called Micro-Sociology or Interaction Studies.
Social Conflict - Sociologists focus on how various groups which hold divergent interests engage in conflicts - and the impact of such conflict on persistence or change in social structure.