Why capital account is a representative personal account?
Capital Account as a Representative Personal Account
Personal Accounts are accounts that record transactions related to individuals, firms, companies, etc. There are three types of personal accounts - Natural, Artificial, and Representative. The Capital Account is an example of a Representative Personal Account. Let's understand why -
What is a Capital Account?
The Capital Account records all the transactions related to the owner's investments in the business. It includes the initial contribution made by the owner, any additional investments made during the course of the business, and the share of profits earned by the owner. Any withdrawals made by the owner are also recorded in the Capital Account.
Why is it a Representative Personal Account?
A Representative Personal Account represents the person who is not alive or present at the time of the transaction. In the case of a Capital Account, the owner is considered as a separate entity from the business. The Capital Account represents the owner's investment in the business and the profits earned by the business. The owner is not present physically at the time of the transaction, but their investment is recorded in the Capital Account.
How is it different from Natural and Artificial Personal Accounts?
Natural Personal Accounts represent individuals, such as customers, suppliers, employees, etc. Artificial Personal Accounts represent entities that are created by law, such as companies, firms, partnerships, etc. Both these accounts represent individuals or entities that are present at the time of the transaction. The Capital Account, on the other hand, represents the owner who is not present at the time of the transaction.
To sum up, the Capital Account is a Representative Personal Account because it represents the owner's investment in the business and the profits earned by the business. The owner is considered as a separate entity from the business and is not present physically at the time of the transaction. It is different from Natural and Artificial Personal Accounts as they represent individuals or entities that are present at the time of the transaction.
Why capital account is a representative personal account?
As per business point of view capital is liabilities for business(business entity concept) and laibilities is related to personal representative account example
(capital accound ,loan account?