Data collected on religion from the census reports area)Primary datab)...
- Census reports are published by government authorities after collecting data from individuals or households.
- This data is not collected specifically for any research purpose, but rather for administrative purposes such as population counts and resource allocation.
- Therefore, the data collected on religion from census reports is considered to be secondary data, as it is data that has already been collected and published by another organization for a different purpose.
- Secondary data is data that has been collected by someone else for their own purposes, but which can be reused for research or other purposes.
Data collected on religion from the census reports area)Primary datab)...
- Primary data: Data that is collected directly from the source through methods like surveys, interviews, experiments, etc.
- Secondary data: Data that is collected by someone else or from some other source, which has already been collected, compiled and processed.
- Sample data: A subset of data that is used to represent the entire population.
In this case, the data on religion is collected by the census department and then compiled and processed into reports. This data is not collected directly from the individuals but rather from the records maintained by the government. Hence, it is considered as secondary data.