Describe the horizontal and vertical process of goverment?
Horizontal Powers Sharing
(i) Horizontal Division of powers is such a power sharing arrangement in which power is shared , among different organs of government as, legislature, executive and judiciary.
(ii) In horizontal division of powers, different organs of government exercise different powers, i.e., there is a concept of separation of powers.
(iii) Horizontal distribution specifies the concept of checks and balances in order to check the exercises of unlimited powers of the organs.
(iv) Horizontal distribution of power ensures the concept of the expansion of democracy.
Vertical Powers Sharing
(i) In Vertical Division of powers, power can be shared among governments at different levels like union, state and local levels of such government, i.e., it involves higher and lower levels of government.
(ii) Whereas, in vertical division of powers, constitution clearly lays down the powers of different levels of government.
(iii) There is no such concept of checks and balances in the vertical Division because powers are clearly given by the constitution from the higher level to the lower level.
(iv) Vertical division of powers promotes the concept of deepening of democracy.
Describe the horizontal and vertical process of goverment?
Horizontal and Vertical Process of Government
Horizontal Process of Government
The horizontal process of government refers to the coordination and communication between various government agencies operating at the same level. This includes agencies at the local, state, and federal levels. The main goal of the horizontal process is to ensure that different agencies are aware of each other's activities and that they work together to achieve common goals. Some examples of horizontal processes in government include:
- Interagency task forces: These are groups of representatives from different agencies who work together to address specific issues or problems.
- Joint operations: These are coordinated activities between different agencies to achieve a common objective, such as disaster response or law enforcement operations.
- Information sharing: This involves the exchange of information between agencies to ensure that they have a complete picture of a situation or issue.
Vertical Process of Government
The vertical process of government refers to the relationship between different levels of government. This includes the relationship between the federal government and state or local governments, as well as the relationship between state governments and local governments. The main goal of the vertical process is to ensure that there is a clear and effective system of governance in place, with each level of government responsible for specific tasks and functions. Some examples of vertical processes in government include:
- Federalism: This is the system of government in which power is divided between the federal government and state governments. Each level of government has its own responsibilities and functions, and they work together to ensure effective governance.
- Grants: The federal government provides grants to state and local governments to fund specific programs or initiatives. This helps ensure that there is consistency in policy and program implementation across different levels of government.
- Mandates: The federal government can mandate that state or local governments take specific actions or implement certain policies. This helps ensure that there is consistency in policy implementation across different levels of government.
In conclusion, the horizontal and vertical processes of government are essential for effective governance. The horizontal process ensures coordination and communication between different agencies at the same level, while the vertical process ensures effective governance between different levels of government. Both processes work together to ensure that there is consistency in policy and program implementation, and that there is a clear system of governance in place.