Explain the causes of french revolution.?
(a) Social Causes - On the eve of the revolution, the French society was ridden with several inequalities. The clergy and the nobles led a life of luxury and enjoyed numerous privileges. On the other hand, the peasants and workers lived a wretched life. They groaned under heavy taxes and forced labour. The middle-class comprising of lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc also suffered humiliation at the hands of the clergy and the nobles. This state of social inequality was the chief cause of the French Revolution.
(b) Political Causes - Emperor Louis XVI of France was an empty headed despot. He and his queen, Marie Antoinette, squandered money on their luxurious living and wasteful festivities. The high posts were often auctioned, so inefficiency reigned supreme. The whole administration was corrupt and each department had its own laws. In the absence of any uniform system there was confusion all around. The people were tired of such a rotten system of administration and wanted a change.
(c) Economic Causes - France had been continually involved in wars which had broken her economy. The luxurious life led by the French King Louis XVI and his queen had made the matter still worse. The people groaned under heavy taxes. The system was so faulty that only a fraction of the taxes could be realized as the people were too poor to pay the taxes while nobles and the clergy who could pay, were completely exempted from all the taxes. The economy became so bad that the French Government had almost reached a state of bankruptcy. Thus the shattered economy of France proved a major cause of the Revolution.
(d) Immediate Cause - Forced by financial bankruptcy, Emperor Louis XVI was compelled to call a meeting of the Estates General in 1789 A.D. after a lapse of 175 years. It generated much excitement as the members of the Third Estate were determined to put forth their problems. But when the first two Estates i.e. the Clergy and the Nobility refused to have a common meeting with the Third Estate, the people lost their temper.
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Explain the causes of french revolution.?
The French Revolution was a period of significant social and political change in France that occurred from 1789 to 1799. It was marked by the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy, the establishment of a republic, and eventually the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. Several key factors contributed to the causes of the French Revolution.
1. Social Inequality:
- The French society was divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.
- The first two estates enjoyed privileges and exemptions from taxes, while the third estate, comprising the majority of the population, bore the burden of taxation.
- This inequality and resentment towards the privileged classes created a sense of injustice and fueled revolutionary sentiments.
2. Financial Crisis:
- France faced a severe financial crisis due to extravagant spending by the monarchy and involvement in wars, such as the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution.
- The country was burdened with a massive public debt, and attempts to increase taxes on the nobility and clergy were met with resistance.
- The financial strain further exacerbated the discontent among the commoners.
3. Enlightenment Ideas:
- The Enlightenment, an intellectual and philosophical movement, spread ideas of liberty, equality, and the rights of the individual.
- Thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu questioned the absolute power of the monarchy and advocated for political and social reforms.
- Their ideas influenced the educated middle class, known as the bourgeoisie, and contributed to the revolutionary fervor.
4. Weak Leadership:
- King Louis XVI, who ascended the throne in 1774, was an ineffective leader and lacked the political acumen to address the grievances of the people.
- His indecisiveness and failure to implement necessary reforms further undermined the monarchy's legitimacy.
- The queen, Marie Antoinette, also faced widespread criticism for her extravagant lifestyle, which added to the discontent among the population.
5. Economic Hardships:
- The majority of the French population, especially the rural peasants, faced dire economic conditions, including food shortages and high bread prices.
- Poor harvests and rising inflation worsened the economic hardships, leading to widespread unrest and protests.
Overall, the causes of the French Revolution were rooted in social inequality, financial crisis, enlightenment ideas, weak leadership, and economic hardships. These factors created a volatile environment that eventually culminated in the outbreak of the revolution in 1789.