Meaning of word provoking?
< b="" />Meaning of the word "provoking"< />
The word "provoking" is an adjective that describes something that stimulates or incites a reaction, usually an emotional or behavioral response. It can be used to describe various situations or actions that elicit a strong reaction from someone, whether positive or negative.
< b="" />Detailed explanation< />
Provoking can be further understood by exploring its synonyms, antonyms, and examples of usage.
< b="" />Synonyms:< />
1. Inciting: Provoking something implies that it is inciting or motivating a particular response.
2. Stimulating: Similar to inciting, provoking can be seen as something that stimulates a reaction.
3. Agitating: Provoking can also be associated with agitation or causing annoyance or irritation.
< b="" />Antonyms:< />
1. Calming: The opposite of provoking would be something that has a calming effect and soothes emotions rather than stimulating them.
2. Soothing: Similar to calming, soothing implies a lack of provocation or irritation.
3. Pacifying: Provoking actions can be contrasted with pacifying actions, which aim to calm or appease.
< b="" />Examples of usage:< />
1. The comedian's provoking jokes made the audience burst into laughter.
2. His provocative behavior at the party led to a heated argument.
3. The artist's thought-provoking paintings challenged societal norms.
< b="" />Conclusion< />
In conclusion, the word "provoking" describes something that incites or stimulates a reaction, whether positive or negative. It can be associated with words like inciting, stimulating, and agitating. Antonyms of provoking include calming, soothing, and pacifying. Examples of usage further illustrate how the word can be applied in different contexts.
Meaning of word provoking?
Tending to cause anger...