soapy is a gentle man Related: The Cop and the Anthem - Summary : (En...
The Cop and the Anthem is a short story by O. Henry that revolves around a homeless man named Soapy who tries to get arrested so that he can spend the winter months in jail. The story highlights the struggles of the homeless population and the societal issues that lead them to such desperate measures.
Soapy is a homeless man who is tired of sleeping on park benches and eating at soup kitchens. He decides that he will commit a crime that is serious enough to get him arrested but not so serious that he would be sent to prison for a long time. He tries various tactics such as stealing an umbrella and breaking a window, but he fails to get arrested.
As winter approaches, Soapy gets more desperate and decides to go to church to seek redemption. However, the preacher's sermon about sin and punishment only makes him more determined to get arrested. He then tries to start a fight with a man on the street but fails again.
Finally, Soapy sees a well-dressed man drop his wallet and decides to pick it up and run away with it. However, the man turns out to be a plain-clothes cop who arrests him. Soapy is taken to jail, but he is happy because he knows he will have a warm place to sleep and food to eat during the winter months.
The story ends with Soapy reflecting on his actions and realizing that he had been a fool to try to get arrested instead of trying to improve his life.
1. Homelessness
2. Desperation
3. Crime and Punishment
4. Redemption
5. Irony
Overall, The Cop and the Anthem is a poignant story that sheds light on the harsh realities of homelessness and the societal issues that lead people to such desperate measures. The story highlights the importance of compassion and empathy towards the less fortunate members of society, and the need for systemic change to address the root causes of homelessness.
soapy is a gentle man Related: The Cop and the Anthem - Summary : (En...