Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have built the biggest network of ca...
Canal system of Firoz Shah Tughlaq: To support the newly founded city of Hissar-i-Firoza, in 1355, he constructed a double system of canals from the Yamuna to Sutlej.
Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have built the biggest network of ca...
The Sultan of Delhi who built the biggest network of canals in India was Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq.
Canals in India during Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq's reign:
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq is credited with building the largest network of canals in India during his reign in the 14th century.
- The canals were built to improve irrigation and facilitate agricultural production, which was the mainstay of the economy during that time.
- The construction of canals helped in the development of a thriving agrarian economy in the region.
Other achievements of Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq:
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq was the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty in India and ruled from 1320 to 1325.
- He was known for his administrative and military skills and was able to expand his empire to cover a large part of present-day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
- He built the city of Tughlaqabad near Delhi, which served as his capital and was known for its impressive fortifications.
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq was also responsible for introducing several economic and administrative reforms, such as the introduction of a new currency and the establishment of a postal system.
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq was a significant figure in Indian history, known for his achievements in building canals, expanding his empire, and introducing reforms.