What are the literary devices used in Poem Amanda!?
What are the literary devices used in Poem Amanda!?
The poem “Amanda!” by Robin Klein is a beautiful poem that portrays the love of a mother towards her daughter. The poem is written in a simple yet powerful language that makes it more interesting to read. The literary devices used in the poem are:
1. Personification: In the poem, the writer personifies the wind, the sun, and the moon. For instance, the wind is described as a “whisperer”, the sun is described as a “golden eye,” and the moon is described as a “silver friend.” This literary device adds a touch of imagination and makes the poem more creative.
2. Repetition: The author repeats the name “Amanda” throughout the poem. This creates a sense of emphasis and highlights the importance of the main character.
3. Imagery: The poem is full of vivid and descriptive imagery that appeals to the senses of the reader. For example, the author describes the “golden eye” of the sun, the “silver friend” of the moon, and the “whisperer” of the wind. The use of imagery helps to create a more visual and sensory experience for the reader.
4. Metaphor: The author uses metaphors to convey the love of a mother towards her daughter. For instance, the sun is compared to a “golden eye” that watches over Amanda, and the moon is compared to a “silver friend” that keeps her company. These metaphors help to create a more emotional and personal connection with the reader.
5. Alliteration: The author uses alliteration to create a musical and rhythmic effect in the poem. For example, the phrases “whisperer wind” and “silver friend” both contain alliteration. This adds a beautiful and poetic touch to the poem.
In conclusion, the use of literary devices in the poem “Amanda!” enhances the overall reading experience by adding creativity, emotion, and musicality to the poem.