Direction: Read the following extract carefully and answer ANY THREE ...
Because children often helped produce the goods out of their homes, working in a factory to make those same goods was a simple change for many of these youths.
Direction: Read the following extract carefully and answer ANY THREE ...
Child Labour as Training for Future Factory Work
Child labour was considered important for factory work due to several reasons:
1. Training them for future factory work:
The primary reason for considering child labour important for factory work is that it served as training for future employment in factories. By starting work at a young age, children were exposed to the working environment, developed basic skills, and became familiar with the tasks and responsibilities involved in factory work. This early exposure and training prepared them for future employment in the same industry.
2. Developing efficiency:
Children are often considered more efficient in certain types of work due to their small size, agility, and ability to perform repetitive tasks. In factories, where productivity and output were crucial, child labour was seen as a means to increase efficiency. Their nimble fingers and energy made them suitable for jobs that required dexterity and quickness.
3. Availability:
Another factor contributing to the importance of child labour in factories was the availability of children as a workforce. During the industrial revolution, poverty was widespread, and many families struggled to make ends meet. As a result, parents often sent their children to work in factories to contribute to the family income. The abundance of child labour made it a convenient and accessible resource for factory managers.
4. Cost-effectiveness:
Child labour was also considered important for factory work because it was cost-effective for employers. Children were often paid significantly lower wages compared to adult workers, making them an attractive option for factory owners seeking to minimize labor costs. This economic advantage further incentivized the use of child labour in factories.
In conclusion, child labour was considered important for factory work primarily because it provided training for future employment, increased efficiency, and was readily available and cost-effective. However, it is important to note that the exploitation of child labour had severe consequences for the physical and emotional well-being of children, highlighting the need for reforms and regulations to protect their rights.