Difference between hominaids and hominoids?
Hominids - hominids are the category of sub group of men emerge about 5 . 6mya while hominoids are the category sub-group men which emerge about 24mya
hominids have a larger brain while hominoids have a smaller brain
hominids are bipedals. . while hominoids are quadrapedal(walking on four legs)
hominids have up posture and hominoids have down posture
hominids are able to make and use tools. . while hominoids are not able to make and use tools
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Difference between hominaids and hominoids?
Hominids are tailless simians belonging to any of four groups of species, namely the orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans. Hominoids are any tailless simian including the hominids.
Scientific term
Hominids are also called the Family Hominidae while the hominoids are called the Family Hominoidea.
Hominids include 2 species of orangutans, 2 species of gorillas, 2 species of chimpanzees, and the one species of humans. The hominoids includes all species of hominids plus the 16 species of gibbons.