A hyetograph is a piot ofa)Cumulative rainfall vs timeb)rainfall inten...
Hyetograph in Civil Engineering
Hyetograph is a graphical representation of rainfall intensity versus time. It is an important tool used in hydrology and water resources engineering to analyze and design stormwater management systems.
Rainfall Intensity vs Time
The hyetograph shows the intensity of rainfall on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The intensity of rainfall is measured in millimeters per hour or inches per hour. The time scale can be in minutes, hours, or days.
Importance of Hyetograph
Hyetograph is important because it helps in designing drainage systems, flood control structures, and water supply systems. It is also used to estimate the amount of water that can be collected for future use.
Cumulative Rainfall vs Time
Cumulative rainfall is the amount of rainfall that has fallen at a particular location over a certain period of time. Cumulative rainfall can be represented on a graph with time on the x-axis and cumulative rainfall on the y-axis.
Rainfall Depth vs Duration
Rainfall depth is the amount of rainfall that has fallen at a particular location over a certain period of time. This can be represented on a graph with time on the x-axis and rainfall depth on the y-axis. The duration can be in minutes, hours, or days.
Discharge vs Time
Discharge is the volume of water flowing in a river or stream at a particular point in time. It can be represented on a graph with time on the x-axis and discharge on the y-axis.
In summary, the hyetograph is a graphical representation of rainfall intensity versus time. It is an important tool used in hydrology and water resources engineering to analyze and design stormwater management systems. It helps in designing drainage systems, flood control structures, and water supply systems.