what are the colours of the rainbow Related: Anandi's Rainbow - Expla...
Colours of the Rainbow
The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon that occurs when sunlight is refracted, or bent, as it passes through water droplets in the air. This refraction causes the light to separate into its different colors, creating a spectrum of colors that we commonly see as a rainbow. The colors of the rainbow, in order from top to bottom, are:
1. Red: This is the first color of the rainbow and is located at the top. It is a warm and vibrant color that symbolizes energy, passion, and love.
2. Orange: Following red is the color orange. It is a bright and cheerful color that represents enthusiasm, creativity, and joy.
3. Yellow: The third color of the rainbow is yellow. It is a sunny and uplifting color that symbolizes happiness, optimism, and intelligence.
4. Green: Next in line is green. It is a refreshing and soothing color that is often associated with nature, growth, and harmony.
5. Blue: The color blue comes after green. It is a calm and serene color that represents peace, trust, and stability.
6. Indigo: Indigo is a darker shade of blue and is the second-to-last color of the rainbow. It is a mysterious and spiritual color that symbolizes intuition, wisdom, and spirituality.
7. Violet: Finally, the last color of the rainbow is violet. It is a rich and regal color that represents creativity, royalty, and luxury.
Anandi's Rainbow - Explanation : (Hindi)
इस प्रश्न में हमें रेनबो के रंगों के बारे में बताना है। रेनबो एक सुंदर प्राकृतिक घटना है जब सूर्य की किरणें जब वायुमण्डल में मौजूद पानी की बूंदों से होकर गुजरती हैं तो वे टेड़ी हो जाती हैं और इससे उनकी रंगों में छिन्न-भिन्न होता है। जो रंगों का यह समूह होता है, हम उसे रेनबो कहते हैं। रेनबो के रंग, ऊपर से नीचे की ओर क्रमशः निम्न हैं:
1. लाल: य
what are the colours of the rainbow Related: Anandi's Rainbow - Expla...
Green yellow Red white