The International Trade Commission has mandated that organizations cau...
The International Trade Commission has mandated that organizations caught violating international trade laws should be reprimanded for such violations by being banned from the international trade market for a period of one year following each infraction.
Meaning Analysis
- The International Trade Commission has mandated
- that organizations caught violating international trade laws should be reprimanded for such violations by being banned from the international trade market for a period of one year following each infraction.
This sentence tells us that the International Trade Commission has mandated something. It has dictated that organizations that are caught violating international trade laws be penalized for such violations. The sentence also tells us how this penalization should be done - by banning the organizations from the international trade market for one year following each infraction.
Error Analysis
The verb “mandated” requires the subjunctive form as follows: “The ITC mandates that organizations be reprimanded.” Thus use of “should” is incorrect.
Also, use of passive voice in the expression “by being banned” somehow implies illogically that the organizations will themselves take the action of banning. The correct expression to communicate the logical meaning is – by banning them.
Answer Choices
that organizations caught violating international trade laws should be reprimanded for such violations by being banned
This choice has the error discussed in the error analysis.
organizations that are caught violating international trade laws be reprimanded for such violations by having such organizations banned
- In this choice, “that” is incorrectly placed after the subject “organizations”. According to the rules for the usage of the subjunctive form, “that” should be placed after the verb “mandate”.
- This placement error also leads to the illogical meaning that the organizations themselves are mandated. According to the intended meaning, the mandate is that such organizations be reprimanded.
that organizations caught violating international trade laws be reprimanded for such violations by banning them
This choice corrects both the errors of the original choice without introducing any new errors.
that, when international trade laws are violated by organizations, they should reprimand these organizations for such violations by banning them
- There is no logical antecedent in the sentence for the plural pronoun “they”. The original sentence does not tell us who will ban such organizations.
- The use of “should” is incorrect as explained in the error analysis.
organizations that are caught violating international trade laws that they should be reprimanded for such violations by being banned
- This choice uses incorrect placement of “that” as explained in the POE for choice B.
- The use of “should” is incorrect as explained in the error analysis.
- This choice repeats the passive voice meaning issue of choice A.