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Can i take admit card printout in black and white
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Can i take admit card printout in black and white
Yes, you can take the admit card printout in black and white. Admit cards are an essential document that you need to carry with you to appear for an examination. Here's a detailed explanation of how to take the admit card printout in black and white.

Steps to take the admit card printout in black and white:

1. Check the instructions provided by the exam conducting authority. Some authorities may have specific guidelines on the printout of admit cards.

2. Make sure that the printout is clear and legible. The details on the admit card must be easily readable.

3. Choose the 'Print' option from the browser menu.

4. In the print dialog box, select the printer and set the preferences.

5. Under the 'Printer Properties' option, choose the 'Grayscale' or 'Black and White' option.

6. Click on 'Print' to take the printout.

Advantages of taking the admit card printout in black and white:

1. Saves ink: Printing in black and white saves ink and reduces the printing cost.

2. Legibility: The details on the admit card are easily readable in black and white printouts.

3. Accessibility: You can take the printout of the admit card from any printer without worrying about the availability of a color printer.


Taking the admit card printout in black and white is a cost-effective and accessible option. However, make sure that the printout is clear and legible. Follow the guidelines provided by the exam conducting authority to avoid any issues during the examination.
Community Answer
Can i take admit card printout in black and white
Yes u can take
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Can i take admit card printout in black and white
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