In a cooking competition, various family-owned restaurants cooked dish...
In a cooking competition, various family-owned restaurants cooked dishes made from recipes that have been in their families for generations. The cake that won the competition was made from a recipe that head-chef Pierre Limore claims has been in his family for three generations since the 1940s. Although the sous-chef who actually baked the winning dish used an ingredient that has only recently become popular in the baking industry, around the late 1920s the same ingredient had been commonly used by chefs before it was temporarily declared unfit for human consumption.
Which of the following can be concluded on the basis of the information given above?
Argument Analysis
Conclusion Clarification
The passage doesn’t state a conclusion. The question stem requires us to draw a conclusion based on the given information. Please note that the conclusion must be based only on the information provided in the passage.
Pre-Thinking Approach
In order to see what can be concluded from the argument, we need to observe all the facts given in the argument and see if the information in the passage is true, what else must also be true.
Fact#1 –The head-chef claims that the recipe of the winning cake has been in his family for three generations since the 1940s.
Fact#2 – Although the sous-chef who actually baked the winning dish used an ingredient that has only recently become popular in the baking industry, around the late 1920s the same ingredient had been commonly used by chefs before it was temporarily declared unfit for human consumption.
Since the ingredient was only temporarily declared unfit in the 1920s, it is possible that the ingredient used in the recipe could have been a part of the recipe that was initiated in to the head-chef’s family in the 1940s. Accordingly, one could deduce that:
The fact that the ingredient was temporary declared unfit for HC in the 1920s does not go against the claim made by the head chef.
With this pre-thinking in mind, let’s evaluate the answer choices.
Answer Choices
The sous-chef who baked the cake was aware of the fact that the use of the specific ingredient would not violate the rules of the competition.
Incorrect - No information given
Awareness of the sous-chef cannot be determined from the information in the passage.
Had the head-chef Pierre Limore notified the authorities holding the competition of the list of ingredients, it is highly unlikely that his dish would have won the competition.
Incorrect - No information given
This option presents a hypothetical scenario that cannot be concluded from the information given in the passage.
The use of the recipe used to bake the winning dish does not belie the claim made by the head-chef.
This option is written along the lines of our pre-thinking.
The authorities holding the competition had a mechanism to verify whether the recipes used in baking the dishes in the competition matched the original recipes first used to make the dishes.
Incorrect - No information given
The passage gives us no information regarding any sort of mechanism employed by the authorities holding the competition.
To ensure that such competitions are fairly conducted, only chefs who can exactly replicate the original dish should be allowed to participate.
Incorrect - No information given
The author gives us no opinion to conclude the recommendation given in this choice.